Timothy Hay vs Orchard Grass Hay

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Dec 26, 2009
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How does Orchard Grass Hay stack up to Timothy Hay nutritionally and tastewise?
Nutritionally, they're both grass hay, so they're as equivalent as any two natural products.

Taste wise, I've never eaten either of them, but Scone MacBunny has tried both. He scarfs Orchard Grass like it's going out of style, but he won't eat timothy in any form. For what it's worth, he also gives "paws up" to Oat Hay, Brome Hay and Peter's Meadow Mix (a mixture of grass hays from Marshall Pet Products).
Rexy wrote:
How does Orchard Grass Hay stack up to Timothy Hay nutritionally and tastewise?
both are major factors//non-digestible fibers,,both-or-either work equally well to aid the teeth and gitract...my rabbits like to switch back and forth...the nutritional value is limited,so low fat quality pellets are fed daily to add to the valuefor vitamins/nutrition//--second cuttings-(bales)- have less noxious weeds,,beware of dirt,sunlight,mold-before purchasing or feeding..sincerely james waller:wave:

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