The Sheehan Household

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Active Member
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
, Alaska, USA

I have two cute bunnies, seven cats and two dogs, a standard poodle and a cocker spaniel. After discovering the bunnies were eating their carpet instead of just ripping and digging, I have been spending my free time weaving sisal, jute and hemp through old refrigerator shelves and finding old corn husk rugs, taking them apart and sewing them into a large rug (using sisal or hemp, not thread - I'm such a worrier). I thought I'd start with the a pic of Penelope helping me make the bunny rug


Dart and Truffle enjoying the temporary fix... a towel


Refurbished digs, end view


Front view. They really like pulling on the hanging swirly things and pulling out cardboard from the cradle.


Dart and Truffle are adorable! Did you crochet the mats in the cage and the ramp? What a great idea! What did you use?
Thank you! I'm quite taken by the little lagamorphs. Their mats/shelves are refrigerator shelves with jute, sisal, or hemp (what ever I could find for a good price) woven in-between the shelving's bars. The ramp is also woven, but I used the metal ramp that came with the cage. I just worried with their little bitty front feet that they would catch them in the bars. Also, Truffle doesn't like slick surfaces at all. Wild man Dart, on the other hand, enjoys skidding across slick surfaces doing 360's and running in place. I really should change their names to Oscar and Felix. The one loose and almost eaten rug was made from one of those grass mats with the cool geometric designs. I took it apart and resewed it. I can see why those are so popular. Sewing the braids together so the braids are standing on edge makes for very cushy, soft footing.

Thankfully, the shelves are very resilient. Truffle spends a lot of his time digging and chewing on them. From his progress, I can say that sisal is the most resistant to bunny attention, jute the least.

Nice to meet you,
BTW, your bunny avatar has a wonderful nose blaze. Reminds me of Jack a horse I once had (more like a big dog than a horse)

You have a pair of very beautiful bunnies! That seems to be a very nice set-up for them. You are a very crafty and patient person to do all of that weaving and sewing for your bunnies and their safety. :D

Can't wait for more pics of your fur-children.

DartANrun wrote:
BTW, your bunny avatar has a wonderful nose blaze. Reminds me of Jack a horse I once had (more like a big dog than a horse)

Baci thanks you for the compliment! Too bad you're so far away from me. I can see us weaving mats and having bunny discussions with our afternoon tea!
Thank you all,

They're my babies. I took them outside to experience snow. They were seriously underwhelmed.

First, Whoa! What happened out here?

Uh, yeah.... now what?! Just lovely:grumpy:

Maybe the seat would be better...
Truffle, "Do you think she'll be bringing us back in" Dart, "Shaddup." [
He's still not happy with me. Who knew he holds a grudge! I open the cage, he thumps 2 or 3 times and dashes down the ramp. I approach the cage and he sits up from a laying position as if to say, "Do NOT mistake my position for groom-me position" He even honks at me. Maybe we won't try another snowy outing... Truffle has gotten over it. Daddy took him out for some guy time on the couch.

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