The Three Bears

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Active Member
May 26, 2011
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Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA
I decided to start a blog today to celebrate the acquisition of my newest (and hopefully last... for a long time) bunny, whose name I have tentatively settled on as "Maci". So, I'm dedicating this blog post to my newest baby, and in honor of her, will tell you a short story:

Approximately four months ago, a baby bunny was born. This baby bunny was taken to a pet shop to be placed with many other rabbits. As all of the rabbits looked out of the glass of their cage, one human fell in love with a dark little rabbit who they promptly purchased and, upon learning that it was a boy, decided to name Bubba.

Bubba's new family was told that he was a mini rex. But when Bubba kept growing... and growing... and growing... the family became slightly concerned. They cried, "But I thought mini rexes were small! Isn't that why they're called "mini"?"

Soon, Bubba became too big for his new family, and they decided to find a new home for them. In this new home, it was discovered that Bubba was actually Bernice, and, more importantly... Bubba was a Flemish giant.

Just as Bernice became used to her new home and rabbit friends, her new family decided that they had too many rabbits and not enough time, so they decided to get rid of her again. Poor Bernice.

Enter Jill, who is a sucker for bunnies. Upon meeting Bernice, she decided that she would have a great home, and new bunny friends, for this poor bunny. So she took Bernice home and gave her a new name and now... the adventure can continue...

(On a side note, I haven't completely decided if Maci is going to be her name, or if I should stick with Bernice. Any thoughts?)
Hi Jill great start to your blog. BUT.... we need to see pictures:biggrin2: to let you know what Maci/Bernice's name should be.

Looking forward to LOTS of pictures.

Ah ha! Take that, you internet!
Anyway, Maci/Bernice

She was very good about her photo session, just giving me looks like "Okay, are you almost done? Because you SHOULD BE!"
But, pictures of my bunnies who are less willing to sit for a photo session:



OMG they are adorable.

I love the picture of Harley. Great colour.

Looking forward to more pictures.:biggrin:

Very cute. All of our bunnies are rescues, so they get the name "du jour". The ones that came with a name they already would answer to kept it. She's a gorgeous girl and we see where someone expecting a "mini" would be in a stae of shock with it turning out to be a Flemish. One of our kept growing and we finally figured that at 17 pounds she's a Checkered Giant.
I decided to go with Maci, mostly because I enjoy calling my bunnies by nicknames (Benni is BenBen, Harley is HardeHarHar, and Maci is Mace Face... and Bernice would've been Bernie and too close to Benni).
But, in sad and much more concerning news, Maci and I took a trip to the emergency vet today. Don't worry, I drove. I got home from work and she was stumbling and falling. She hadn't been drinking and it didn't look like she'd been eating much either. I got to the emergency vet and the first thing the receptionist let me know is that the EV is not a rabbit vet. There are no open rabbit vets in town, so I figured it would be better to have a non-rabbit vet look at her than no vet at all.
I'm very, very worried, because she doesn't seem to be doing better at all.
So in great news, Maci is a completely different bunny than the Maci of two weeks ago. She's no longer even wobbly, and is hopping all around like a crazy bunny. She's binkying and performing giant hops that my other two are waaaaay too small to do. She's so much fun to watch. She also likes to check in with me as she's hopping around the room... I think I'm in love :big wink:.

Benni, however, is not a fan of Maci, and Maci returns the favor. They'll probably get along better once Maci's been fixed, so until then they won't be out together.

Maci and Harley would really like to get to know one another, but I am opposed to them having baby bunnies. They imply that I am being unfair.

Harley and Benni share their previous like/dislike relationship.

I'm working on getting more pictures of the bunnies, if they'd just sit still long enough for my camera to catch up :D
Our place has been INVADED!

No, seriously, my roommate brought home a kitten today. I helped to pick her out, so I'm not upset (and since I already have 3 bunnies, how could I be?) She's a cutie. She has decided that she owns the place and she might let me stay.

The only problem is that my roommate didn't want her going into my room so she shut the door, thereby shutting off the AC to my room. Which wouldn't be a problem... if I didn't have 3 bunnies in there! Luckily, all 3 fans were going in my room and the bunnies have plenty of water, but we're in the middle of a "severe heat warning", and it's not good for them to be without AC.

So my first trip after getting off work was to Target to get a baby gate. Problem solved! The kitten can't get in (yet), but the AC can :)

All of the bunnies are doing fine, but we won't be repeating that experience.
The kitten (Rini) quickly figured out how to climb up the baby gate, as she has decided that I am her favorite person and she must follow me everywhere. It gets a bit exhausting. But it does confirm my previous belief: I am not a cat person. Don't get me wrong, she's adorable, but she is ridiculously needy.

Luckily, though, my roommate has a metal road sign (why, I don't know. I decided not to ask questions). The sign is the perfect width for covering a door, and Rini can't climb up it because it is metal.

But the real reason I'm posting is that Maci is an escape artist. I thought Benni was an bad (or good, depending on how you want to look at it), but she has nothing on Maci. Maci originally lived in an X-Pen, until she figured out how to open the door. Then I made her an NIC cage... and came home to her hopping in front of Benni's cage, peeing, just to tick Benni off.

So, for a while today, I was freaking out about what to do. Obviously, she couldn't stay in the NIC cage if she was just going to escape it. I was thinking about buying her a store cage, then, just so she couldn't escape. But the stores in town don't carry bunny cages big enough for a big bun like Maci. So I decided to look at dog crates.

After checking out prices, I decided that perhaps dog crates might not be the best, and maybe I should try to rework the NIC pen with more clips so she couldn't escape. And then I saw it: a big dog crate for a donation of 25 tennis balls.

With 25 tennis balls turning up to be about 25 dollars, I knew it was the best bargain I was going to find. The crate is probably still a little too small for her (it's 36x36), but I figured that it would be better than her escaping again and having something happen to her when I'm not there. She'll get plenty of time out of the crate, so I'm hoping this will be a good solution for her for right now.

The best part about it is that Petco is donating the 25 tennis balls to the local humane society, so, as the cashier said, it was a win/win situation.

Also, some pictures:

Benni's making sure my fan box is safe. Good news: it was.


Harley has decided to get some dishes done.


Maci wanted to play basketball, but realized she couldn't dribble. This is after she's given up.
Man, it's been a while since I posted here. And since my last post, a lot has happened. I've switched jobs, the kitten has gone to live with my roommate's boyfriend, and the rabbit population in my apartment has decreased dramatically.
Now, don't worry: everybody is doing well, and everyone is still happy. But I have been working like a crazy person and dealing with some personal issues which made it difficult to care for three bunnies and give them the attention they deserve. So, after a lot of tears and talks with friends, I decided that it would be in the best interests of my bunnies to find new homes for them.
Maci went to live with a new family back in January. Her new family has been sending me updates, and she is getting along very well there. She is extremely happy to be the only bunny.
Harley just recently went to live with one of my friends who I see every day. I know exactly how he's doing, because she lets me know all the time.
Benni is still with me, and she will be for the rest of her life. She is so happy to be the only bunny again, and has reclaimed the apartment as her own. She likes me a lot more now as well, because I can spend more time with her and let her out to roam much more often.
Finding new homes for Maci and Harley was a very hard decision, and sometimes it still makes me sad. But I know that I did what was best for everyone, and that's all I can ask for...

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