Think good thoughts for my Butterball

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
My butterball has had teary eye for a while. I assumed it was maybe a small allergy or something but it's getting worse. If it's his molars, it's really bad news, you can't do much about it. So please pray it's something treatable like an infection or allergy! He is the most fearless animal I have ever met and I love him so much. The reason he is still a foster is because of my husband, but I don't think I could ever give him up.


Aww...what a cutie-pah-tootie!! I don't think I could give up that little face, either!

I'll be praying and sending good vibes your guys' way...:hug:
What a DOLL! He looks like a bit of a brat! LOL! and I love the brats!

Does he dig or potty in your plant?
Does he roll like they do in their dust baths? That's hilarious to watch - I can't believe how fast they do it!

My sister had one, Cheech, and I don't think they really took care of him like they should have.... he was almost always in his cage I think..... She never gave him hay until I told her to and that was when he was pretty old. :(

I loved the springboard stairs in your house! LOL!
I really want one, but I am allergic to dust and I know it would be horrible for me since they have to roll in their dust baths!

Butters saw my awesome vet. It was quite a funny experience because he doesn't just lie down and take it like the bunnies do. He's very vocal about his disapproval. It's good news/bad news. Mostly the bad news is, is that his teeth do seem to be a little out of alignment. They're worn down just fine, but the roots are perhaps growing which is causing the teary eye. We're just going to keep our paws crossed that it doesn't get worse. I don't want to think of that happening.

(edit: here's butterball's girlfriend, Lilydale)


I'll make a seperate post but we are getting 3 foster boy degus! Very excited. They are massive chewers so any idea's for proofing a plastic bottomed cage would be much appreciated.

A w w w w ... Butterball is a doll! How often are they out?

As for the degus, maybewood flooring lined with mesh?I think I put a linkin a post of Flashy's aboutall the different sizes, types.

HopeButter's okay. Congrats on thedechews. ;)

yeah, right..... you bumped it so we could all look at that cute chinchilla picture! LOL!

How's butterball doing?
Hey, thanks guys.

Butterball is his usual crazy self, still has teary eye, but we're keeping an eye on it. As long as he stays his pudgy self (800 grams!), and continues to bounce off the walls, I think we're okay.

The degus are 3 hilarious old men who cuddle at night and fight over their food during the day. And chew everything. I've gotta take some pictures, they're hilarious.

:big kiss:Thanks for asking.

Butterball after about 45 minutes of going crazy:


OMG Steph, he and his gf are adorable! Ive never really seen a Chin before (except maybe in a pet store). How do you contain him? Its like a little speedy gonzalez running around your house!

How often do they get to come out? Do they let you pet them? Im so curious :)
Haha Haley, I wish you could come over to my house and experience the fun which is chinchillas.

Right now I contain them with a double x-pen, a 2 foot and a 4 foot. They can both go over the 2 foot, and Lilydale can go between the bars too. They are like little tazmanian devils that bounce. They run around and bounce off of things. They love to leap onto and off of my lap. If I'm sitting on the floor and bend over a bit, Butterball likes to run up my back and unto my shoulder. Lilydale likes to hide more.

They would love to come out every day but I only have time for every other day. Most chins like a nice chin rub, but don't like to be held because they have too much energy and they get too hot. There are always exceptions though!

They are like bunnies (on crack)and they love tunnels and jumping on things.

Edit: I wanted to add this hilarious photo of a chinchilla belonging to a breeder over here. The chinchilla is so tame...



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