UPDATE on Foofoo! (store bunny)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA
So, I posted about a baby bunny, no more than 3 or 4 weeks, being sold at my local Atwoods that I purchased because she seemed terribly sick.

Well, she's doing well, for the most part. I'm still feeding her milk, and will for the next 2 weeks or so. I have her in a sterilite tub for now, just because I feel like she enjoys being in a smaller environment for comfort and security reasons, and I keep some hay, pellets, and fresh, finely chopped/shredded veggies in with her. For the most part, she doesn't bother pellets, and she doesn't touch the veggies what-so-ever, but she nibbles a little hay every so often.

One thing that's come up that I'm a tad bit worried about is her breathing. When she breathes, you can clearly hear some gurgling noises through her nose, kind of like snorting. Butshe acts just as perky and playful as ever! But this just has me down right nervous, because I know that baby rabbits can go downhill fast if not taken care of promptly.

I think maybe she might have inhaled some milk while feeding, like I may have accidently squeezed too much out and it went up her nose, but I just don't recall this. I have plans to make an appointment for this weekend.

Oh, and as you all may have noticed, I've named her Foofoo, like from little bunny foofoo! I thought it was cute, and my mother picked it out soo, that'll be her name. I call her Fooey for short, so I guess it's all right ;)

Thanks for whomever read this, and posts!


Congrats and keep us posted! My rabbit is a store-bought one too. Most people I know who've bought rabbits from the pet score ended up with tragedy because they died so quickly (probably from the pet stores not taking very good care of them in the first place.) But mine happens to still be alive after nine years. I'm sure yours will do fine with the proper care.
Definitely make an appointment.

Hope she's okay. Hand feeding is tough. :(

sas :clover:
Well, this will hopefully be the last update I make on Foofoo, well, regarding my bottle feeding her.

She has done amazing! Everyone kept saying that it was really hard to bottle feed infant rabbits and have them live, but I found it rather easy! She did so good!

She's big now, and I have to actually use two hands to hold her instead of one. She's eating pellets like crazy and munches on her hay all the time. She's turning into a beautiful grown bunny.

There's only one thing...

Her ears are HUGE! She's going to have to grow a LOT to fit into those ears! Can't wait to see how much she tips the scale when she matures!

I'll get some pictures soon!

That's great to hear!
I am glad I was easy! I tried it a few times and it never went well. People who do have good luck with it should share what they did and how it went so thoughs of us who may have to do it at some point have a good list to follow :)

Pictures, odviously! Pictures of him/her eating would be great :D
bunnybunbunb wrote:
I am glad I was easy! I tried it a few times and it never went well. People who do have good luck with it should share what they did and how it went so thoughs of us who may have to do it at some point have a good list to follow :)

Pictures, odviously! Pictures of him/her eating would be great :D
As in eating do you mean bottle feeding? or eating pellets/hay? I have some of both lol
Okay! I have one posted on my original post if you look for it, and I have more in my camera. I'll be sure to post them soon!
I'm not too exact as to what her breed is. The store I rescued her from sold only mixed breeds, and most were mixed with New Zealand Whites and probably many other breeds.

She looks to be part NZW, but she has light grey points.

So a mutt-bun :p
Pipp wrote:
A Californian? They're like NZW with dark noses and ears, which I believe get darker with age.

Breeds: Californian

I'm going to merge your threads if that's okay. You have three on this bunny that I can may into one. :)

sas :bunnydance:

She may be! Thanks Pipp!

And I appreciate you merging them! I wasn't sure if there was a way to edit thread or if I just had to make new ones, so I made new ones, lol.

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