Toy Ideas for my rabbits

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Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
New England, , USA
I am new to this forum and I am looking for some toy ideas for my rabbits. I have two rabbits Frodo and Bandit. Frodo us older, 7.5-8 years and is very lazy. Bandit is around 2.5 years old and is very active! Bandit actually plays with this beach ball I have and pushes it around during playtime, however It's large so I don't put it in his cage. Bandit also seems to shred things and I roll up paper into a ball and put it in his cage. Since he lives in an outdoor hutch, I may try to make a play area for him in my room with tunnels, paper bags, and just some fun toys for him. It may be cool to bunny proof my room eventually for him, but that might not happen. What are some ideas people have for toys for Bandit? I might try some smaller balls like cat toy balls or something. How about Frodo? He is lazy and doesn't seem to be that playful.

Thanks, Braden
I came accross this site called:

They have amazing toys for bunnies on there! I recently ordered some and my buns love their new toys. I live in Canada and it was shipped from Flordia and it took less then 2 weeks for them to arrive!

Check it out!
The one 'toy' that seems to interest any buns I've had is a paper towel tube stuffed tight with hay. They seem to enjoy those more than anything I've bought.
Thanks for the idea. I think I have tried that before. I plan to get hay from a farm today or sometime soon as I have timothy hay from Walmart, but I feel like farm hay might be better for them and the rabbits might like it more. Hopefully Frodo will start eating more hay.
Yes, I used to buy bagged hay from the store for all my past bunnies. This forum suggested getting in bulk and I bought my first bale this past March. I am sooo glad I did. I bought a bale of timothy for $24. I've had it for 7 months now and am feeding 2 buns (3 buns for one of those months). I still have over half the bale left!

What's great about it is that I don't worry about "wasting" it. I use it freely in their litter boxes and refresh it 2 to 4 times per day. I have noticed that my rabbits eat more hay if I refresh it. There's something about putting new stuff on top that entices them to eat more. This may work for Frodo too. Don't wait til it's mostly gone, but keep refreshing it and see if he doesn't eat more then.


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