Toby isn't himself again!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
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Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
For those of you who missed it, we had to deal with this in the past week. Now, Toby isn't being himself again this morning.

Normally, I would just watch him. Unfortunately, I have to go to work. I will be gone for the next 8 hours and am terrified that he will get worse while I am gone.

Here is what's up:
- Not eating, refusing pellets, good hay, lettuce, and craisins (something REALLY wrong).
- Hiding inside their sleeping box.
- Semi-hunched up in the corner of their run.
- He seemed "floppy" when I gave him the semithicone earlier. His head was very easy to move (not normal, unless I missed it another time).
- Stomach not hard, just normal doughy.

Why isn't he eating again!?

I gave him about .1 ml of simethicone and a small amount of unflavored pedialyte. If he doesn't start eating soon, how often should I have Will give him this? I will be gone 8 hours, so should Will give him some stuff while I am gone? Will knows (as of right now) to give him .1 ml of the semithicone.

Please post for him! I need to go to work now! :cry1:
How have his poops been? Is he peeing normally?

Do you know if he seems to like a tummy rub? Have you tried a nice loooong gentle tummy massage? I find the massages work very well if its a gas issue, although they will gas up again a while later.

Vibration therapy also works. I don't find simethicone alone to be as effective.

And a little stress-free movement. I'd encourage him to hop around a bit. However, if any one area seems sore or he doesn't want to hop at all, I'd confine him and think it might be something other than gas.

sas :clover:
Oh yeah, simethicone is best give every hour for three or four hours then not again for six or eight hours. How much does he weigh? My little guys get a 1 cc (or more) of a 40 or 60 mg suspension.
Hello its kelly's b/f Will...

I have been sitting here with toby for a little while giving him his tummy rubs and just petting him.. he has alittle bit more movement but not like he usually is..

It was weird though. When i let him down off the bed he hopped to the nearest corner and just hunkered down there.. Is that normal? he still isn't eating but he has a little more movement like i said.. any ideas?
Poor little guy isn't feeling well. Does he seem to appreciate the tummy rubs? Did you see my above post about the simethicone doses?

Is he pooping, peeing and/or drinking?

sas :clover:
I would give him a little Nutri Cal and get him to the vet to see what's going on.

Do you have a vet that you can get him to? I would suspect this condition is a secondary of something else. Could be something dental but I would suspect it's either a parasite (possibly worms or coccidia) or a bacterial imbalance. I would do a fecal. When I look at fecals, it's not so much looking for worms since they can't always be detected in fecals....but much more for coccidia. There is also an anti-biotic called Metronidazole (Flagyl) that is excellent at controlling some nasty bacteria (Clostridium) that can cause this concern. This drug also has some very beneficial anti-inflammatory properties in the gut. As far as the worms, if I suspect worms with ongoing gut problems, I treat for the most common worms regardless of fecal results. Parasitic infections are always something I consider when I have ongoing problems that keep coming back.....I am thinking life cycle of the parasites. Parasites can cause some really odd things to happen.

I would keep the Pedialyte going. I usually hydrate approximately 5% of body weight per day....keeping in mind all forms of hydration. This can vary depending on degree of dehydration. And in a bit of a holistic type treatment.....check with a high end grocery and see if they have fresh mint. This plant is very good at calming an upset GI. I would also suggest starting some Bene-Bac or other appropriate probiotic to support the bacterial population.

well he didn't move when i was rubbing his him.. he usually hates me, but loves the ear rubs fr some reason lol.... i haven't seen his peeing or poopin but he keeps moving to a more comfy place.... right now he is sitting on a foot step that's in his cage.. yea i saw about the med stuff.. i should be giving him some more soon...
i know she has a doctor for him just not sure who or where. he hasnt gone to the bathrrom yet.. he has moved around just not much and he still isnt eating... i cant get ahold of the g/f to ask her.. so should i just keep giving him the pedialyte and the mylicon?
Isn't their anyway you can find out who the vet is?

look in her address book ? Call her girlfirends

At this point it sounds like you need a little extra help
the pedialyte is fine but but did you ever get benebac
benebac is sold at petco and petstores in either gel or powder form and willl reestablish the microorganisms in the intestinal tract.

But this is going on too long....hiding in the corner is bad sign. I would guess the bun has a lot of gas and is in pain .

it may be ncessary for you to start calling vets and asking them if they treat a lot of rabbits

let me find the HRS list
Julie (treasured Friend) has a rabbit rescue in Waukesha and will be able to help you . I just pmd her with this link . Hopefully you'll hear from her soon.
It's Kelly again. Still not looking good. I am looking for a vet right now.

He isn't hunched up as much anymore. He is semi-stretched/flopped out on the carpeting. I got a few quick bunny kisses, and he was snuggled on my chest. His tummy still feels doughy, but he's not eating/drinking. My normal vet is closed, and the Animal Emergency clinic doesn't sound promising with rabbits. They said that all of their vets are qualified to see rabbits and that rabbits come in "every once in awhile". That makes me nervous...

I called TreasuredFriend... Left a message.


If they said they are qualified to do rabbits they probably are considering that it is an ER

if she (julie) doesn't call then If anything looks worse with him I would go to the ER
also you could pm naturstee as she may know who julie's vet is based on them having conversations
I know who her vet is. They are Toby's normal vet, too. They aren't open past noon on Saturdays... :grumpy:

She called me back and is going to come over and make a quickie assessment of Toby. She is also bringing some critical care over just in case I need it later. She said to up the simethicone, too. I am not going to do anything until she comes over. Lucky for me (and Toby), Julie only lives 10-15 minutes away from me. :D
angieluv wrote:
does he feel like his ears are cold or does he feel warm?
His ears felt their normal "slightly-warmer than my hands" temperature. His nose feels cold, but I think that is because Will got some pedialyte on it right before I got home. His nose is a little wet, too, and I assume it's from that.

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