twilight movie

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  • Huh, whacha mean it's coming out Saturday?!?!

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degrassi wrote:
I also dont' get why everyone thinks Edward is so hot. I don't find Robert Pattinson all that attractive.
Same here. I think he a bit hot but not much.
Ya like I said my head Edward is way hotter and the guy in the movie doesn't have ''vampire'' hotness
pink salamander wrote:
Hannah Montana? *slaps forehead*

ditto:shock:. i might want to see it, but i'm finding miley gets on my nerves. Em was watching hannah montana last night and......:p. i really liked her when i was younger, though.

i finally got the movie today, target was sold out but walmart had the 2 disc one for $18(and the one disc one for $17. no contest!). it wasn't quite as good as i remember, but i'm still glad i got it. they messed up the part where he tells her and then sparkles immeadatly. that bugged me this time through:rollseyes
I bought mine today, hoping to watch it later!
Ok my Twilight DVD is acting weird, sometimes it takes a couple of trys to get it to play, kind of a bummer.
I am so not a vampire movie/book fan but was conned into watching Twilight a few weeks ago.

I am now ashamed to say I've watched it so many times that I can recite each line of the movie almost completely without fail ...

I did watch the commentary section of the movie whic spoiled some of the parts for me - I can't help but laugh at times (ex: "I was hoping it was a horse" cracks me up and thats all I hear now)

I haven't read the books, and probably wont until I get all of them so I can read them back to back.
irishbunny wrote:
Ok my Twilight DVD is acting weird, sometimes it takes a couple of trys to get it to play, kind of a bummer.
Mine has a blip right when she turns on his CD player to see what music he's listening to.
Leaf wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
Ok my Twilight DVD is acting weird, sometimes it takes a couple of trys to get it to play, kind of a bummer.
Mine has a blip right when she turns on his CD player to see what music he's listening to.
I tried it on my computer, the playstation, the DVD player in the sitting room and my brother's DVD player in his room and sometimes it just doesn't come on and in the sitting room the DVD player makes a cracking noise when trying to play it, it takes a few goes to get it going. At least it works! I watched it for the first time today, it was really good!
Ok, I started reading the book. I guarantee I wouldn't have watched the movie if I had read the book first.


I don't like her writing style at all. Having watched the movie first - I already like its smoothness and chain of events better than what I've gotten from the book so far.
of course I'm buying it!! It comes out on wednesday here!! I've already pre-ordered my copy frm Big W!! Can't wait!! I marked it on my calender and everything!! haha on the 22nd of april on my calander instead of saying 'brother's bday' like it should it says 'twilight release on dvd YAY!!' hahaha im a little obsessed xD

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