Weak, Wobbley Bunny

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2006
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Northants, , United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

I havn't posted on the forum for ages and to be honest the reason for that is that a felt like the worst rabbit owner ever...my bunnies Ginger and Freckles died in October of Myximotosis. I was in America and my boyfriend was looking after them for me and within the first few days of me being away Ginger developed the disease and died, My boyfriend had done everything he could to try and save her but unfortunatly she didnt have the strength to fight it. By the time I got back the disease had taken hold of poor freckles and I took the decision to have him put to sleep because I couldn't watch him suffer when i knew the inevitable was coming. To be honest, even though at the time it seemed the kindest option I feel terribly guilty for doing that now, I feel I let him down and I should have at least tried. It was awful losing them, then it was the waiting to make sure my other 6 hadn't contracted the virus, thank God they hadn't and now all have up-to-date vaccinations. I just can't shake the guilt though, I feel so bad for what happened to them.

Anyway since that happened I have finally decided to rehome 2 new bunnies,which I am going to pick up on Friday, which is great,

But it seems every time something good happens it is coupled with something bad and this is what this post is about...i've just been out to my bunnies and misty is not well...i am very very worried about her, and its half past 9 at night so i can't get to the vets.

She is wobbly, she can hardly walk, it seems to be her hind legs, he is also very shakey and weak and seems very limp when I pick her up and has lost her appitite. I've gieven her a hot water bottle to try and keep her warm and I have syringe feed her some of the rabbit 'baby food' they give you at the vets to try and keep her strength up, but to be honest she just seems to have given up. Its not as though it is something that has been sloqly coming on over a few days, she was fine this morning but isn't this evening.

I have read the pages on hind leg weakness and see there is a lot of things that can cause it, and I hope so much its one of the less serious problems. Can anyone offer me any reasurence or is it looking bad? I'm petrifyed to go back outside again, just incase...coz she seemed so weak...is there anything else I can do for her before I can get her to the vets

:(:(:(:(:(:(Anna x x x
First of all i know you feel bad about the myxi but you aren't a bad bunny mum i know lots of people who have lost buns this year vaccinated and unvaccinated its been a really bad year :hug:

I really hope Misty is going to be ok buns can go downhill pretty quickly.

I would keep her quiet and warm and give her some fresh hay. Hopefully someone will be on soon who cn give you some more advice. Will keep you in my thoughts
I wish I had some advice to offer, but all you can do is what you're doing -- keep her hydrated, give her Pedialyte (or the UK equivalent),syriinge the food and keep her warm.

It may be something medication can clear up quickly,but you won'tknow until you see the vet.

We're all pulling forher, praying for a completerecovery.

Poor baby. :( Poor Anna! Sorry you have to go through the sick bunny thing again. :sad:

Please let us know how she's doing.

sas :pray:
I just got the courage to go out and check on her again, i know stupid, but i'm was so scared she was gunna be gone, shes still hanging on though, but shes so lifeless,

she feels nice and warm but her eyes just look totally vacant, shes jst floppy when I pick her up. When I put her back into her hutch she hopped a little but not much.

I tried to feed and water her again but, unlike earlier, she wouldn't have it, i was syringing it in but she wasnt chewing, it was jst dribbling out. When i got her out she had half eaten hay hanging out her mouth, as if she had tried to eat it but failed.

I've only just come to terms with losing my other two bunnies, i can't lose another one, i wish the morning would hurry up so i can take her to the vets.


Thanks for your mesages and thoughts

Anna x x x
She didn't make it through the night :sad:

Her poor brother skye seems so sad, not himself.

What could this have been, coming on and taking her with such speed?

I'm just speechless,

Anna :(
I'm so sorry for your loss :( ....

If you can believe it, my little boy, Butterfinger (The bunny in my avatar) died the exact same way in the middle of October. I don't know what caused it, or what it was, but it was definitely terrible :tears2: (He didn't last as long as your little girl did, though)
Having gone through the same thing (Also in the middle of the night) I don't think there's much you could have done, other than what you did.
Please don't be too hard on yourself about it....
If you do find out what it was, though, I'd like to know as well
We're all here for you :group:

Oh no..i am so sorry Anna


I am so sorry, I also had one go this way i noticed she wasn't right in the morning and she was gone by nighttime its so hard its not your fault though :hug:

Binky free:rose:
Thanks for your comments and thoughts.:hug:

Skye (Misty's Partner) seems to have cheered up now, he was very quite for a few days but seems to be getting better now, especially since I got my two new Bunnies on Friday, he can see them from his run and this seems to have put the life back into him.
Anyway this isn't the place to be telling you about them, I will be making a post later on all about my new bunnies.

Thanks again

Anna x x x

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