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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom

Thursday, 28th May 2009




I'm afraid that for some reason I can't access the Calendar today! :( If any of our members/bunnies are celebrating birthdays or any other special day, best wishes to you!

I have however learnt that today is tonyshuaman/Claire's birthday!

Happy birthday!


Are you celebrating a special day today? Don't forget to add it to the Calendar!


Flashy is worried about Dopey 1 and a possible nose/mouth issie. She is going to the vets with her this afternoon but could use some advice as well!

SnowyShiloh's new bunny has been chewing at his wound. Keep him in your thoughts!

gentle giants is worried about Cocoa after his neuter. Please keep them in your thoughts!


Soudade is asking what are the ins and outs of pine shavings vs cedar shavings?

Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears is sharing the most adorable video of Monsters enjoying some watermelon! You have to check this out!

Be careful what time you feed your bunnies- if dinner is late, you never know what they'll do! Check out this awesome story from slavetoabunny!

Camarie has shared some cute pictures of Moo, Boo and Jethro! Check them out!

Flick has posted the cutest video of Skyler fighting with a pillow. Want to know who wins? You'll have to go and watch it!

peapoo_bunny hasn't been around for a while and has stopped by to say hello, and to wish Pepper a belated Happy Gotcha Day! Go and say hi!

BethM is wondering if Mint tea is safe for rabbits? Can you help?

crystal is worried about one of her bunnies that seems to be having a scary episode!


bat42072 has a dliemna and needs some advice!

Elf Mommy is doing a little bragging about her class test results!


Saudade is slightly shocked to see snow in Sydney!

Send get well wishes to Bo B Bunny who came down with pneumonia at the weekend!


And to SOOOSKA who was involved in a car accident. Luckily she wasn't badly hurt but she could do with some good luck vibes!


Who is this snoozy bun?!


Have a great day everyone!


Happy Birthday Claire. I hope you are having a great day.

Wilbur is so cute and looks so snuggly. Makes me want to snuggle up on that blanket with him.
Thank you! It was a wonderful day with lots of cake! Almost makes getting a year older worth it. ;)
Aww, the calendar is still broken. Jen, could you mention that tomorrow (May 29th) is 1 year since Tallulah died, as well as Paxden's first birthday? It would mean a lot to me. Tallulah is already on the calendar but not Paxden.

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