The "moment" they stole your heart..~*~*~A make you smile topic :)~*~*~

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
Besides of coarse, the first glance you had with your beloved bun or buns, do you remember the "moment" they just completely captured your heart??? :inlove::heartbeat::biggrin: wanted to read something up beat :biggrin2:
When we got home from the pet shop and set Bugsy's cage up I opened the door to let him roam. This small blue rabbit leaped out of his cage and straight into my lap, cuddled up and slept for a good hour. It was instant love since then.

We got Oreo months later because I thought Bugsy was lonely. I hadnt done much research (shame on me) so I thought a rabbit friend was a good idea. Brought Oreo home and put her straight in his cage. Horrible idea. Bugsy wanted to trample her!! I snatched her out of his cage in a heartbeat and in return she licked me for a good 5 minutes straight, chinned me and then fell asleep on my arm. She hasnt been as sweet since, lol but still..instant love :)

The three little babies stole my heart from the moment they were born.

I am in love with all 5 of our rabbits :D
The rescue I got Cheeto from had an adorable picture of him on petfinder. I wasn't even allowed to have a rabbit, but I begged my parents and said that I would be so depressed if someone else adopted him.

When I got to the shelter, the volunteer told me that getting a young bun might not be such a good idea (good advice as we definitely had our moments) but the minute she pulled him out of the cage, I was like "let me hold him!!" Love at first sight. He was only four months old.

After signing the paperwork, she told me that three other people had asked about him a few minutes after I emailed her. I was like thirty seconds away from losing him! But those three people still adopted buns, so it was a good story.

Now, as I'm getting a friend for Cheeto, I have fallen in love with a few on petfinder again. But I'm waiting to see who he gets along with before I completely fall in love!
I love this topic!

Because I'm in love with my bun :)

First moment? probably the moment the breeder took her out of the box he transported her in. I had seen her only in email and she was even cuter in person. I loved her right away...

BUT the bond? When she started licking me. When she followed me around relentlessly. When she started rather being on my lap getting head rubs than playing and running around. When her cute face is right there at her door to greet me every morning. She jumps out and comes RIGHT over to me.

Whoever said rabbits aren't affectionate hasn't met Agnes :)

I wuv my bun!
Honestly, I wasn't so much in love with Teddy until I held her. I was looking at two other non-fuzzy, non-lop eared rabbits at the shelter (I told my friends I wanted a rabbit, not a "bunny", if that makes sense,) but I asked to hold Teddy just to see. She had her little head under my chin and I was like "aww, this isn't so bad," and then I set her down to watch her hop and BAM, I had to take her home. I think it was her fluffy bum. :nod

The second night I had her, I got in bed and she was sleeping on my pillow, so I situated my head around her and fell asleep. When I woke up, sweet Teddy was curled up right next to me, and I fell head over heels in love. :bunnyheart So I guess I'm glad I brought home a "bunny"!
With me, I was conviced to get an Orange mini lop. I was at our local county fair and the day bunnies went up for sale, couldn't find one to fit the descrition. WEll, my sister had come along with me, and came over to tell me there was a white holland lop baby for sale. I was firm-I didn't want anything but a orange mini lop. Finally I went over and looked at the bunnies. There was one the perfect color from the same litteri nthe cage, but the only one for sale was the white one, with slightly grey ears. The breeder offered for me to hold her, and though I had never held a bunny, now would be a good time to learn. Before I knew it, she scooped up the bunny and placed it in my hands. Yep, that's pretty much when I knew that was the bunny for me. -The little forsty point doe was soon bought, brought home and kept her original name Jelly.

That was my first bunny and the story is from 8 years ago.

Now fast forward 7 years to about a year ago. Several months after losing Jelly, a breeder several hours away sent pictures of a litter of pointed whites. I told her I didn't mind a buck or doe. She had one specifally picked out she would be happy to give me (she'd heard the story of Jelly's head tilt, etc.) She emailed the pictures and when I opened them and saw the little while fuzz ball runt, almost half the size of the others, I knew she'd made the right choice offering that one to me and I knew he was definitly the one. And that's the story of Ripley :) I'll have to get our others bunnies stories up here some time.
We've only had Violet Iris and Flower for 5 weeks but they have completely stolen our hearts. A coule of days ago we got a couple of harnesses so my young daughters could walk them around the yard. The bunnies had so much fun running around and after a while just found a spot to relax. My younger daughter (almost 4yrs old) sat down by her bunny Flower and kind of made a cocoon around her. Flower snuggled right up to her and feel asleep........a big awwwww moment.
I've mentioned Harvey's story a few times before. A friend from work was looking to rehome his rabbit. I saw his rabbit on facebook and thought that is my rabbit (I've never had a rabbit before, but when someone calls to me I listen). I do have a weakness for pointed rabbits, thanks to a couple sweet cal rabbits in a pet store. So I bring Harvey home and he settles in nicely and later gets scratched by my big cat (Harvey started it). Harvey had to go to several vets and I didn't have much money at the time so I was beyond upset that I might not be able to help him and what would my friend think that I couldn't keep his rabbit safe. Between all the vet visits and giving him his meds and nursing him I formed a close bond to him. But it really was one moment where I knew. We were at one of the early vet visits and Harvey was on the table. He was starting to feel a little better and hopping around. When the vet comes in Harvey comes up to me and puts his front paws on my chest. He gave me this look "Mom, I don't like this. I want to go home." I, of course, melted. This poor little guy came to me for comfert when he was scared.
With Oliver I was at a rabbit show with my boyfriend (his dad shows rabbits) and there was an extremely friendly gay couple who were preparing their rabbits for showing. I walked over and was watching. My boyfriend new them and told them I wanted to watch and pet the bunnies. But when they were brushing and grooming them they skipped over one who was just sitting there, cute and little. So I asked why he wasn't being groomed and they told me he wasn't 'good' to show because he has a split penis. I was like.. oh. Asked if I could hold him. The minute I held him and he cuddled his head up under my chin I fell in love. I told my boyfriend I really wanted him and the couple asked if I wanted to take him home so he could be a spoiled pet.

With Daisy, I was at another rabbit show with the boyfriend.. There was a cage with three separate areas and 3 Netherland Dwarfs. The two had signs saying what breed they were and they were about $25 each. Daisy had a sign that said "Free Doe, will be 5 years in June" on it. I found my boyfriend and he told me there was no way my dad was going to let me take her home. I text my dad a picture of her and he just said Oh Okay, what you going to keep her in? Lol. I told the lady getting rid of her I would take her and I picked her up out of the cage and sat down with her. She was cuddling with me and I just fell in love.

You're guys stories are all so cute! :) <3
When I first got Dexter he HATED me. He wouldn't come anywhere near me. So for weeks I spent hours in my floor, just laying there on my computer or reading. and finally one day he came up to me, hopped in my lap, and started licking me. All the hard work payed off! I love my baby bunny :bunny24:hearts

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