The life of Delilah and Hershey

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score
Port Morien, Nova Scotia, Canada
Hello everyone on RO. I am creating a blog for my babies!

This is the two of them, Hershey is the one closest to the black box, other is Delilah.

This is Delilah, She is a mini rex, they were both born April 3rd 2010. Note- even though I say she, we discovered Delilah is a male. (and yes I will continue to say her/she) Our breeder told us they were both females, but we got them when they were very young, too early actually.

Hershey is very shy, and I only have that picture of her, so I will take some more tonight and put them on :)

I will also put on pictures of their cage.

Today the girls and I had a relaxing day, first I fed them, then I took them inside when they were done eating. They played all day, and had a few naps in front of the fan.

Talk to you all later :)
Delilah, Hershey & Miria
Hi all,
I realized now, I forgot to introduce myself, My name is Miria, (mer eye uh) and I am one of the younger members on RO. I've had bunnies my whole life and my parents have had bunnies for over 30 years. I've had lops,and lots of dwarves and these are my first mini rexes.

I also wanted to say I didn't get a chance to take pictures tonight, left my camera at my grandmothers and it's very rainy outside so I didn't feel like going back out to the hutch again. Today is an exciting week for me and the buns, they are getting a new roof for their outdoor hutch!! This roof is very overdue.. There is a large hole we have to make sure is covered with boards everyday, and the hinges are broken so there is a chance if it is extremely windy, the roof can slide down. Delilah has escaped before and was gone for a few hours. I was outside the hutch crying for her to come back and she hopped out of the woods over to me :D Good thing she knows her name!! :big wink:

Thats all for today! Post more tomorrow!
Miria, Delilah and Hershey :brownbunny
I did your blog link wrong so it's not working correctly. And because of your username I can't send you a Pm, unless maybe you send me 1 first. :(

I'll do it again.
[*url=]The life of Delilah and Hershey[*/url]

Copy then remove the *'s
Another quiet, rainy day for me and my bun buns. I just woke up a few minutes ago, so I didn't go out too see them and give them breakfast yet, but when I do, I'll take pictures :)

Hershey enjoying some home made treats.


Delilah also enjoying her treats.

Delilah still eating.

Right now the bunnies are playing inside with my little sister. I will also post some pictures of that later. It's so cute, she read them books and everything! :D
] Delilah's tail! It's white underneath too.

Delilah on my guitar case and Hershey in front, just hanging out. :p

Delilah having a lil lay down
Hershey with a hat

Me and Delilah
Thanks ! :big wink:

Hello all bunnies, dis is Delilah, my momma is finally letting me type on here. Me and Hershey were in our cage and we heard dis bad noise :shock: . Hershey got soooo scared. Momma said it was a saw. and that we are getting our new roof tonight! Momma took us in now. Hershey was too scared.

Momma says she will put pictures of the cage on later
So I haven't posted here in forever. Been major busy with school & the bunnies so here's an update !

-Delilah is now living free range in my room and is doing amazing, she just loves it, she's even getting along with my sister's cats. She really turned into a lap bun once i brought her in ! :p

-Hershey gave birth to 7 kits ( lost one ) on Oct 29th, and theyre gorgeous. (pics to follow) I love them! theyre all soo cute and fat hahah!

Hey guys, think i need a diet?? - says Delilah


This is the hutch where Hershey and the kits live, ignore the boards and such under it. Each side opens individually and i have these poles so you can have them open without having to hold them. They also have a house they can go in thats inside my barn, but i dont have pictures of it.


The kits, 7 days old, Friday Nov 5th 2010 :)


Kits, 8 days old, Saturday Nov 6th 2010 :) ( cant see them all)

I will take individual picture of each kit today or tomorrow!

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