Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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Chrisdoc...For now my husband would have to do all the killing, he's ok with that but I'm not kidding myself, if it came down to it I would kill if I had to. He's kind of matter of fact about most things but I have been a good influence on him. Now when say a wild animal like a mouse comes around he won't just think to kill it instead he will try to just relocate it. He knows I don't like to kill anything other than when necessary. I can clean fish but would need a refresher. We didn't get to go fishing even once last year, way too busy. :(

I saw the show once with the husband/wife team.

There is nothing like fresh eggs/vegetables. I hadn't had fresh veggies (not store bought) in many years until we started gardening several years back. I forgot what food is really supposed to taste like. Now with Thumper I have even more reason to grow my own.
I´ve had to kill a few things in my time. I once caught a snake in the house and couldn´t go to bed until I´d got of it and I´ve had rats and cockroaches in an old house I live in years ago....the things you have to do when you live on your own. However, having to kill chickens or any other animal....don´t think I´d do so good.

I do get fresh veggies quite often as my friend grows loads of things as she lives in the countryside. The difference is amazing. She gave me a cabbage a while ago and instead of eating it, I ended up giving it to the buns, the leaves were so green and open, they absolutely loved it. But I get tomatoes, peppers, avocados, onions, beans, lettuces, chillis and fruit as well from the trees, apples, lemons, figs. You really can tell the difference. wish I had a regular supply all year round.
I like getting a break from gardening in the winter right now. With the kids being young, during the school year there isn't much time for extras like that but I think it would be nice to have a green house so we can at least grow some things through the winter. I could grow some stuff in pots in the house during the winter but I have a marvelous green thumb when I grow outside but not so much inside. Or maybe it's because my husband will water and I don't realize it and then water myself and it's too much. :)
I ordered a new baby gate for Thumper last night. It is pressure mounted like I wanted. Each corner has it's own pressure mount so it is supposed to work well on door ways that are not true squared which ours is not. It get slightly wider as it goes up which is one reason the one I have is not secure enough. I was hoping to get one extra tall as well as extra wide but they were all over $80 which I feel is ridiculous plus there only 36 inches high and Thumper can jump higher than that. It will work with both of the doorways I want to be able to block off. When I am not home it will block Thump into his room. I will place one of Thumps other gates above it as they work well up higher and he won't be able to jump over it. I also will be able to use it to block off the den when I am home so he will be able to be in his room, the kitchen and the dining room.

I think it will be very fun having him be able to move through those rooms as I spend more time there during the day then I ever do in his room although I will take time to pet or play with him in his room throughout the day. I can't wait until it arrives.

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That first picture is so cute..he has such lovely nose and those ears are just so cool...I think I´ve said before that I love these flemmies and their colour and just their look...he´s such handsome boy. I know what you mean about jumpers. Mine are tiny compared to Thumper and even they´d probably jump 36 inches lol.
Chrisdoc...Thank you. Thumper was a young and still little guy when he jumped a four foot tall piece of cardboard. We have a chest freezer in his room and the cardboard was there to block his access. Luckily I was home and heard him jump. I think he kicked the cardboard as he went over. I chased him out and he jumped back there two more times while I tried to adjust things since the cardboard wasn't stopping him. It's funny how they all of a sudden get an idea in their head and then refuse to unthink it.

He climbed a baby gate once. He hasn't tried since but on his side in his room it's carpet on the other side is hardwood so I think maybe he doesn't want to jump on the hardwood. He will run through the rooms when he is let out but he dashes as fast as he can from the carpeted den onto a rug I have under my dog bowls and then jump from there into his carpeted room and then he will run it in reverse. When he explores the dining room which is hardwood he walks or hops slowly and lightly.
I finally got to track the baby gate for Thumper. It is expected to arrive tomorrow. I can't wait to be able to give him more room and have his company as I go about my day more often. I think I will also buy another litter box. I have two right now and always have one clean and ready to be put into use. I will put in his cleaned box one day, the next day I clean out and replace the soiled litter. The next day I put a fresh and clean box in and then clean the dirty one. When I start letting him out I will probably take his soiled one and place in one of the new rooms for him just so he realizes what it is and that it is his.

I have done that before. We have let him out to run his room, dining, kitchen and den but we have to be available to supervise. Twice he peed on my carpet in the den but I think maybe it's because it was too many rooms at once. So we shall see. I know before although he had the ability to enter the kitchen as it was not blocked off, he has never entered it. I think he's ok with the dining room because he has the dog rug to run to. Now I have a larger rug than before in my kitchen by the sink so he may go in there now. It is always an adventure with buns! You never really know what to expect from them.
I wonder if there is a difference is rabbit behavior is they're raised on hardwoods vs carpet. I have hardwood floors in the kitchen and thats where Ellie have always lived and she will run and binky and go nuts on the floor. She's never been on carpet but I guess if she went on the carpet, she would probably lose her mind with traction and the ability to do anything. I bet she could do a flip on carpet! haha.
Its funny to watch them walk isn't it?! I think they look so goofy when they walk.

I totally agree, they get something in their heads and they never leave it alone. Ellie does that with somethings and it takes a long time to break them of thinking about those things.

Have your gates arrived yet?
It seems to me that if all they know is hardwood then they are fine but if they know carpet then the switch to hardwood makes them cautious. You should see my dog on it when he knows he's pushed my button and I tell him to go (usually when there is someone at the door) he does one of those cartoon animal runs but where they don't actually move. He does it in a panic and it's actually funny! I don't know why he doesn't just walk like he does any other time, the panic makes him scramble.

They certainly can be stubborn. I can't say how many times I pushed Thumper away from a door trim he was chewing on and he'd be right back at it the next second. They're like furry little kids!

Tracking said it would be here tomorrow and it showed today that it arrived at a nearby city so I should get it then. I can't wait! I have a special surprise for Thumper! Ha.
Oh, I forgot! I have never had any medical problems with Thumper. Once he sneezed a few times in a day. I switched litters and the sneezing stopped. After reading so much here I decided to start gathering emergency supplies just in case. I bought simethicone today.

What I'm not sure of is the canned pumpkin. maybe I am missing something but everyone says not the kind for pie. The only canned pumpkin I could find was with the pie baking items. It did say pure pumpkin on the can and when you read the ingredients all it lists is pumpkin. Is this the right stuff? This is the stuff we use for making pumpkin pie ourselves. I'm confused, help!
You got the right pumpkin, just the plain pumpkin. You want to avoid the pre-spiced pumpkin, that you just pour into the pie crust and viola you have a pumpkin pie. But as long as it doesn't have any spices or sweeteners in it, its good. I have squash baby food, I'm nut sure if its pumpkin or butternut, but I think they're all about the same. Plus the jars are a lot smaller. I also keep some baby food apple sauce and bananas on hand.
I have a whole emergency kit for all my animals. Its in a storage tote in the front room, its more like in case there is a fire or a natural disaster, I can just grab the box and all the animals and not have to worry. I have stuff for the cats, dogs, chickens and rabbit. I actually have to go through there and make sure everything is in it and everything is okay thats in there and get it organized. But it basically has everything we would need if we had to leave in a hurry or if someone gets hurt. It really came in handy when the rooster got his leg shredded by a raccoon 2 years ago, I had all the meds and equipment that I needed.

Its a life saver to have all that stuff handy!
They certainly can be stubborn. I can't say how many times I pushed Thumper away from a door trim he was chewing on and he'd be right back at it the next second. They're like furry little kids!Ha.

Here is a trick. Rub a bar of white bar soap on whatever he is chewing and he will stop. It's the best trick I learned on here!!! It stops Arch from chewing like magic!
I know what you mean about being furry kids. Bandy is driving me nuts tonight as he´s behind the sofa and has taken to chewing the wall and the board that´s behind there to stop them chewing the sofa. Don´t know how many times I´ve shouted, jumped up, moved the sofa and chased him tonight. Sometimes, they just like to misbehave.

Don´t know what mine would be like on carpet as my floors are marble although I have rugs down for them to lie on and to stop them sliding everywhere although they´ve got used to the surface now. Dread to think what they´d do on a carpeted floor as they do sometimes like to dig and pull on the rugs.
whitelop...Thank you and yay! I have the right pumpkin. I was beginning to wonder how it is I have never seen just plain pumpkin in cans.

agnesthelion...I have tried that. He chewed away. Since I built his box town I haven't seen him chewing the door frames . Leave it to Thumper card board tubes and pieces, grass balls, sticks, paper, telephone books, cat toys aren't enough for him. I have to build him a whole town to make him happy :)

Chrisdoc...Thumper has a few spots where he digs the carpet for a few seconds but he hasn't done any damage yet.
So I thought today would be a wonderful day for Thumper!. When I walked the girls down our drive way to get the school bus I found that we had a new phone book. I thought I would tear pages out and put in Thump's dig box in his town. On top of that his gate was to arrive today. Well I had volunteered to help out with the book fair at school which I really enjoy because you get to over hear a lot of the amusing things kids say and I like to feel useful plus it gets me out of the house for a little while. The librarian didn't tell me when to come in or when I would be done so I just showed up early. Well I was there all day. I did not expect that. The latest I had been there previously was 1:30. I got home today at 4pm. Well I barely got anything to eat and so my stomach is bothering me and has been all day. It feels very acidy. On top of that, by the time I got home my head was killing me. It's not good when I go all day without coffee.

Thumpers gate did arrive but all I managed to do was take the pieces out of the box. With my head verging on a migraine there is no way I felt up to tackling even the small amount of assembly I have to do. And I really like putting things together. I also did not get the telephone book in his dig box. The poor guy was also in his cage so much longer than he is used to but wonderful bun that he is, he did not hold it against me.

As the evening is his most active time and I had gone into his room to put his salad in his cage he came running over to me and was just running around like a crazy bun as I walked slowly along so I would not step on him, instead he runs into me. Boy does he wallop you. He's not the biggest flemmie out there but he is solid.

Oh and last night, he really impressed my husband and mad me thankful for a little luck. We were both in Thumper's room and he came running. I decided to chase him for just a few minutes as it was almost time to put him to bed. Most of the time when I chase him I run bent over somewhat. One it's easier for me to see when he dashes right up at my feet so I don't step on him , plus I can reach down and tickle his big fuzzy butt as he runs. Well he all of a sudden instead of running just jumped three feet straight up into the air. Thank goodness I wasn't any closer or I would have been hit in the face by a big leaping bunny!

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So I was thinking about it this morning, you said that your husband likes tools and if you were to get him a basket for fathers day it would be of tools and the basket would need to be something useful?
Well, I was thinking about the kind of basket you'd need, but I couldn't think of anything. I love all baskets, so the basket I get for my husband will really be for me just filled with his stuff, LOL. Thats just how I roll and who doesn't need a ton of wicker baskets?! haha.
I was thinking that for your husband, if he's the playful type, you could hide some tools around the house for him to find. Like not seriously hide them where they'll never be found, but like in obvious places. Tie a bow on all of them to make sure he knows they're new and for him! Like if he makes the coffee first on Sunday mornings, then put a screwdriver in the spoon place in the silverware drawer. Or if he's the kind of take a shower early in the day, hang a drill in the shower? Maybe not, that seems dangerous.
But you catch my drift, in the places he goes put his new tools! Except in the couch, you have kids and no one wants to sit on a hacksaw. I sat on a yoda last night and **** near cried, yoda hurts. LOL. Just keep a little note of the tools he's found to make sure you don't have any strays around the house that he didn't find.

To me, that sounds like a wonderful idea and not just because its my idea! haha. I think it would be fun to see my husband running around like a little kid trying to find all his new toys. Would your husband like something like that?
That is a good idea. It is hard to say with him. He is an enigma. He's one of those guys that come across as the real stern father. The type that has the ability to stop any child in it's tracts just by a look but give him something with a motor on it and he returns to twelve years old. He also tends to surprise you when he gets silly and playful. I was really mad once, not at him and he just leaned over and licked my face. It was kind of gross but it did work!

I could hang a drill in the shower since we have our own bathroom in our room and no I would keep tools out of the couch. As it is no one here looks before they sit.

I would have fun with hiding them myself. Even with not really hiding them well some could take some time for him to find. Thanks for the idea. I could get the girls to help as well, they would love it. I've been able to share with them for years surprises for him. They'll tell each other about surprises but never would they tell their dad. :)
Awww I'm glad you can get the girls involved! If you do it, it will be pretty fun for him! At least I hope so.
I think sometimes it takes silly things to make us take life a little less serious and feeling like a kid again for a day, isn't such a bad thing.

I could see my husband licking my face to make me not mad. haha. Last week I was having a serious bout of road/hunger rage and he opened this really hard probably not really edible easter cookie, it was a chick. He smelled it and it smelled like playdough, so he took this MASSIVE bite out of it and bit its head off. It popped like he broke a bone, it was crazy loud. I laughed so hard, I almost had to pull over because I was crying I was laughing so hard.

Men are silly!
I think it would be fun for all of us and you can't beat that!

We each have our silly moments and act child like. I know I can't resist sliding through my kitchen and dining room when I have my fuzzy socks on. I still love to dress up for Halloween and love taking the kids trick or treating. I buy little toys all the time whether for the girls, or the husband or me. I just bought hubby a zombie pen from the book fair at school. We don't do the video games much in our house. We have two computer games everyone likes to play. Well the one has cartoon cutish zombies in it so I had to get him this pen. It has bulgy eyes and when you squeeze the head the eyes pop out even more and it looks cutish like the zombies in the game. Look at me making up my own words :)

I got him once when he was really mad at something as he was driving. I gave him a wet willy which he was totally not expecting. It was made even worse because I had just started to chew a piece of gum so it was wet and sticky but it made him laugh and changed his mood.
I got Thumper gate put up today. I can only use two of the screw to tighten parts or it is too long for the doorway but it does work. We also put a thin piece of sticky back foam on each end so it will not scratch our wooden posts. I will probably let Thumper run around later. The foam is cut to fit so there is no chance of his chewing it. I also ripped up most of the phone book and placed it in his dig box. He had fun chewing on it as I ripped.

Months ago I got this cute little plastic bunny key chain out of a gum ball machine. It also lights up when you push a button. I just had to have it. Well a month ago my husband stopped at the same store and bought me two more and I put them in my bed table to replace the other which hangs on my purse. I figured sooner or later the one on my purse will break or whatever. Well a week ago the power went out right after we went to bed and I got one of the bunnies out of the drawer and it almost lit up the whole room. I love it! Now I know where to find a light when I need it. Flashlights never stay where they belong here.

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