This or That? (game)

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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2020
Reaction score
I don't think there's been a This or That game yet. If there already is, then whoops. Here's how it works, if you don't know

Person 1: fruits or veggies?
Person 2: Fruit
Cats or dogs

And so on.

I'll start it now
Lionheads or Mini rexes?
ok, ok this one is hard ! I'm a total glutton (like my rabbit X3 ), so it's hard to pick a favorite food cuz food taste good (most of the time at least...). Uhmmm... I'd go with a cupcake cuz it has frosting, but it has to be double chocolate :> !!

Anyways heres mine : Youtube or Netflix

Dogs or cats?
DOGS most definitely. I have a super sweet brown lab (we keep my bun and my dog strictly separated)
Farm or city
Definetly farmland. I love the freedom and space and the abundance of nature and all the herbs you can grow and all the fresh air. Plus there's no silly stupid loud neighbours and our rular regions are pretty predator-safe. I sometimes feel just like a wild bun in a human form. Even my fam have told me that i sometimes act like a rabbit. Cannot blame em.

School or work?
Work. Not that I've been to work XD, It just seems fun as long as you are passionate and happy with this job ! Also if you really like the job then everyday to work could feel like going to a fun place !

Savory or Sweet
Sweet. I've got a huge sweet tooth.

Headphones or earbuds
Hard choice, man i don't even know. Imma go with snow since i like snow, and rain can be found almost anywhere; snow-not so much. I am also frustrated at how measly and un-wintery the winters have become over the years. Where are the -25°C need-a-big-snow- leaf-blower (idk what they be called in english, lumesahk in estonian) januaries? Some recent winters have been so poorly that -5°C in the beginning og February may make us say "hurray is winter here?" only for it to be melting within a week. This year is somehow significantly better though.

Would you rather be unable to speak verbally, or never ever keep quiet?
Aaaaahhh this is so hard😓 I guess I would have to go with never ever keep quiet

Would you rather be all alone with privacy or be social with no privacy?
all alone with privacy

minecraft or roblox

Chocolate or Vanilla Icecream
Vanilla ( with rainbow sprinkles in a cone with a drizzle of chocolate)
Soccer or baseball/softball
Soccer! I used to play, but then quarantine happened :(

Chickens or ducks?
Chickens. They are super cute.
Beach or the mountains
Mountains. The scenery is prettier I think

Drawing or writing
Awww that is sooo hard for a creative soul to choose! I really enjoy both, but i guess i'd be more likely to choose drawing over writing because atm between schoolwork n bunnies i've been steadily working on my first ever OC animatic project.
(Read-stopped procrastinating and actually drew the frames' sketches in the app for once) Not that i've done any research on how to actually make one, just watched a bunch of others' creations and drew conclusions from those. If anyone knows any good tips, i'd be happy to have them!

Baking or cooking?
Writing! Even though i absolutely love a good read and will occasionally read my own texts for context before continuing with the writing,

BIG and barren open space or small/ish and cosy space?

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