unspayed female w/ 2 neutered males?

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Active Member
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
, Alaska, USA

The breeder I got Dart from has an adult doe with too much hair (great for me!) She says it will be ok to put her with neutered boys, but she breeds and doesn't keep rabbits together. Won't she, even bonded with them, turn on them protecting her "nesting" area? Do I just not provide a box? The boys don't seem to want a box, pushing it out of the way and not entering it, but she might like one. Any ideas on the whole scenario?

I dont know that much about bonding rabbits, but from what I have heard bonding one girl with two boys is hard. I think even if the males are neutered they might still feel competitive about who "gets the female". I think two girls and one boy is more typical for a trio.

Also, the fact that she isn't spayed is just going to make it harder. If you seriously want to try I think I would get the female spayed first. Even then I think it would be a challenge.

I dont mean to discourage you, and others might have different opinions, but I'm just saying I think it will be challenging.
Thanks, I suspect that her being unspayed will be a problem. I may have the option of getting two does, but the problem would still be there. Spaying is a must, I think. I just picture an angry doe attacking a male that dares to approach her "area."
Unspayed does are typically far more territorial and aggressive even than unneutered males. I have a feeling putting her in with your boys will not work out until she is fixed.
I thought they were more territorial, at least over their nest. I think I'll wait till I get a full time job to make sure I can afford spaying and possibly another large cage if she doesn't bond. If she isn't available any more, I'll just patiently wait and search again.

Thanks for the input,
Here are a few of my thoughts...
The other thing is that she will be giving off intense hormonal signals.
If your males are bonded to eachother, she may destroy that bond. Both will pick up on those signals, and will likely want her for their own.
(These are generalities of course...;) )

Even if you wind up with a spayed female, she may bond with one male to the exclusion of another.
Not a reason not to get a bunny you adore, of course, but there are some likely relationship dynamics :)
Should I stick with boys? I had hoped to have four or five bunnies eventually, maybe expanding the cage with that many though.

I would suggest that if you ultimately want 4-5 rabbits, to carefully choose female bondmates for each of your boys.
That would be the most likely successful relationship for everybun :)
the most territorial rabbit that we've ever had was Commander Bun-Bun--even though she was spayed, she still considered everything to be hers and very reluctantly shared with us humans, but not with any of the other rabbits.

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