Too possesive

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2007
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
Rodney is getting too possessive over stuff in his hutch from his food bowl to his toys. If i go in his hutch to tidy up he will come over for a cuddle but as soon as i move a toy of his he goes berserk and tries to bite me and thumps his feet. How can i get him out of this?
Is there any way you can move things when he isn't in his hutch, like in a run or out for exercise?
If not, I always find the best way is to distract with a treat at the same time as moving whatever it is you want.
He is just being territorial about his stuff which a lot of buns are. :)
Hmm treats he snatches them off me, now Del boy my other rabbit is the total opposite, i can go in his hutch and he lets me touch all his stuff
This is quite normal for a hormonal bun. Will you be having him neutered when he's older?

For now, try not to touch his stuff when he's in the hutch.Put him in a run while you clean his hutch and refill his food and water.
Most likely as i don't want to get attacked by him every time i go into the hutch. I bought him a large new plastic rabbit ball with the bell in and he has smashed it up :?Now we have an older male that is around 12mths and he does not get hormonal, i've never been attacked by a bun in my life till i met Rodney lol
Maybe try getting a more sturdy noisy toy for him, and handing it to him when you go into his hutch. Like a distraction. I do that with one of my girls, and she now thinks it's the best game ever. Before that, when I went into her cage she'd get mad and take her aggression out on whatever toys were nearest. Now she asks me to give them to her, then when she throws them she waits for me to pick them up for her again.

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