this one is for the rabbits that like to be held

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New Member
Dec 27, 2014
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To start off my main goal is to be able to understand my bunny getting all up in my face. it was obvious he needed something and i want to know others expieriences with cuddlebuns and your reading of what he wanted.

at the moment sammie has an eye infection, so being lian i took him to the vets. we waited for days.... okay it was an hour but i had sammie on my lap j chillin. Finnaly we got taken to the room you go in and i could tell he was nervous but i thought golly gosh i wouldnt want to be held for this long.. so i put him on the table... he then sniffed and walked around a little but then this was his behavior:
sniffs my jacket sleeve... hops around comes back then he lowers his head wanting pets.. so naturually i pet him. then i stop and he looks at me and licks my hand. and im like awee your the cutest thing ever! then getd on his hind legs at my face anf sticks his face on mine. then he did some cute things . im like hun do you need to go to the bathroom?! is that why your so antsy... i gave him a chance but he didnt! he cand then to just try to see if he wanted to be held i picked him up and sat down with him and snuggled him and he was sittting on my lap and i think thats what he wanted as he c hilled his castrated organs.
my idea of what was up with him was that one he was thinking to find food two he is nervous about the whole bizzle three he misses his bae sophie and finnaly he wanted to be safe with me.

what are your bunnies signs it wants to be held ?