Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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Chris...ahhhh as far as the girls go and names well let's just say they need practice. Ha! They come up with some pretty funny names not to mention wanting to name pets after their friends. The funniest thing is the brown bun honking. I swear she looks like she has a little pig nose. Her nose is pink and she has a white spot right above it which gives it that appearance.
I can imagine some of the suggestions lol.

I love bunny honking, it just makes me laugh as thought they´re telling you off for invading your space. If she has a cutie little piggy nose, maybe you should call her Peppa after Peppa the Pig. Denise, I have just laughed out loud, I was looking at the Peppa Pig website and it´s loads with two pigs bouncing about on space hoppers, scared the crap out of the buns. By the way, there is also a Rebecca rabbit in Peppa pig.
Chris...I guess I'll have to look up Peppa the Pig as I don't know it. The honking does sound quite funny! I forgot to mention on your blog that the one video was the first time I heard your voice and being stupid your accent threw me for a moment although I know you weren't born in Spain.
I came close to killing a toad last night. Thank goodness I didn't because I would have been so upset. I stepped on one but luckily when I felt something under my foot I quickly stopped stepping down. I guess between that and that he flattened himself to the floor he was ok. I had to turn on the big light to really see and he was just sitting there like toads do and then he hopped away.

I just got some pics of a bald eagle sitting in a tree right at the side of our property. I'll probably post them at some time but they aren't that great. My camera is horrible at distant photos. It always makes things appear much farther away than they are even when you zoom. I so want a better one.

Thumper gave me a scare this morning. He was DBF in his cage. I have never seen him flopped in the morning. He's always either eating, meatloafed or sitting waiting to be let out. It was right when I woke up so my eyes were blurred and not focused enough to see him breathing so I made myself walk towards him. He popped right up.

The new cage is due to arrive tomorrow. I plan on shampooing the carpet also so maybe that will help get rid of the new buns smell from what will be Thumper's side of the room. I'm going over it in my mind today because I may move cages to the opposite sides. That way I can let Thumper out into other parts of the house at times.
The names that kids come up with are really funny. Like Pancake or Waffles.

My husband sings to Ellie all the time. Elvira by The Oak Ridge Boys. (Obviously!) He sings to her like every day, its so funny! Sometimes I hear him talking to her in a really low voice, like I can only hear him a little bit. And he'll be bending down petting her and then he'll start quietly singing to her. Its hilarious. I guess he thinks I don't know. But sometimes he'll talk a little lower than usual and I'll think he's talking to me, and I ask him what he said. He's like 'not talking to you' I'm like, who are you talking to then? He goes, really quietly, '...the rabbit.' Its really funny. He likes her a little more than he lets on. LOL

Ellie honks and grunts at me all the time. Mostly when I feed her, partly because I think she's excited about food and partly because I'm not feeding her fast enough. So sometimes she knocks the pellet scoop out of my hand or knocks my hand out of the way. haha.
Your hubby sounds cute with Ellie.Hubby doesn't spend as much time with the animals as I do but he does stop in to visit with the bunnies when they are out. He also pets the cats and will pick them up. In fact he did it with one of the kittens last night but he badly wanted down. We think it's because hubby had sprayed himself in bug spray, guess he didn't like the smell or something.

All of the bunnies are now nuts about their pellets. They act like they haven't eaten in a few days. The two little ones always dump the bowl in the morning as soon as I get it in the cage so some mornings I just sprinkle them around the cage and let them forage since that's how it winds up anyway. In the evening they have their heads in it before I even have it in the cage and I practically have to push it through them.

Thumper periscopes all over my legs as I am getting his then he flies into his cage and slides across it. He then sticks his nose in the bowl and when he realizes the pellets are not there he spins in a fast circle and then sticks his nose in the bowl again. I try to be quick and get them in when he spins so he doesn't knock them out of my hand. So now if I'm not quite ready I'll wait for him to spin again.

With Momma cat I pick her bowl up or she'll head butt my hand as I'm pouring food in her bowl so I dump extra. She's just being greedy since she always has some left in the morning without head butting.

With Isabella it takes some time to feed them because they all run to the door and then ever so slowly walk right underr my feet in front of me all the way to the food bowl. So I have to walk slow and shuffle so I don't step on all of them. They meow loudly the whole way. Sometimes a kitten or two will fly out the door when I open it but they come running back in as soon as they here the food hit the bowl.

With the dog since he shows a little aggression when too many people are moving around, I holler out that I'm feeding the dog. The kids then know they stay out of the room till he's done. He's fine with me and hubby and he will even back up from his food and we can take it from him but I don't take chances with the kids. They can give him his food but I always supervise and then he'll sit till I tell him to go eat. he starts drooling and making all this noise licking his lips while he waits.

With the kids it's always having them come ask when is dinner and what is for dinner and usually I have to answer each three times because never do they all ask at the same time.

I have a family of people and animals that act as if they are half starved.
I started planning my meals two weeks at a time. It makes it easier for the grocery store. So I write all the dinners down on the calendar and let my husband look at it. Sometimes I don't cook exactly what I have planned for the day, but I cook something from the same week. So usually there isn't much question about what is for dinner. Sometimes I even let him pick out the vegetable for the night! LOL

I have one cat who will meow at me for like 10 minutes after I feed them, because she wants canned food. I used to feed them cans a few years ago, but stopped because they're a pain to buy and a little expensive. But now I think she's meowing because maybe she needs the can? I think she's trying to tell me something, so I'll be getting cans soon.
My dog isn't aggressive when it comes to food. He usually comes when the food hits the bowl, since the bowl is metal it makes a distinct sound. I don't feed him measured amounts or at specific times, since he wouldn't eat it if he wasn't ready. He eats about a cup a day, I fill his bowl every other day with two cups.

But my child on the other hand, he begs for food like he's never eaten. Every time I walk into the kitchen, he comes to the gate and holds his hand out asking if he can "hab snack? Hab it? Hab crackers? Fanwich? Snack?" hahha. So I give him a snack and as soon as he's done, its the same thing all over again. We go through a lot of snack food, he's like a 3 foot tall teenage boy...already.
I´m glad I only have to cook for myself, makes things much easier as if I´m feeling lazy, I can just snack on whatever is in the fridge or cupboard. I do find it hard when I have people over to plan meals and have to cook every day lol.

I also laugh at the boys when they´re jumping up waiting for food and diving in the bowl before the food has hit it, you´d think they never got anything. The funniest thing is with Houdini in the mornings when he sticks his little face through the bars to get his morning cranberry. I swear that one of these days he´ll break them.

Yes, I have a real brit accent, I´m from Yorkshire so it´s quite noticeable although it gets stronger when family are over.
I tried planning out my meals before and it just didn't work for me, some days I didn't feel like what I was planning on cooking or something would come up and I wouldn't have the time. It has taken me time but I have the house pretty well stocked of food so I can usually do whatever with what meat I decide to cook that day. We could survive probably two months at least without going to the store other than for the staples like milk.

Good luck with AJ. That's what the girls are like and have been for years. They will have the same amount of food on their plate as me and hubby then will eat another plateful and then ask for dessert.
Chris...I like Brittish accents. I also love some of the words ya'll use. That and you all do such a fantastic job at the way you tell a person off. Ha!

That's what we do when the girls are with their mother we just eat whatever takes the least amount of work so we might just eat a bowl of cereal. The hardest part of cooking for others all of the time over time is thinking up what to have so you aren't eating the same thing too often.
I made the mistake of picking lima beans and getting them blanched and then frozen. Took a lot longer than I thought. I don't even like lima beans.

Both hubby and I got a jury questionnaire in the mail today. Agggghhhh! I would not mind jury duty if I could have my coffee and smokes and if I didn't have to sit all day. I am not one for sitting for more than say 20 minutes at a time. I remember going to see The Lord Of The Rings Movies. After sitting for three hours I could barely walk out of the place. Everything starts to hurt so much. My body is not made for sitting plus I get antsy.

I find it interesting that you can give the excuse not to go that you are breast feeding.

I was thinking about it the other night. They now place a small tattoo or at least some places do on your animal when it is spayed or neutered so in the future whoever will be able to tell it has already been done. What I wonder about is why tattoo the males? My dog has one and on him you don't need a tattoo to know. Kinda odd that.

Oh and Thumper has been annoying the past several nights spilling his water dish. He keeps moving it to a different spot and it is always the same spot. I don't mind cleaning up the spilled water in the morning but don't want him to run out plus he keeps getting his feet all wet. I figured he was moving the bowl so he can stretch out where the bowl usually sits as I keep finding him that way. So last night I put the bowl where he has been moving it to. Nope, not happy with that! he had to move it more and spill it of course. Crazy Bunny!
I haven't seen a tattoo done on an animal in a long time. I don't think my dog has one or my cats, but they have fur so how would I know? haha. I remember when I was a kid, we had a husky neutered and they tattooed him. I remember thinking it was the coolest thing that you could tattoo an animal. haha.
I wonder if they tattoo, when the numbers are punched in goes back to you? Like a way to record the name of the owner who got the dog/cat fixed?
Is it just through the shelters that they get tattooed? I feel like in my area its just the shelters. Come to think of it, we had my two old cats fixed through the humane society, so I bet they DO have tattoos. hahaha. I'll have to ask my mom if she remembers, I was a kid when we had them fixed.

Can't you just say you're a super racist and get out of jury duty? haha.

Meal planning works out for me because I write down the 2 weeks worth of meats that I need. Then during the week if I don't feel like cooking something, I just pick another nights meal to cook, but I always stay with the same week. I always buy more meat than we can eat in two weeks, because some stuff goes on sale or I get bigger packages of meat. But that just goes into the third week of planning. Then I always buy a frozen pizza or two because sometimes a lazy lady and don't feel like cooking at all. haha. Most of the time I don't even eat what I cook, I eat an avocado or something like that for a meal. haha. So its just AJ and the man that eat what I cook. But I've been trying to freeze the left overs more lately, so we can have things like that more often. Like chicken noodle soup, or pasta dishes. I think it makes it easier for me, so I can see what I need to cook rather than not having any idea and getting mad and not cooking and eating out.

Maybe Thumper just wants his water dish where he wants it? Sometimes they're weird! :)
I suppose cos I´ve got a brit accent I never notice. We do have different expressions and worse that you but we also have different words in different regions here. I remember my Scottish friend asking me if I was going for the messages....uuuuhhhh; it actually means they´re going shopping. And another friend who´s from the Midlands near Birmingham asked me I wanted a piece with my tea...I said "a piece of what". Turns out it means, did I want a sandwich. However, the funniest one was when I first started University and I asked someone from down south if they´d been hard on...I got the strangest look but in Yorkshire, it just means that you´re in a deep sleep. I was careful what I said after that.

Thumper is so funny. Don´t they just do that. I put Houdini´s dish in one corner and he always moves it. I though it was so he could stretch out as well but no, I also moved it to the other side and he put it back in the corner it had been in the first place. These buns are just want it where they want it.

I often end up having cereal for dinner if I can´t decide what I want. I have a freezer packed with food and my fridge is always full to the brim, mostly with the boys stuff as well. I actually cooked today as I bought some beef mince the other day. I decided I´d make a sort of biryani. I was a bit generous with the rice, basically I put far too much in there and I´ve enough food now the rest of the week if I fancy eating the same thing every day as I have no room in the freezer to put it. I´ll probably give half of it to my friend who I´ll see tomorrow as he just loves his food.

I did laugh Denise about tattoing a dog who´s been done, it is pretty obvious and also with the buns. I can see why they do it to females as not so obvious.

I´ve always fancied doing jury duty as long as it´s a really interesting trial. I´d be the same though, sitting for hours on end is not my idea of fun and same as you, everything seizes up after a couple of hours...the joys of aging.
Morgan...It may be mostly the shelters but one of the two places I looked at online in my area that do low cost spays/neuters had a step by step of the procedure and they mentioned the tattoo. The one on my dog is just a little mark so I don't think it could be traced.

As for jury duty, Ha! They might buy it since everyones one seems to be one right now. And that right there is the closest I ever plan on discussing politics here. Ha!

We buy a few months of meat at a time since we get ours from Sams. We always get chicken and ground meat. Then we get a few extras like salmon or pork loin. We also buy some quicky meals. Then I just separate the meat into smaller portions and freeze it. We also buy some amazing sausage from one of the guys hubby knows from work.

But I put the dish where he wanted it. Dang rabbit! :)
Chris...well it sounds like there is plenty of opportunity for a good laugh over the different expressions. Hubby has a southern accent but it is only noticeable when he either talks to a buddy that also has one and they are getting carried away laughing at the good times racing or when he is livid.

The buns definitely are funny. His bowl has been put there since I got the cage and now he decides it doesn't belong there. I just don't want him to have issues since he keeps getting his feet all wet. I swear he would swim if I got him a little pool. It's a shame they shouldn't get wet, I could just see him now.

That's probably what I would do if I was single cook once and eat it all week. I have done so with a dish I like but no one else does, I'll make it every once in a blue moon and then eat from it all week for lunch or sometimes dinner.
I went shopping today. I do not like shopping. I went to three different stores as I was buying shirts for the girls for school. They are starting to be pickier and pay more attention to style and want to dress a little more fashionable. Half of the clothes out their are ridiculous, so many that no one should wear until they are at least 20 and the animal prints. To each his own but I find them tacky. Lucky for the girls, I love them. Ha! Now I just hope they will like them.

I also had to get gas while I was out and then I stopped for BBQ for our dinner. We had to run out yesterday and hubby was going to take me to get some but the guy selling it wasn't there. I came home from shopping the long way just so I could stop and get some. We have only had it once before and it is delicious. In fact it is so far the only BBQ I have had that I like. It was pure torture though driving home smelling it and not eating it.

I had one of my shopping headaches but thank goodness advil helped for a change because the bunny cage arrived and I spent the next couple of hours rearranging. I cleaned scrubbed Thumpers cage well and wiped it with vinegar as it is now the little buns cage. Their litter box wouldn't fit properly in the new one and they are more active than Thump. He doesn't move in his cage much except to hop in the litter box or out. Thump doesn't care where you put him. He ran around like a crazy bun while I was cleaning his cage then just hopped right in the new one and started to eat. The girls though had to pee in their new cage twice. Hopefully that won't last long. I plan to shampoo the carpet tomorrow then everyone will get some hours out of their cage.

I don't know what was going on last night but I think my dog wanted to sleep outside our bedroom door which would have him in the bunny room. I could here his nails as he crossed the kitchen and then him sniffing by our door but then I would hear one of the little buns thump and then hear his nails as he went back through the kitchen. Poor dog! So besides trimming his nails I am also going to start having him go in the bun room at times throughout the day so the little ones will get used to him being in there.

Ooh and I got myself a pair of ankle boots. I had to as they were on sale for $5 less, I have wanted a pair for a while and I have learned through experience if I don't get something I want when I see it when I go back it will all be gone.
I love animal prints! I can't believe you don't like them. Maybe its because I'm 23, but I love it! I'm not like full body cheetah, but I wear some accent prints. haha. I also like tie-dye and neon colors. haha.
What do your boots look like? I need a new pair of boots for winter, like stylish ones.

I remember when I started caring more about what was fashionable. It was like the 6th grade I guess. Then in high school, I didn't care that much and dressed like a hippy. And now, I sort of do care and try to dress nice when I do go out. But while at home, its yoga pants all the way. But this year, is the year of the sweater. LOL
Do the girls have uniforms they have to wear? Like a solid colored polo and khaki/black pants? Thats how it is in schools where I am. I think it makes sense, it kind of levels the playing field for kids and it doesn't allow for gang colors to be worn. Anyway, I hope AJ has to have a uniform type deal when he goes to school. That will make school clothes shopping much easier.
With the animal prints for me a lot of it has to do with the people I have known that wore it and their personalities. It's like certain things I associate with my grandmother whom I loved, such a sweet and wonderful lady and those associations bring on a happy, warm feeling whereas the animal prints bring on the exact opposite.

Maybe I'll take a pic of the boots and post it. Coffee hasn't kicked in yet. Ha!

I love my yoga pants but need to replace them as they have faded so much but I'm having trouble finding any. My outfit this summer has been shorts and tanks because it has been so hot. I like to dress better when I get to go out so that's why I got the boots. I figure those with jeans and a nice top will be good for casual dress up like school functions. I don't dress too nice at home as it doesn't pay for me to. I have ruined so many clothes when hubby and I first got together because he'll ask for my help in the garage and as soon as I touch anything I get grease or some such on my clothes. So I have my at home/working clothes and then my leave the house clothes.Ha!

The girls do not wear uniforms so that's why I have been shopping and I do it over a few months so I'm not spending a whole lot at one time. The girls all wear the same size so they switch around shirts. But I still have to get plenty so they won't be wearing the same thing constantly. They still have clothes from last year that are good though. Anything that fades or gets stained goes into their play clothes so most of their clothes stay wearable.
Taking a break from shampooing the bunny room. It's hard work but it's making me feel better. I noticed yesterday when getting everything set up that the carpet where the tow buns cage was felt sticky. It wasn't pee as that shows up very well on the carpet. Hubby was worried about the coroplast not holding pee well in the corners since the buns weren't litter trained yet so I put the pond liner we originally tried as a bottom on the floor to protect the carpet and then built the cage on that. I did notice also that the liner had caused the bottom of the coroplast to sweat. Again not pee as it also shows up well on the white coroplast so I guess it had to do with that.

The buns are taking it pretty well. I wasn't really concerned about Thumper because when he gets startled by something he's back to his normal calm self in a moment. The little ones are reacting well. In fact at one point I looked over and the black was meatloafed in the litter box while the air from the shampoo was blowing her fur around. She looked like she was really enjoying it. Then I looked at Thump and he was sitting in his litter box with his front legs lying in his hay rack, kinda just laying like that. He wasn't eating.

I called the dog into the bun room yesterday to start getting the little ones used to him. They just froze and watched him, no thumping. But for the very ever first time my dog sat calmly while I petted him. He even layed his head against my side. Usually he won't keep his head still. If you pet the top of his head he keeps jerking his head upward. If you pet his chin then he jerks his head down. He's always wiping his wet nose and lips on you. Then after a few minutes he starts to paw you and he has the roughest pads I have ever felt. Then a few more minutes and he wants to wrestle. It was amazing to be able to pet him and him remain calm.
Sounds like you´re having a busy few days but good that they all seem to be weathering the change well.

I smiled imagining Thumper lying like that. You dog sounds like he behaved very well as though he knew he wasn´t supposed to startle them, hopefully, they will get used to him quite soon.

Have you decided on names yet, I´m dying to know what you decide to call them.

Animal prints, my friend´s daughter is crazy about them but I can take them or leave them. I suppose it depends how you wear them and who wears them. I think though that some things are just not that acceptable as you get older.

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