The Joys of Moving

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
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Near Columbia, South Carolina, USA
More like, the "joys" of moving for how fun it is, haha.

I noticed how little items I actually NEED on a day to day basis and how much junk we humans tend to accumulate. I've been selling off furniture, clothing, etc. I don't need.

My apartment is getting very empty. I'm basically down to a couch, bed, tv, some shelves, and what was built into the apartment like counters, fridge, washer/dryer, etc.

Soon I'll be on an air mattress as a bed and maybe a folding chair for the living room if I'm lucky, with my tv and laptop on the floor!

I just want the moving day to be here and done with! The problem is, I have to be out of here in like 40 days and don't know where I'm moving to (what state even). My bf has multiple job offers and then like 2 weeks before we're moving is the only time available for him so we get to fly out and view/sign onto a place to live in. It's so hard finding a place that allows large dogs so the bunnies will have to be smuggled in... Especially last minute finding a place that isn't a dump/sketchy.

Ugh, just wish the stresses from this were all over! :grumpy:

I know a lot of you have gone through many moves in the years. Any advice/useful tips are welcome!
Oh, and I must say in a college town trying to sell things for anymore than a few bucks during graduation time is near impossible. I'm selling it now before graduation so I can still get something for it. The supply rockets this time of year and the demand greatly goes down...

Such is life in a college town. Not to mention the lack of jobs. I'll be excited to start again somewhere new and hopefully be able to start a career I enjoy, not a daily job I loathe.

Doesn't help that the last job I had still owes me $800 because all their checks bounced on me. It's a long story but I reported them to the labor division. Just wish I'd get the money due to me BEFORE I move so it takes away some of the financial stress.
Moving is one of life's stressors, even if you knew where you were moving. Just think of it as an adventure, like being a pioneer.
We are still settling in from a move almost a year ago but then we bought a house and did some renovations before moving everything in.

I try to limit clutter by always stopping before purchasing everything and honestly asking myself if it is something that when I walk past it in six months will I even really look at it. Also, will I actually use it frequently.

I try to pack items in similar sized and shaped boxes. It makes it much neater when stacking them when space is limited.

Try to focus on the positives such as a chance to start over. The possibility as you've mentioned of a job you like.
We bought a bunch of uniform sized boxes so they can stack safely, instead of doing the scrounged up boxes thing.

I think we're basically just taking the tv, video game consoles, pets, movies, clothing, kitchen appliances that cost enough to warrant moving (like my kitchenaid mixer) and misc. things like photos, wall art, etc.

One of the places we're hoping to move to has a good zoo nearby with interning/volunteering/potential jobs. If we for sure are moving there I'll be sending in a volunteering application to get my foot in the door. There's nothing like that here for me.

Most of my friends have graduated and left so it's not like I'll be leaving a bunch behind (only like 2 that I rarely see). I already moved once about 2000 miles with just two suitcases and had to make all new friends. Guess I can do it again! :p
Looks like South Carolina it is! It takes some pressure off knowing WHERE we're going. Now comes the fun part of finding a rental and packing. Hope the bunnies like traveling! :p
I moved overseas... Anything I took had to fit in the suitcases and 2 plastic bins we were allowed to take. Anything else had to go. Holy moly was it ever a stressful time!!! It was literally down to the last minute, we had a plane to catch and we had to turn the keys in. Yikes, moving can be so horribly stressful! Best of luck with everything!!!
It's about 3 weeks until we move and we don't have a place to live lined up...

Every place we wanted to tour has been leased and most of the remainders are way too pricey or don't allow pets at all.

So stressful, hoping something comes up otherwise can't take the bunnies with.. and will be living in the car.

So, cross your fingers something comes up. Or, if you know realtors/rentals in the Columbia SC area let me know!
Me and a friend have been purging our homes...and omg yes we have so much junk. Went through 4 trash bags of 0-9 months!

I kinda liked when we were moving cause everything was packed and there was nothing to make messes wit! But i haaate unpacking so much. And hubby puts everything in wrong place so he got sent to watch kids and i had to redo half a kitchen!!!

Hopefully your move is smooth, though. Finding a place for big dog is hard, rabbits are harder though. They have left a reputation for destruction.
Yeah, I've been selling lots. Basically everything I own and care about (other than myself, bf, and pets) will fit in the area of 5 ft by 8 ft by about 4 feet... And I know there's still a lot in there I don't NEED but just don't want to deal with sorting/replacing later on.
Fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted. Let me know if you end up in the New England area...I can dog and rabbit sit for you while things settle!
Yeah, I have a friend who keeps pet sitting the bunnies for exchange of my furniture she wants, and my poor dog keeps getting stuck at the kennel!

If I was in the NE area I'd let you know but it looks like I'm headed to the deep south! Sooo if anyone wants Georgia peaches or venus fly traps or sweet tea, let me know! Haha
Make sure you have some garlic around, mosquitos wont bite if you smell like it, and can feed it to dog too!
I'd rather not give my dog garlic since it runs a risk of hemolytic anemia... but I do take B-vitamins and apparently a lot of bugs like gnats and no-see-ums and mosquitos don't like the taste of you when you take them.

I'm from Alaska and we get terrible mosquito outbreaks (I grew up next to a lake and a swamp) soo I think I can manage. :)

We're still trying to find a place that will allow the dog... We're trying to get a short term lease somewhere so we can be in the area and tour houses/townhomes and not get stuck in a 1 year + lease in a crappy roach infested place. The bunnies most likely won't be allowed in said rental, but they're not allowed in my apt now either so I figure I'll be ok smuggling them in.

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