Thick white worms in litterbox

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New Member
Jun 14, 2018
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Hey guys,

First time posting on here.

Was cleaning Lumos' cage when I found these white worms in his litterbox.

I check him for flystrike every day and he doesn't have it, could anyone identify this?

Are they maybe maggots or should I get Lumos dewormed?

Thank you so much!


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It’s not a very clear photo (quite dark) so it’s hard to say. It really does look like a maggot.. if he doesn’t have flystrike it’s possible the eggs were laid and maggots hatched in the cage itself. How often do you clean it out? It can take less than 24 hours for eggs to hatch into maggots so it is important to keep their area clean and dry every day.
It could be a worm but if it isn’t around and within the droppings that seems unlikely. If you are unsure, you can take a sample of the worm/maggot to a vet and also grab some dewormer just to be safe.
is your bunny outside or inside?
The rabbit may not have any eggs laid on her, but flies lay eggs wherever they can find. and litter box area is very attractive! its not this time of the year yet here, but I used to see maggots in their litter in about July. Of course, I would get rid of such litter and keep an eye on their litter boxes.
I can't say from the picture if these are maggots. I think taking it to the vet office to show would be a good idea
I agree that it is a maggot... I’ve had this happen before and best solution is to keep litter tray clean as often as possible! Also, I would hang up herbs and scents etc that keep flies away which helped
Hi guys,
I just saw few of these squirmy nasty creatures when I was cleaning my buns litter box too. I was so horrified, I should have cleaned it earlier on.
I got a good pic. Is this a maggot? Should I be worried or take him to the vet ?
I hope my bun will be ok. I’ve checked his bottom, is there anything else I should look out for.
He is eating, pooping and running around as usual. I did a thorough cleanse of the room, he is an indoor bunny too. IMG_6717.jpegIMG_6717.jpeg


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It might be a maggot, but I'm no expert in parasite ID. Maggots are a real threat to rabbits, they can cause flystrike, which can prove fatal very quickly. Rabbits that have wet or soiled fur, or open wounds, are the most at risk. If your rabbit is at risk, I would recommend contacting a knowledgeable rabbit vet immediately for advice.
This is an old thread. New content can get missed when posted on old threads, and can also be confusing for those looking at the thread to respond. For future questions, it's best to start a new thread in the appropriate subforum, with new topics and questions.
It might be a maggot, but I'm no expert in parasite ID. Maggots are a real threat to rabbits, they can cause flystrike, which can prove fatal very quickly. Rabbits that have wet or soiled fur, or open wounds, are the most at risk. If your rabbit is at risk, I would recommend contacting a knowledgeable rabbit vet immediately for advice.
This is an old thread. New content can get missed when posted on old threads, and can also be confusing for those looking at the thread to respond. For future questions, it's best to start a new thread in the appropriate subforum, with new topics and questions.
Yup I got it checked out, sent in a pic to his vet.
Picked up some deworming meds, I’ve been more regular with cleaning his litter box so there isint soiled litter and hay.
I checked him as well to make sure there aren’t any crawling around, he is eating, running around and pooping and all well so I think he is good. Thanks for the info, i did some read up on flystrike **** it’s nasty. I gotta be a better bunmom. 😮‍💨

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