Very loud tummy

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Feb 15, 2021
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Hi I hope someone can help. I have a 9 year old bun, she is eating (not as much as normal) and drinking. Took her to the vets he said she is old and thinks this is soon to be her time. Like I said she is eating but she has lost loads of weight and her tummy is so so loud, gurgling noises. I am giving her meloxicam, and loads of good quality hay, pro biotics any thing I can think to help her, but nothing seems to help. Any suggestions please.
Did the vet do a thorough dental exam to make sure dental issues weren't the cause of the reduce eating? What about blood work or xrays?
For unexpected weight loss in an older rabbit, I would be looking at a possible dental issue, kidney or liver problems, or possibly cancer(especially in an unspayed rabbit). Then there are possible heart issues or general old age health issues causing the decline. The gurgling stomach may be related to the decreased appetite, as less hay would be consumed and this could alter the gut microflora, leading to an imbalance and increased gas production.
If you want your vet to investigate further, I would make sure a more thorough dental exam is done to rule that out, possibly including head xrays. Then if nothing is found there I would have blood work done to check liver and kidney function, as well as signs of possible infection. Then there would be having an xray or ultrasound of the body done to look for signs of cancer or other possible issues.

It may be that something treatable is found, that after treatment your bun will start eating normally and put weight back on, and the stomach gurgling will stop. Or it could be something is found that can't be corrected, or maybe nothing definitive is found and it will just be a matter of managing your rabbits current condition to provide the best quality of life for her remaining time. Without more extensive testing though, there is just no way to know exactly what is going on and causing the weight loss.
Meanwhile, Simethicone (infant gas drops) can help to pass the gas that causes that noise, and ease discomfort.