The Grieving Corner - a place where we can express our grief

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
I have been debating about this thread for several weeks - off and on. I wondered if it was needed or appropriate - after all - we have the Rainbow Bridge area where we can remember our pets.

But sometimes we need more than remembrance - we need to reach out to someone else who understands - we need to have someone listen - or to talk with.

This thread is a place where I hope we can go when we're having a hard time dealing with the grief- some place where we can be open when we're having a bad time - or even if we feel we're doing better and healing - a place where we can say "I have hope".

This message - as the first message - is to share some things about grief. I'm including bits and pieces from websites - along with their address - so you can check them out yourself.

First of all - the "Stages of Grief". Here is what one website says:
Four Stages of Grief Anyone that loses a loved one, including their pet, will eventually go through four stages of grief. Denial, Awareness, Sadness and Acceptance. Most of us love our pets as we love any family member. So it is normal for us to greive in the same manner we would grieve for any family member. Here is an explanation of the four stages of grief. (Remember - everyone is unique and will experience grief in different ways)

Denial - (Also known as the "shock" or "disbelief"), this initial phase, which may last from a mere few seconds or up to 6 weeks, is marked by numbness, disbelief, and often, alienation from others. The loss may be intellectualized and dealt with on a "rational" level, as opposed to a "feeling" level. This is the stage many people are in at the time of a funeral or service.

Awareness - (Also known as the "anger" stage), is an emotional and suffering phase that resides in the heart. At the same time that the chemicals (eg, adrenaline) released in response to the stress of our pet's death are beginning to decrease, and the support of friends is lessening, the impact of our pet's loss is beginning to be truly realized: the empty pet bed, your pet is not there to greet you when coming home from work. The onset of this stage occurs 2-4 weeks after death, and the pain we experience continues to increase until it peaks about 3-4 months after the death. Typically, this is the longest phase. Strong emotions, such as anger, fear, and guilt, may be experienced.
Individuals may experience uncontrolled bouts of weeping.

The full recognition of the implications of our loss can take years.

Sadness or Depression - We desperately want everything to be the same as it was before the loss. This unachievable desire, simultaneously so natural and so understandable, may elicit depression at around 6 months.

Acceptance/Reconciliation and recovery: The final stage resides in the gut. For most of us, it is several months before we overcome the most severe emotional stress, and it takes at least a year to work through the grieving process. We must weather the "first" everything (ie, birthdays, holidays, date of our pet's death) without our animal who has died.
As time passes, and as we allow ourselves to work through our grief, we begin to reconcile the loss and to engage in rebuilding our lives. The swings of emotion slow, and a scar is formed, lessening the pain. Our focus shifts from the death, and life begins anew. This is about the time we may even consider looking at pets at pet stores or shelters. Reaching this stage does not mean we will never grieve again but that the grieving feelings no longer disrupt our lives or block our capacity for growth, discovery, and joy.

A caution, however. After a significant loss, we are changed forever; thus, the "new normal" is not like the "old normal." It has been suggested that we should attempt to reach an accommodation with our loss, rather than an "acceptance" or an effort to "recover." (I am italicizing this because I think it is important for us to realize - Peg)

How grief is expressed
In the book, The Human-Animal Bond and Grief, the authors describe five manifestations of grief.
Physical: Crying, nausea and loss of appetite, inability to sleep, fatigue, restlessness, and body aches and stiffness are typical manifestations of grief.
Intellectual: When grieving, people often experience an inability to concentrate, confusion, and a sense that time is passing very slowly.
Emotional: As described above, many emotions can be expressed in the course of the grieving process. Irritability, a lowered sense of self-worth, resentment, and embarrassment are also common feelings.
Social: Some grieving people often withdraw, may be reluctant to ask for help, and feel rejected by others. Others may show an increased dependency on other people, or an increased need to 'keep busy' and overcommit to activities.
Spiritual: The death of a pet may result in a person bargaining or feeling angry with God. The grieving person may try to find some meaningful interpretation of the death, and question what happens to pets after they die and whether pets have souls.

But what do we do with our grief once we realize what stage(s) we're in? Do we just sit and cry all the time? Do we never look at pictures of our pet? Always look at pictures? I think it is important for all of us to remember that we will each deal with our grief differently - and if we've lost more than one bunny - we may grieve for each one differently. For instance, if you lose a bunny that had been ill for a while - the grief may not be as bad as if you lost your bunny suddenly - OR - it could be worse.

So let's talk about how to handle the grief.
“How shall I grieve?” is a question to be answered differently by each person. Here are some suggestions which might be helpful:
  • Pay attention to your feelings, even if you don’t understand them. Write about your feelings and talk with others about them.
  • Don’t assume that the current grief will be like previous ones. You are not the same person who grieved before (though old griefs may definitely come alive in new sorrows).
  • Listen to music, especially instrumental music that helps express your sorrow and move through it.
  • Create your own art, music and poetry to express your feelings. Don’t worry whether it is “good.” Just do it.
  • Move your body. Walk in the woods, exercise or take a yoga class. Anything that gets you moving for at least a short time during the day can help lift your spirits.
  • Spend some time with others who have lost pets. Check out the message boards and pet loss support groups at the end of this article. If your own therapist or clergy does not work well with the grief of pet loss, find someone who does.

What Is the Grief Process?
The grief process is as individual as the person, lasting days for one person or years for another. The process typically begins with denial, which offers protection until individuals can realize their loss.
Some caregivers may try bargaining with a higher power, themselves, or even their pet to restore life. Some feel anger, which may be directed at anyone involved with the pet, including family, friends, and veterinarians. Caregivers may also feel guilt about what they did or did not do, and may feel that it is inappropriate to be so upset.
After these feelings subside, caregivers may experience true sadness or grief. They may become withdrawn or depressed. Acceptance occurs when they accept the reality of their loss and remember their animal companion with decreasing sadness.
[align=center]Five Ways to Remember Your Pet 1. Hold a memorial service
2. Find a special place for your pet's ashes
3. Create a living memorial
4. Make a scrapbook
5. Write down your feelings
How Can I Cope with My Grief?
While grief is a personal experience, you need not face loss alone. Many forms of support are available, including pet bereavement counseling services, pet-loss support hotlines, local or online Internet bereavement groups, books, videos, and magazine articles.
Here are a few suggestions to help you cope:
  • Acknowledge your grief and give yourself permission to express it.
  • Don't hesitate to reach out to others who can lend a sympathetic ear. The Delta Society offers a list of pet loss hotlinesfor those grieving over the death of a pet.
  • Write about your feelings, either in a journal or a poem.
  • Call your local humane society to see whether it offers a pet loss support group or can refer you to one.

    You may also want to ask your veterinarian or local animal shelter about available pet loss hotlines.
  • Explore the Internet for pet loss support groups and coping information.
  • Prepare a memorial for your pet.


Given time, healing will occur for the bereaved owner.
However, there are several things that the grief-stricken owner can do to help speed up the healing process:

1. Give yourself permission to grieve.
- only YOU know what your pet meant to you.

2. Memorialize your pet.
- makes the loss real and helps with closure.
- allows the bereaved to express their feelings, pay tribute and reflect.
- draws in social support.

3. Get lots of rest, good nutrition and exercise.

4. Surround yourself with people who understand your loss.
- let others care for you.
- take advantage of support groups for bereaved pet owners.

5. Learn all you can about the grief process. - helps owners realize that what they are experiencing is normal.
6. Accept the feelings that come with grief.
- talk, write, sing, or draw.

7. Indulge yourself in small pleasures.

8. Be patient with yourself.
-DON'T let society dictate how long mourning should last.

9. Give yourself permission to backslide.
- it WILL end and your life WILL be normal again.
- grief is like waves in the ocean: at first the waves come in fast and hard, but as time goes on, the waves become less intense and further apart.
- don't be surprised if holidays, smells, sounds, or words trigger a relapse.

10. Don't be afraid to get help.
- pet loss support groups
- grief counselors.

11. Be sure to consult your own "Higher Power."
- either religious or spiritual.

Grief is probably the most confusing, frustrating and emotional thing that a person can experience. It is even more so for pet owners. Society in general does not give bereaved pet owners "permission" to grieve openly. Consequently, pet owners often feel isolated and alone. Luckily, more and more resources are becoming available to help the bereaved pet owner realize that they are NOT alone and that what they are feeling is entirely normal.

Help and healing
It has been shown that when grief can be expressed, the time needed for healing is often less. Similarly, if the expression of grief is restricted or withheld, the healing process may take much longer.
In addition to talking with others, to do something often helps us work through our grief. By doing something positive during this time of sadness, we expand our focus by celebrating the life of the pet. Activities which may help include:
  • Planting flowers or a tree in memory of the pet
  • Making a charitable donation
  • Holding a funeral or memorial service
  • Drawing a picture, making a clay sculpture or doing needlework of something that reminds you of your pet (you could do this yourself, or have it done by a professional)
  • Placing your pet's nametag on your keyring
  • Writing a poem, song, or story
  • Composing music or a song
  • Creating a memorial photo album or scrap book
  • Writing a letter to your pet
  • Framing a photograph
  • Volunteering your time

If you have found other helpful information and would like to see it here - please PM it to me along with the website address so I can edit this post to add it and give the website credit for it.

I had a list of questions for people to answer as part of an intro on the thread...but I really didn't like them - so I've decided to change things up a bit.

It would help folks on the thread if you could share a bit about your loss. Don't feel like you have to - but if you want to - that would be great.

Some of the things that might help the most are knowing more about your bunny(ies) how long you had them or how they passed away - or what you're missing the most about them. Perhaps you can share a favorite memory to help us "connect" with them and with you.

It would also be really helpful if you could share (after reading the first message in the thread) - what stage of grief you feel like you're at. You may not be at any one particular may be bouncing back and forth (I did for a while).

But basically - this is your thread - so please - feel free to introduce yourself any way you want....this thread is to help anyone who is grieving...
I'll share my intro here near the top.

As many of you know - I've lost several rabbits in the last 22 months. Having a rabbitry with over 100 rabbits - loss is a part of life. But losing certain It really hurt.

My losses are many - I'm only going to share the top few...

GingerSpice - Although she died early in 2007 - her loss was devastating to me and it was the first one to hit me in a major way. GingerSpice had EC and was "bedridden" for most of her last few months....but oh, how I loved her. She loved to pee on me when I'd take her out of her basket to feed her or give her a little butt bath. I'm not sure if that's my favorite memory - what I miss the most about her - or what I miss the least. I felt so guilty because I saw Ginger's immunity system go downhill after breeding her - and I felt like if I hadn't bred her...I'd still have her. I've mostly accepted her death and I can look at her pictures and smile now. I want to have her back - but I understand she was not feeling the best for a long time and although it took me about 9 months or more to accept her loss, I've been able to move on.

SugarBear & Puck - These two losses devastated me in August 2007....and I lost them both within a couple of days. I got SugarBear, Puck and GingerSpice all about the same time - and they were among my first six bunnies. Sugar was Ginger's brother and he died very suddenly - I mourned him - but I was so devastated by losing Puck - who had fought wry neck for a year - that I didn't feel Sugar's death as much. At times - I still mourn Puck....he was just a unique rabbit. I finally started accepting his death in February of 2008 and was about to start ordering photos for his scrapbook - when Tiny died and rocked my world. I have too many favorite memories to pick one of these - but I do have one special memory of Sugar breaking out of his cage and then trying to figure out how to let everyone else out...he sure was a smartie - and of Puck - at about 6 weeks old - refusing to let Art use the vaccum cleaner and trying to charge Art when he used it.

Dusty, Drew & Bun Bun - These three were to go to another forum member - but they died suddenly - one at a time - over a period of a few weeks. Drew went first...then we lost Bun Bun and Dusty. We really thought Dusty might make it - he was almost a year old...then one night - he left us. I've reached a point of acceptance at their deaths because we believe the problem was genetic and was a heart condition. Their father died suddenly at about 3 years of age - and while their mama and one littermate remain - the symptoms they showed just before passing appeared to be a heart condition. I'll always miss these three.

Tiny - I think Tiny was the forum's bunny almost as much as he was my own. It is because of Tiny's passing that I'm starting this thread. Its been 10 months and I have my good days - and my bad days. Lately - I've had a lot of bad days....until this week - when I've had more good days. I think it is because I realized why I missed Tiny so much - (I shared about it in my blog) and because I realized I needed to celebrate his life instead of mourn it. I can't list a favorite memory - there are just too many to sort through. But I miss his kisses on my legs and feet when I am sitting at my desk....oh how he loved to give me kisses those last few months before he passed away. His death was fairly sudden - we had 48 hours between when we realized he was ill - and when he passed. I'm still overcome with guilt at times because now I look back and see symptoms of him being ill - but I took them as behavioral issues.

New Hope - New Hope was ill for months and months before I lost him. In some ways - I felt like I was betraying Tiny with all the time I'd spend with New Hope. Then Tiny died and New Hope went through a bad spell again...and he became my buddy. When I lost him in July - I wanted to just go climb in the grave with him and Tiny and just give up.I'm more at peace now about losing him because he was ill for so long...but I miss him dearly.

I find that I have certain triggers that set off the grieving for some of the buns. If the forum loses a lop - or a bunny with head tilt - I grieve for Puck and can cry for days (depending upon how well I "knew" the bunny). I also grieve for New Hope when the forum loses a head tilt bunny - along with missing others I've had that developed head tilt and I've lost them. (We had a point in time when several bunnies had head tilt and we used methods to help them which I've since learned are outdated and they remained tilted..)

If we lose a flemish - I always cry for Tiny. If I have a bad day at work - or a hormonal day (since I'm in my mid-life) - I cry for Tiny because he was the one who comforted me. He "got" me. When I need to laugh - I'll sometimes look at Drew's videos/pictures and then I'll cry for her. She loved to sit on my shoulders....

I have made collages of my bunnies on the computer - but I haven't yet done a scrapbook or done much journaling other than my buns' rainbow bridge threads.

One thing that hit me recently is - other than a dog we lost about 12 years ago - I have not lost an animal I'm close to - OR a human - in those 12 years. My grandma died about 20 years ago - and that was the last person I lost and I wasn't close to her.

So Ginger's death was my first "death" in years and years and years...and I didn't know what grief could be like. When Ginger died - I had Tiny and Puck to help me. Then Puck died and I had that Tiny's gone...I struggle even more.

I'm open to pms of encouragement - but I'm also willing to listen if someone needs to dump on me. I have big shoulders and can take it.

Some of the people who really helped me through my grief are: Bo Bunny (when I lost Tiny in particular and debated on getting Zeus), Bassetluv (who's Raph I loved so much and when Tiny died - I turned to her), and Flashy - who has really helped me to see how much I was still grieving and to try to figure out why. Flashy's asked me tough questions - but the answers have helped me in my grieving - so I'm so grateful for her. Since JadeIcing lost Samantha - another flemish - before I lost Tiny - she and I have been able to grieve together and she has been a source of encouragement - I've even called her a time or two crying. (A couple of other people have helped me - but they're a bit more private). And poor Zin (GoinBackToCali) - I don't know how many times I cried on the phone to her...

In addition - tons of others have posted on my RB threads - JimD, AngelNSnuffy, LuvaBun...and so many more whose names escape me at the moment. Each person who has posted - has helped me - just by knowing that they shared special thoughts of my bun. I swear that PetBunny has a gift for taking photos and making them "special" for that bun's rainbow bridge thread....

i posted this some where about music, poems, scrap books, drawings......ect.

i thin this is a REALLY good idea. it helps us to remember them and love them.....

Its hard to describe my loss. I guess I will start with these aren't my only losses, some were family losses that didn't effect me as much. Or I was not as attached. These are the ones that still effect me. I will start in order.

My Molly Marie. She was a terrier she looked like Eddy on Fraiser. I don't have any pictures of her. She was "my" first dog I was 14. Not one for the family but "mine". We were at a tag sale and the people were giving her free to a good home. She was a puppy maybe 6mnths old. I went over to her and she started licking me. I turn to my mom and said "Shes free to a good home. How do we know if she goes to a good home unless she comes home with us." I knew my mom. Molly came home that day. She was "MINE" not the families. She was something else. Such a sweet gentle girl. I adored her. I only had her a few months till the idiots next door left the gates open.She was hit by a car and I wasn't even home with her. She died instantly. This is one I still grieve for that I still don't accept. I sometimes think Ineverwill. I want her back still. I don't think I am as attached to my dog Kashi now because I can't let go of Molly.

My Honey Girl. She was a honey colored finch. I handled my finches all the time. Everyone of them was a love. Just to me though.Honey Girl was special. She would lie on her back on the palm of my hand stiff as a board. Than I would toss her up in the air and she would fly around the room. When she was done she would fly back to me. She was special just so special. One night I was sleeping and I woke up with a weird feeling. I go over to her cage and she was dying. I picked her up and held her. Just talking to her. She died in my hand. I still miss my sweet girl.

Than one of my biggest losses my Samantha "DIVA" Jane. Oh man that was blow. I talked about her to some people yesterday who understood that kind of loss and it was nice. Sam was a flemish giant who at first was aggressive. With alot of work she and I worked things out and we fell in love. She was never one I worried about because she was so strong. Where as others I had were sick alot. The day before she died. I had been running a poll of who I would post pictures of. Well what order I would take them. I took Ringos who one first but something inside made me take hers. I spent the afternoon with her taking pictures. Some of the best I ever got of her. The next night she was gone and I had a huge whole in my heart.

Denial - I couldn't believe my girl was gone. How could she? She was so healthy. Awareness -I was angry with her. Why didn't she let me know. Why didn't shegive me a sign?I do feel that others sometimes forget that I still grieve for her. That though others have come and helped me heal it doesn't lessen the loss of her. Sadness or Depression -This is one that I got past but every so often it comes back kicking me so hard I want to just curl up and not ever stand again. Acceptance/Reconciliation and recovery: I think I have accepted it but I have not recovered.

My last lost is hard. I feel like I failed my Mace though there isn't much I could do. He was just so sick. I did have that last day with him and I will treasure it always.

People who have helped me. In the past I had just my mom but with the last two I have had this forum.

That first night I had an awesome person sit there on the phone and just let me babble. She let me cry, crack jokes, anything I needed. Rosie was a huge support that I can never say thank you enough. She helped me so much during the first stages. She also made the beginning of Sams RB thread because I couldn't.

Amy has been a shoulder to cry on than and now.

Peg oh man she and I understand each other pretty well. We share the loss of our beloved flemmies and the battles we continue to fight for our head-tilt bunnies. We grieve together for every lost flemmie, for every bunny who goes down because of their battle with tilt.

Michelle helped by making me laugh so hard I had tears coming down.

Crystal just talking. Just listening to each other talk when we didn't want to face the loss.

Delusional with the drawing of Sam she captured my girl. Giving me something to hold on too.

So many others hard to name. Sorry I am crying again.
I felt maybe I should be posting here. I don't normally talk about myself and I very rarely ask for support for what is going on for me, but I often do like to try and support others if I can, which is why I feel that maybe it is important for people to know about my griefs.

This is part of something I posted in my blog a bit ago.
I’m not sure how to start this, but I want to talk about Flash.

We are coming up to the time of year I spent most of the year wishing it wouldn’t come; the anniversary of Flash’s death. This year it will be three years.

Three years is a long time, and I have grieved hard, and am still grieving hard.

I used to be someone who loved Crhistmas. My decorations would go up at the end of November, my room/house would look like a ‘grotto’ (according to those who saw it). Christmas is no longer about that for me anymore because it is just a time when I lost my best friend. Deep inside me I still love Christmas and each year find myself getting Christmassy in October and do all my shopping then. That’s my only way to enjoy it.

This is going to be very candid, and is about what happened to me after Flash and also when I had him, and mentions sensitive stuff. I have not ever really properly opened up about any of this, but right now for me it is very relevant because of the time of year, and the fact that soon I want to share my special boy with you all.

Flash came into my life when I really needed someone. My mental health was deteriorating severely and I was barely coping. Flash came to me at a time when I was in and out of hospital, when life was very dire for me. He was the first ever being to be there. Most people, even now, expect me to be a source of support, or the life and soul of any party, loud, gobby, funny, a general extrovert, when actually, inside, that’s not really how I feel, it’s a front for the world, I’m depressed, anxious, scared and many other things my outward persona does not portray. Flash was the first being to not care if I was laughing, crying, suicidal, playing, cuddling, bored, sleeping, he was there no matter what. He wanted nothing in return, other than for me to look after him, and he gave himself to me completely. He was an active guy yet was never very far from me. If I was crying or being ‘stupid’ he would be there. He was so in tune with my moods he knew what I needed better than me. I had a horrific summer that year, I was reported missing, had police searching for me, landed myself in hospital more times than I can count and each time, he was still there, still loved me, didn’t shout, didn’t cry, just there, as my friend.

When he died, things got worse. Within the space of a few weeks of his death I lost my house, my job, my therapist, my best human friend, my doctor, and any shred of hope or want to live. I gave up. I got very severely ill and was sectioned. At the point of sectioning I had done myself so much damage my heart was giving up and I was genuinely happy and proud of myself for being so close to death. The doctors said I should have been dead, and they couldn’t understand how I wasn’t. After they released me off my section I was no better mentally and headed straight down again. That year I planned to take my life on the anniversary of his death, but I couldn’t do it. My family have gone through so much and Christmas is not the right time to do that. I carried on, day to day, worming my way closer to death. Then Moon died. Moon, one of the two buns that got me through Flash’s death, Flash’s daughter, and she died due to my absolute stupidity and that of the vets. I went for it in an even greater way then. The doctors, once again, told me I should be dead, and should be, at the very least, unconscious. I refused to be sectioned this time, so just had whatever treatment I needed (physically).

Shortly after that, I found RO, and started to REALLY learn. And boy did I learn. Shortly after I was blessed with 7 Dinkies (Angel, Star, Sunny, Lightning, Hope, Dusk and Dawn), and that took our total at the time up to 15. I am not well enough to work, and taking care of my buns is my reason to get up, and more buns I have, the more responsibility I have, and the less I can die. No one in my house has enough time, or want, to look after them to a good enough standard. If I die now I either have to take them with me, which they don’t deserve, or they go to be rehomed, which they don’t deserve either. They deserve a life here, a lovely life here, and I give them that.

I have two parts to me now. I have this part that will probably always grieve for Flash, that will always plan to take my life on his date, that will always blame me for him dying, and I have this other part. This other part is me. I don’t want to grieve for him anymore. I don’t want to cry over him. I want to remember him and laugh, remember the things he did, not suffer from flashbacks or anything.

The other night I had a dream about him. I can’t remember it all, but the general gist was that it was real time (as in I hadn’t seen him for nearly 3 years), and he still felt the same as before and acted the same as before, which really surprised me. When I was holding him I knew he had been there all the time, and whilst I had been looking after him, I didn’t know it and hadn’t seen him, and was only seeing him for the first time in a long time that day. It was very much the clichéd thing that he is still here even though he has gone. I woke up that morning feeling quite peaceful because I knew that even though I hadn’t seen him, he was still there and would keep showing himself to me every so often (he has done this all the way through).

It was after that that I felt able to face his videos; those we took of him. I have not looked at these videos for three years, and had no inclination to, but this week I have spent ages getting them all only disc so that I can introduce him to you all, as he was in his original form, the games, the expressions, the love, the lot.

He’s always in my mind at the moment.

Peg made a post on one of Becca’s threads about looking for something by getting new buns, and it made me think. I have so many, is that what I do? And it’s not. It’s the opposite. Me and Flash were joined, one entity, and I never ever want to go through what I went through with losing someone that was such a deep part of me. When he died, I leaned on Sky and Moon, and when Moon died I broke all over again (although I was only ever fragile with how fixed I was). Now I have a whole clutch, and with the exception of Sky, I could cope without them all. Yes, I would be sad, but I would not be as desolate as I was without Flash. The more bunnies I have, the less pain I will feel when they eventually leave me.

When Moon died I switched off. At the best of times my illness prevents me from feeling emotions like a regular person, but now I barely feel them at all. I stopped loving because it hurt too much. I have stayed that way, although every now and then I get a rush of affection for somebunny, but it hurts less now, things hurt less, and that’s what I need. I never ever want to go through what I did with Flash, again.

So from that you can summise that I lost Flash, who was my world, and it wrecked me.

In addition to that I lost Ozzy six months later (June 06), due to my own ignorance. Then Feb 07 I lost Tubby to a broken leg and old age, Boofa, also to ignorance and March 07 I lost my beloved Moon to my ignorance and vet error. Sunshine died in Oct 07 also down to me.

Out of those I still grieve heavily for Moon and Flash, but with the exception of Tubby, all the others haunt me because their deaths could have been prevented.

Sweep died in May 08, and like Tubby, I feel no guilt for losing him because we did everything we could for him and he had a marvellous time before his death.

I am not someone who talks about my grief. I turn it inwards and I can confidently say that there is not any one person who has helped me in anyway with me grief. By the time I met Polly I had gone through most of the worst times. I have done my grieving, alone, in my room, normally cuddling Sky. Sky has been my support through all this, everyone else pretty much abandoned me, lol.

I have learnt a lot through my grief, and I spend a lot of time supporting others with their problems. I can't always promise to support people, but I do always support as and when I can. If I'm not supporting, then there is a good reason for it. It's something I have been told I am good at, and if I can support people on here and help them through their grief, then I would like to be able to do that. I think this post is a great idea and I hope it helps people :)

i dont no weather i want to write this but here it goes....

i got joesph- fransic in my local farmshop. with his sister caramel. one day abou 2 weeks lter i saw him look out of his hutch. he looked sad, so i pulled on my wellies and coat and went out on bunny needs hug mission. i lifted him up. he stared at me.... his bottom was wet with a cold googy substnce.. i called my mum, she said he will be ok, but i ran in to the house and got luke warm water and wetted cotton wool balls. i wiped him, gave him a cuddle and extra bedding.

the next 3 dys he was out side. i sat for hours at a time. staring in to his eyes. thinking why, why him, i wonder what he is thinkin.. him- why is she heaar, wt am i doin? i need to eat, or even sleep. why is my sister staying away? why is my world falling part? why do i get these teriable pains in my tummy? why o why..

. one day i heared him grind. that was the last straw, he was coming in to the house.i got a box, cardbored one, and put in things like straw, wter, hot water bottle, food. caramel cme in aswell for company for both of them.

him- why is she lifting me, and my sister? GRIND GRIND, o the pain i shut my eyes tight. my owner always crys every time i grind. the pain, bubbles up in side, un-explainble sore. all i can do is grind, hunger eats away at me...

soon caramel is becoming to bad, and is put away in the hutch. but the day before she was pushing his head up....

him- i get lifted up and cuddled. my belly rubed. but the to day she put this thing in my mouth! it had water, but it tasted funny,.. it filled me up, but i dont like the way i have to get it.

soon he seemed to be getting better less goo...., taking the mixture out of the siringe. i got texts every2 hours in school.

soon he had like a cow pat. it smelled and looked "lovely"but i could see the look in his eyes, a sign of relief..

him- how is my sister? i hope she is ok.... i am in less pain, i get baths every day. i just lie here, when i gring it is bad.

i came home one day. he was dying.he could nott lift his head. or any thing. i gave hm the siringe. but he had no power.........he could not seem to swallow....

thatafternoon i did not eat. he did not either. i sat on he chair, hot water bottle in blankets on my lap, and him........t 9 o clock my mum saidgo and get in 2 your pjs.

he got lifted on the blanket and hot water bottle by my mum. he then struggled, like a fish out of waterto stay with me......

i m getting weaker. i no it. my owner the one i love like my mother, was with me all night. she tried to go but i struggled to her. i got 2 stay with her. she cried from her heart, and i cried in my heart... i could not move.

soon after 10 my mum said it was time to let him go to bed, and me as well......i cried in my sorrow to his little heart. he new i loved him...i said my good byes,....

she is gone! help me, i wanted to cry, help, but no 1 heard me.... i lay there. slowly thinking of my short life my mother, the breeder,my sisterand elena, my owner..... then the time came.... i closed my eyes one last time,,,,,, and spread my wings...

Nibbles.......MY Nibbles


was my first pet, and my first pet death experience - apart from fish but they don't really count.
I begged and begged my parents to get my a bunny ( I know careless as it was I was only 4 or 5)
Then one day, Mum said "We're going out," I asked 'Where?' the answer was "Wait and see"
Somehow I guess we were going to get a rabbit, don't ask me how...

Before I tell the rest of the story I want to tell you something else. Before I got Nibbles we had an old rabbit cage we were keeping for my Uncle becuase he didn't have room and I put a model rabbit in it and every morning and night I used to go and feed him and pretend he was my real bunny. Thats how much I wanted one!

Anyway back to the story, I can't remember being in the car on the way to get Nibbles, all I remember is a lady that looked like Miss Honey from 'Matilda' (the film) showing us the bunnies.
There were grey buns and brown buns, forgive me I couldn't read how was I supposed to know what breed they were.
We were looking for a 'small' or 'medium' sized bun that I could pick up. I wanted a 'grey' one. Though 'Miss Honey' said they would grow too big so they were a no-no even though they were incredibly cute!
So we went and picked out a 'brown' one, my mum and dad obviously didn't know Chinchilla rabbits grew so big.
Another thing I remember about that best day ever was Nibbles sliding around in box on the way home, I had him on my lap.
Though to begin with I insisted he was a she and named her 'Twinkle Toes' :headsmack
Stupid name I know, please remeber I was 4 :whistling

Whenever my Grampy called him a 'he' I shouted and said 'SHE'..... it was only later we realised he was a boy.
Becuase he peed on dads feet and humped footballs :lookaround
So of course the name 'Twinkle Toes' only lasted for a while until I renamed him 'Nibbles!'

The great thing about him was becuase he was so big he couldn't fit under the fence so we let him run around the WHOLE garden all day! It was so great, no wonder he was so healthy and never had any problems with his muscles or anything.
I remember one day we had a childs play tent up and he went in pooped everywhere and my nan had too clear it all up :sweep

Also, in the summer when we used to have the back door open sometimes Nibbles used to come in and poop under the table again, Nan had to clear it up :sweep
I just laughed and stroked him as always :pet:
And also because we used to have gates and stuff at the front we had to put up a sign saying 'Beware of the rabbit' and a picture of him so people would be careful. He used to wait by the gate and then when we got home from school I had to climb over and distract him so he wouldn't escape :brownbunny

Nibbles only escaped once, I was so scared!
He went up the road which is very lucky, if he went down we would of lost him. Luckily the nice man up the street brought him back for us :bow

He never bit me, the only time he tried was when we were giving him a butt bath earlier this year, which was acceptable - it can't have been comfortable!

There's a box in the Summer house with Nibbles brush and his bowl (still with the pellets that he would of eaten if he didn't die, I kept them in his bowl). I will NEVER use his bowl for any other bunny. And his old cage has been named 'Nibbles' Lettuce Lounge' in his honour.

I just love this quote from Nibbles's thread,

'Becca, last night I dreamed about you and Nibbles! I dreamed I was walking through a neighborhood in France and I saw two girls playing with a lot of bunnies in front of a house, one looked just like Nibbles and one sorta looked like Dippy. As I was walking past, your little sister called out to me and asked if I was Shiloh from Rabbits Online. I went to join you two, you had a litter of baby bunnies you were playing with, I guess they were Dippy's babies. Just thought I'd share!'

That was a great dream and I wish I had it.

Am I supposed to be saying this?

Is this what the threads about??

Please tell me then I will shut up... if not I have more to say :tears2:

Becca you can say whatever you feel you need to :)
Can I go on please?.............

Ages ago when Nibbles was still with me I made this video on youtube and I came across it recently and wanted to share..

[ame=] Here [/ame]

Whenever I hear the song now it makes me cry, it probably always will now :(

This Christmas is gonna be hard, usually I get him a stocking and cram it full of great pressies. This year... well :(

I am still going to write him a christmas card, I have decided and I'm going to bury it next to him.

I'm gonna have to stop, my laptop's about to die... :grumpy:
Here is Nibbles's poem:

[align=center]Nibbles you were my very first pet[/align] [align=center]The only bunny I could get[/align] [align=center]I loved and watched you everyday[/align] [align=center]Missed you when I was away[/align] [align=center]Now please just grant me one last wish[/align] [align=center]Then you can have a giant dish[/align] [align=center]Of pellets to fill your warm round tummy[/align] [align=center]Your whiskers tickled it was so funny[/align] [align=center]All the times when you would pee[/align] [align=center]When you were sat upon my knee[/align] [align=center]You only wanted to get down[/align] [align=center]Even thought it made me frown[/align] [align=center]Nibbles I love you very very much[/align] [align=center]I love your soft warm gentle touch[/align] [align=center]All I hope is you binky free[/align] [align=center]And keep a warm spot in heaven for me[/align] [align=center][/align] [align=center]By Becca
[/align][align=left]I always wonder that maybe if I had found this forum sooner he would still be with me.[/align][align=left]As a kid your never really 'dedicated' to looking after something, now I am maybe half way there, Dippy, Fluffball and Benjamin dare I say it probably will get a better life than Nibbles care wise, not just becuase of RO but becuase I am older and have more sense.[/align][align=left]On Christmas I am going to light a candle for him, my Christingle isn't going to represent everything they say it is, it is going to represent my life with Nibbles and I don't care who disagrees.[/align][align=left]The night he died I got the picnic blanket and lay down on the grass by his cage with his stuff sobbing.[/align][align=left]Dad cleaned his cage out which I was un happy about. I wasn't ready.[/align][align=left]
Grief and grieving: they're complex, and complicated. The grieving process pulls on so many different emotions, and touches on so many parts of us... The "stages" idea isn't used nearly as much in grief counseling as it used to be, probably because so many people find it to be an oversimplification. I know that's been true for me personally.

There are a number of different descriptions and lists of stages - and I've found all of them helpful in some way. Something that's been pointed out to me: there's not a linear progression "through" any of the stages; they're more like descriptions of things that you feel. (I'd hate to see anyone getting down on themselves for "Not being at Stage [pick a number] yet," or else thinking that their emotions are somehow "wrong," or... well, I guess you can see what I'm getting at.)

All that said, I'd like to recommend a book. The title is a bit misleading, as it's great for anyone who is grieving over any loss, whether it's a missed opportunity, the death of a loved one (human or animal), the loss of a job - even that empty feeling people often have after they've accomplished a major goal or task.

It's not a "fix-it" manual by any means, but I think folks will find much to relate to in its pages.


It's available via all the major online booksellers, and there are lots of used copies out there, too, on and other sites.

I hope people find it helpful. I know that I have. :)
EC - thanks so much for the book recommendation - that is exactly what this thread is for - a place for us to share that we're having a rough day - or to share what we're feeling like or what is helping us. I know we each have our own threads for our particular losses to share in also.

One thing that really helped me is when Flashy asked me a couple of things- like what is it about Tiny that I missed...and what my triggers were. I'd already thought about the triggers some - but I'd never dealt with what it was that I missed. She also reminded me that sometimes we tend to put our bunnies on a pedestal after they pass away and only remember the good things- almost making them a demigod - which can't fail or do anything wrong. She was right - I forgot all the times Tiny would nip me 'cause I smelled like cranberries, etc. Or the times he'd pull on my clothes to get my attention.

Anyway - I'll have to look into getting that book!

I'm good at pertinent questions :D That's one of the reasons people tell me I should be a counsellor, lol.
I'm feeling a bit miserable today and no one wants to talk to me so I'll use this thread.

I lost so many in such a short time, that everyone thinks I must be ok with it, because I'm used to it, and I HATE that and it makes me so angry. Belittling my loss because it was many is awefull.

I miss each and every pet that I have lost and think about them every day. Because of those who wouldn't let me be sad, now I refuse to be. I don't and wont cry for the lost pets. I just can't now because I've conditioned myself not to. It's hard though as it all gets bottled up and turns into anger. It's all inwards anger at myself though.

The people in my life who think that because they lost one special pet, and I lost many, that it's ok for me but not for them, are so so wrong. Just because I have lots of experience doesn't mean it's any easier for me.

Just had to get that out.
Oh Michelle - do I ever understand what you mean - about losing so many and stuff.

It isn't fair that people don't understand.

It just about kills me when Art says something like, ' know that according to the'll probably outlive them all anyway.."

I mean - he's not trying to hurt me- but he does. He's trying to prepare me for the fact that I will lose them....

What is hard for me is that people don't understand my relationships with the rabbits I lost. New Hope & GingerSpice were like children to me - I spent HOURS all the time to feed them, bathe them, handle them, etc. They NEEDED me - and it got to the point where I NEEDED them also. Hyacinth was the same way - during the last couple of weeks of her life - she slept in my arms most I could hold her and keep her from rolling. When she passed - my arms were so empty!

Tiny was not my "child" - he was my "Friend". I cried in his fur when I was sad - I held him every day those last few months of his life. He was my companion and I spent more hours per day with him than with Art & Robin. Literally - he was at my feet 12-18 hours per day and probably not an hour went by without me petting him, getting a kiss from him on my legs - or having him pull on my clothes for attention. He was my companion.

So it really hurts when people are like "they're only rabbits" or when they're like, " isn't as if they're gonna live that long" or as you said "it shouldn't be so hard since you've lost so many..".

I have tried to get to the point I don't cry - I can't get there. I'm too much of a teary person I guess.

But even with the tears - I find myself angry. I'm angry at Art for not understanding - I'm angry at God for taking some of my rabbits - I'm angry at New Hope and GingerSpice for giving up - and sometimes - I'm angry at the rabbits left couldn't they have gone (some of my lesser favorites)....

and then I feel guilty for the anger.

I've thought about you a lot though - and some others who have had a number of losses over the last couple of years. Whenever I see one of y'all post in the RB area - I just cringe..thinking "If I were in her shoes right now - I'd be curled up in the fetal position just bawling and unable to do anything...".

The thing is - I think you're a good bunny parent...I really do Michelle. I wish I knew the "whys" of your losses - because they have seemed so unfair.

NZminilops wrote:
I'm feeling a bit miserable today and no one wants to talk to me so I'll use this thread.

I lost so many in such a short time, that everyone thinks I must be ok with it, because I'm used to it, and I HATE that and it makes me so angry. Belittling my loss because it was many is awefull.

I miss each and every pet that I have lost and think about them every day. Because of those who wouldn't let me be sad, now I refuse to be. I don't and wont cry for the lost pets. I just can't now because I've conditioned myself not to. It's hard though as it all gets bottled up and turns into anger. It's all inwards anger at myself though.

The people in my life who think that because they lost one special pet, and I lost many, that it's ok for me but not for them, are so so wrong. Just because I have lots of experience doesn't mean it's any easier for me.

Just had to get that out.

Just because I can't easilytalk to you, doesn't mean you can't still vent in my direction. It's far worse to surpress your grief, as you know, than to let it out. Those that forced you to surpress it are ignorant, and, to be honest, not worth even thinking about. Those that really care will hear how much you are hurting and hear how much you need love and care and support while you go through this grieving process.

Hopefully soon you will be able to open up to 'someone' and talk about all these things to heal the hurt that you feel inside.

Grief builds and builds. Ease loss just adds more loss, it doesn't cancel each other out, it actually relights the grief from lost bunnies too, so you are then dealing with many griefs. Anyone who doesn't understand that has probably not deal with many griefs in a short amount of time (or maybe in any amount of time).

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