The Days of BunBun & Slave - 2010

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, USA
[align=center]Heads up, my blog posts tend to be long-winded and picture heavy!

Hoo boy, RO, has it been a while!

Kudos if you know me- I wouldn't be surprised if you don't.

So I joined RO Tue Nov 27th, 2007,
started my first blog Sun Dec 23rd, 2007,
my second blog Sun Dec 28th, 2008-
and now we're BACK- Sat, Jul 10th, 2010!

So, yes, I took a sudden 2-year RO break, but rest assured, my love for rabbits has not dwindled- and especially not my love for a certain white lagomorphian prince.

And I'm sure you're wondering how my Prince BunBun is doing, right?
Well, he's good- still a lonely bachelor, I'm afraid.. Sigh.. A second rabbit has been planned for- what- 3 years now?
I'll getturdone, Really. I've been searching Petfinder and Rescue Me frequently.
(In theory, finding a second rabbit sounds so easy- but in practice...)

Haha, I'm not even going to link you to my previous blogs.
(Eeek! I was so annoying! I was 11 and 12, respectifully. Sure, tweens are annoying, what else is new? Hopefully I'm at least a bit better now.)

So- two years, that's quite a long time. What's changed?

Let's see... looking back, what did my tween-aged self like to whine about?

(For people who have read my previous blogs.. If you haven't, please don't! See my note about "little me" up above. Most of it is just silly, over dramatic whining. But, for those who are curious how things ended...)

I believe I ranted about this a lot.
Well, I eventually just used the hay we had, but then we stopped making it, so I used Hay cubes- and when we ran out of those (Which brings you to the present-day) I've just started getting him fresh grass daily.

I not sure why little me complained about it so much, although, even today, I'd like to get BunBun some proper hay. The grass is nice and all, but I know it's not what he needs.

My friend's neglected rabbits, Cassie and Midnight.
(Warning: Bunny drama and ranting ahead)
Ah, Cassie and Midnight. I'd spent many a night rambling on and on about them.
Yes, even as a less dramatic person, I can confirm that they were quite neglected. And no, I'm afraid I was never given the right to do anything about it.
So, to cut to the chase: They've both moved on.
The real kicker, though: If my friend had just taken some precautions, and put out a little effort, they'd both be fine.

Midnight passed on some time in the winter after he suddenly stopped eating and his head tilted to the side. Naturally, my friend asked me for my opinion (As I am sort of "The rabbit person" in our group- I don't know why she asks me, though, since she never reads what I respond with...)
Of course, I first thought, "Head tilt", and told her to take him to the vet. She did, and got some antibiotics, but he still wouldn't eat.
Although, I feel I must point out that she did very little to make him comfortable... She brought him inside, and tried to syringe feed him a few times, but that was the extent of their attempt to help him.
She again asked for my opinion, and the jist of what I said was: "Take him back to the vet, and while you're there, have her check his teeth." (My theory: He's not eating, and since he's already on medication, maybe there's something else wrong.)
Well, she didn't take him back, and Midnight passed away- and, lo and behold, at some point during the after-handling, she noticed one of his teeth was missing. My guess is that he ripped it out (Or it had fallen out) and it was causing him too much pain to eat- and was possibly even causing the head tilt. (I've heard that teeth injuries can cause that.)
As for why the vet didn't think to check his teeth- or if he was even taken to the vet in the first place- I'll never know. (I never saw these "antibiotics", and I don't recall her ever telling me what they were called, despite my asking- At this point in time, I was also friends with her brother, and, even though we chatted about Midnight occasionally, he never mentioned any vets or medications... I'll tell you right now that my friend is 100% the kind of person who will tell someone what they want to hear just to get them to shut up.)

Cassie passed away just the other day- about the 8th, to be exact- of heat exhaustion. (To make it worse, I was there at her house- and to make it even worse, I was the one who found her.)
My friend later asked me what I thought it was, and I told her exactly what I thought (Heat stroke), and I even had several points of evidence to back up my claim.
(As said, not only was I there, I found her- just as a quick overview, I really don't want to go into detail: It was 97*, her hutch is outside near the sun, she had no heat protection, she was stretched out on her side with her head flung back, and she had no water.)
So she said she'd "Be right back" (We were IMing at this point) to tell her dad, and he apparently didn't believe me- despite my evidence.
I'm not sure what's up with her parents, and I'll just leave it at that... I've done many a rant about this whole situation before, so If you've read them, (And if you haven't, please don't! (See my comments about little me.)) you know what I think of it.

In (not so) short: Rest in Peace, sweeties. (And I hope they don't get more rabbits. I mean, really... I hate to be rude, but my friend and her family... They're just not rabbit people. They have no rabbit knowledge and are very much not willing to learn, make an effort, or listen to the advise of those trying to help. Really, the girl is my best friend, but when it comes to rabbits, she's such a headache... (As stated above, she's the kind of person who won't hesitate to lie if it'll get the other person to shut up, which makes my attempts at trying to help her rabbits quite frustrating.))

In Short: (For real) While the Cassie/Midnight drama was sad, it's over now- they're both off at the Rainbow Bridge together. Hopefully this will be my last rant about my friend and her rabbit(s).

Other updates...

My Grandma
Passed away in April at the age of 94, so we now own her dog.

Now, Back on topic,

What would TDOBB&S be without the BunBun?
And I'm sure you all wanna see this handsome boy in all his glory, right-o?
Sure you do!
These were just taken earlier today, while cleaning his cage.
He's such a cuddler, and It's only me here to take the pictures- so most of there are, I'm afraid, too close, too bright, and often have my hand awkwardly off to the side somewhere (And often with part of my body in the shot.)
Oh well, enjoy.


The pretty boy himself- mind the mess








He decided he didn't like the lack of petting.


It's muuch more interesting over here!











Hehe, I love that one. <3










More pets, plzkthnx.

He's so cute. :3
I wish I could make his Maze Haven and Cottontail Cottage out of wood, since he has since destroyed his Cottontail Cottage, and kind of went Terminator on the lower half of his Maze Haven:


As for his cage, It's pretty much the same format I left RO with: A medium-sized dog kennel as his "house" (AKA, his litterbox area) and a massive pen as his "yard":


I think the size is the same as when I left.
If you're curious, last time I measured it (It's not supported, so it's completely movable, so the size will vary) it was 18/19 feet long by 7/8 feet wide.

Looks so empty without the Cottontail Cottage and Maze Haven half. I guess I'll have to replace them.

Sigh- look at all those toys. Would you believe he's barely even touched them?
I guess I'll have to adopt somebun who can play with them for him. ;)

He helped me write a letter to my friend the other day. Since my desk is rather cluttered, I went and sat in his pen with him. I had my paper on the top on the pine tunnel you see there (The one coming off his Maze Haven), and he would sit to the side and watch me.
Then he'd nibble the corner of my paper and make me move it up out of his reach, and when I did so, he'd jump up onto the tunnel where the letter was.
("Oh well, no more room up here- I guess you'll just have to pet me and do that later...")
I eventually just gave him his own piece of (unlined) paper so he could "Write his own letter", which I also included in the envelope next to my own. I'm not sure what my friend will make of the random half-chewed piece of paper she's going to get, but at least it kept BunBun busy.

I'll update when I update, but I will be sure to do so.

Until next time!

~Xila :purplepansy:
Oh, Prince BunBun looks very regal and knows what he wants! How cute :) I'd love to hear more from you and see more pics of the bun bun!

Prince BunBun reminds me of my rescue bun Portobello... same little dark spot on his nosey over creamy white. :hearts
Dave- Thank you. :D
Helen- He sure does. Your Portobello sounds very cute.


Sorry, RO. I've got some computer drama goin' down. My computer somehow corrupted itself, so now I'm on my mom's laptop.

Anyway, so I went to bed last night and woke up to this:


Hurrr, confounded wabbitses.


Who, meee?

He's fine, by the way- certainly did a number on that cord, though.

I believe this brings his "kill count" to four headphones (three being mine, one being my brother's), a usb extender, and now the printer cable.

Ah, well.

Ooooh, so on the 25th, I'll be going to an art camp. It's five days long, and an overnight thing, so I'll have no internet for a while.
I'll be staying at the college (In a dorm! How exciting! :hyper:) with my friend Kelly as my roommate. I have no idea what we'll be doing, though. Artsy things, I'm sure. I'll get pictures, although, I'm not sure how many I'll be able to post. (Since I don't really like posting pictures of myself/others.)

I feel weird having so much luggage. I'll have a suitcase for my clothes/etc, a bag for my shower supplies, a day bag to carry sound with me (Containing sketchpads, pencils, etc; recommended by Kelly, since this is her third year.) and my bed stuff, plus my 12-inch fan (Also recomended by Kelly, since the dorms get pretty stuffy)

It seems like a lot for me, considering I usually travel pretty lightly.

Not many pictures of the Pretty Boy today, but there's still a few.


(I think my camera is going. A lot of pictures are bury these days)





(Not sure what happened there. Must've been BunBun's psychic forces messing with the lens.)



(I'm not good at aiming cameras. :p)


...Fewer than expected.
Oh well. Still fun, right?

Well, RO, I'll be off now. I'll see you soon.

~Xila :purplepansy:
Aww BunBun is just the pictures of him

What a little bugga chewing the cord....gosh i have lost so many cords and other stuff in my home that i think i would need a whole page just to write everything down that my mischevious bunnies have destroyed...goodness me lol..
Us rabbits are distinguished creatures- surly if something was destroyed, it was well-deserved and for a justified reason, yes?

It's ridiculous how often that happens, and she still never believes me. :<

[align=center]Prince BunBun[/align]
"It's been a while, but we're back!"
Who's "we", Slave? You wouldn't update this blog if it... well... You suck at updating the blog.

My- July 24th? So much has happened since then. How cruel of you to make this poor thumbless boy bother to type all this out.

Well, major news:

October 16th- The not-so-little white woofer meets an untimely demise. Even I manage to find pity for those who live such short lives. Granted, she was 7 years or so, so she was getting up there, but surly it was still too soon. Long story short: She was hit by a car, took her to the vet, nothing could be done.

December 11th- The tall Slaves bring home a black and white woofer. I remember Xila talked to me about not really liking her. She talked to me a lot about how she wan't that attached to Lucy. I remember she said to me,
"So we were at the SPCA and apparently somewhere in my commenting that I didn't like puppies, I didn't feel that attached to her, and she was too high-energy for my tastes, not to mention I just flat out said 'I don't like her', we made a 'Mutual family decision' to get her."

I don't like Lucy, she was really aggressive towards me, although several firm reminders of who's boss (Read: Bopps to the nose) seems to have put New Woofer in her place.
To be honest, I think Xila was just going on because it was too soon to get another dog and took that out on Lucy. The decision to get Lucy wasn't as mutual as the rest of the family seemed to think, and it was really sudden. (Like, her mom told her and her brother they were going to see the dog and got her the next day.)

Anyway, about two weeks have passed, and Xila seems to like Lucy now, (And has affectionately dubbed her "Woofie" (Wew-fee) so I suppose is'all good. (Plus Lucy has pretty much completely left me alone.)

She's not very old, only a year or so.


Actually, I suppose that's it for major news.

Oh well: When in doubt, look at some pictures of me, right? (I don't think that's how the saying goes, but I like it)

None of these are *terribly* recent, but they're all within the last month. I know there's a lot more than this, (I remember she sat on the floor with me with the ever-annoying camera) but this technologically-deprived individual can't find them.

Xila's camera is majorly dying. While it's usually fine, it does occasionally produce some... interesting pictures.





It's December 23rd- the humans have hunted down a tree and mounted it in the living room again, as they tend to do this time of year.
They've got all the presents wrapped and set up on a table by said tree. Xila tells me most of the bigger presents are for me. Xila apparently got lots of littler things this year.
I fail to see the point of this holiday, but everyone else seems to like it.

Oh, there was this scary man in my house the other day. He came in to fiddle with the loud noise-making-thing that is by my cage. (Xila note: A piano)
Don't worry, though. I wasn't scared and I eventually intimidated him enough that he left.

Xila mentioned to me the other day about this rabbit over in New York. Apparently she's got a broken/deformed back leg and needs it amputated, but needs some $500 or so for the surgery. Xila mentioned something about wanting to donate money to her. I don't know if she will, though. Xila says that about things every once in a while, but she rarely gets the courage to actually do it.

Now, see Xila? That wasn't so hard.

A little bonus for you guys: Xila tends to get distracted when she's drawing, so she writes herself notes to remind herself to get back to work. This is one of those notes: (And it may be relevant to some of you readers.)


I like it when she makes me look scary. People tell me I'm not scary and I tend to disagree.

-Sir Prince BunBun

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