The Critter Clan

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Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
, Maryland, USA
Meet Ace, Lettuce, Idgie, Lucky, Gnat, Marty, Boo, Ninja, Ashton (aka Fishious), Billy, and Bob.
Also take a look at behind the scenes of an organisation in the making - H.O.P.E.!

It all started with one black tort Holland Lop buck about 3 years ago. I had always wanted a rabbit and finally had the opportunity to get one. I found a breeder who was looking to sell a litter of about three girls and one boy. I was able to get the male and as soon as I received pictures, I named him Bandit. I had him for awhile until one weekend I had to go visit a friend. I left Bandit in the wrong hands and upon my return, I found him dead in his cage.

About two years after Bandit passed away, I had ended up in a very deep depression and without my bun there to comfort me, I decided it was finally time to accept a new animal into my life. My plan? Buy a snake! Sure, it wasn't fluffy and cuddly, but what's cooler than a snake?! As I went shopping at the local pet store, I came across the rodent section and decided my future snake did in fact need to eat. I was browsing through when all of a sudden, I spotted a small black-and-white creature no bigger than my hand. What was it? A baby guinea pig! I had to have it. I'm still not quite sure how I ended up with my planned snake's food instead of a snake, but I'm very glad I did. My guinea pig being that size that he was at the time, I decided to name him Gnat. The picture below is of Gnat when he first arrived home.


About two months after Gnat, Marty came. He was meant to be a company for my mother as she had fallen ill and needed company while I wasn't visiting. Marty ended up being a total bugger and my mum can't hold him, but we keep him just the same. He's a very spoiled rat. Ignore the date, I screwed up my camera. Most of the pictures have the wrong date, hahaha.


About a year after Gnat, I got my beta fish Ashton/Fishious. There's not much of a story to him other than he's black with black rocks in his fish bowl. He was sick for quite some time but recovered and is back to normal. We then ended up with two very colourful beta fish Billy and Bob (one letter for each colour they have). There's not much to them either other than them loving to jump out of their bowls. Sorry guys, no pictures of the fishies.

Then along came Ace and Lettuce. I don't really know how that happened, but it did. They are just like two little kids and love to get into things they shouldn't. Ace is pretty mellow and just a really cool rabbit. If he were human, I swear he'd be riding a motorcycle, wearing a leather jacket, shades, and being badass until he came home to chill with his dog. Did I mention he looks badass with shades on? I'll have to get a picture. Lettuce? Well, she'd be a blonde head cheerleader but extremely clumsy and shy at the same time. Vicious but cute. A total ditz? ithinkso. The pictures below are Ace (black) and Lettuce (grey). Notice their separate approaches to the same object. Lettuce didn't make it any closer to the object than she did in the picture.



Then about two months ago, Boo and Ninja came about. I found them in an ad on Craigslist. I was told they were Teddy Bear hamsters, but alas they are not. It's cool though as they're awesome anyway. Boo was the runt of the litter and about half the size of Ninja. The pictures are of their first day at home. Boo's the tan-and-white and Ninja's...the other one XD



Then about two weeks ago, I somehow ended up with Lucky and Idgie. I swear, these animals keep mysteriously showing up! I went to the pet store in the mall (very bad Hannah) and found in the front window about 15 bunnies of various breeds, colours, and ages. Lucky was the only loppy-eared one and I'm a total sucker for loppy-eared buns! He was curled up in the corner, dirty, and unhealthy looking. How could I just leave him there?! So he found his way home with me. But while I was there, I saw one bunny that really caught my attention. I was home for a few hours and tending to the animals but I couldn't seem to get my mind off that one little rabbit. Of course, I went back :surrenderShe was still there and as I was debating (it was one hot debate, I might add!), I overheard a couple behind me talking about getting a rabbit. It was the typical, "Awww! Look at the bunnies, *boyfriend'sname*! If you love me, you'll get me one!" I tried to ignore it until the boyfriend said they had no idea how to even care for a rabbit. Uh-oh. Girlfriend replied with, "Well, if it doesn't work out we can just give to a shelter! They love animals!" Needless to say, my expression wasn't a good one. Which bunny did Girlfriend want? She wanted the one I had my mind on the whole time. Debate was over. Marching up to the counter, I told the guy I wanted a rabbit and immediately said which one. To make sure he got the right one the first time, I headed back out and pointed at it. Home came Idgie. So many animals!





As for the organisation, I was sick of listening to people tell me about how they'd like to help horses in need, but they didn't want to OWN a horse. They always told me they would LIKE to get involved in a rescue, but it took up too much time. Well, thanks to that, a friend of mine and I came up with Help Our Precious Equines, aka HOPE. It's been close to two years now and I'm glad we've gotten past "just an idea." We have the site up and we have volunteers, but we're having difficulty raising the money for the 501 status. We have an online store, we have a magazine fundraiser, we have online discounts set up for everyday shopping (when you use it and save money, HOPE gets what you save on your purchase), and we recently started selling candles and coffee.

Feel free to check out the site! From there, you can also get to the main store. It's also under construction, so please excuse the mess:biggrin2:
Your fur-family is really adorable. All of them! And I love that you shared the story behind how each one came to live with you. It was all very sweet.

I can't wait to hear more about everyone and get to know you all better :D.
Today as I was petting little Lucky, I \felt an odd lump on him. Digging through his fur to get to the bottom of it, I found a scab on him and a cut that looked like something had scratched him. A few days after getting him, I also found what looks to possibly be a bone sticking out of his skin. It looks like an old wound as it has healed over, there's no blood, and the sort. I don't know what happened to him but I do know whatever it was, it didn't happen here. Off to the vet for Lucky! Poor little guy really wasn't doing well at the pet store.

Last night while the babies were out, Lucky made his way over to Lettuce's cage and Lettuce growled at him! She then proceeded to lunge at the side of the cage to get to him. Then Idgie went over to Lettuce and they just hung around and touched each other throught the bars. Poor Lucky doesn't get any love!

As for Ace, he's doing great as usual :biggrin2:

All the other animals are doing fine, as well, lol.
So it's been a while since I updated this, so I'll do so now :biggrin2:

Lucky is doing fantastic. All his injuries are healed, he's growing, eating well, and is incredibly social. He always wants to be out of his cage to run around, run all over your feet, or chill in your lap. He's very forgiving as he's often stepped on (not hurt!) because he just will not leave your side no matter what. He has mastered the command "down!" when he jumps up on furniture. He also LOVES to lick people. Any body part that goes near his mouth automatically is covered in bunny kisses.

Idgie is doing great to. She isn't as social as Lucky is, but at the same time she has to be the center of attention. I'll be sitting on the floor on my laptop (don't ask XD) and she insists on running up into my lap and watch what I'm doing. She also likes watching TV o_O She's learning to come when her name is called, as well as commands "down", "jump", "move", and "go". She's growing like a weed!

Ace is doing well. He hasn't really changed since my last post. He's very soft, though! XD His buddy Lettuce is doing great as well. She doesn't mind the babies nearly as much as she used to. She even went over to investigate them this morning. In fact, the other day we had the babies out and Lettuce broke out of her cage and completely ignored them. No attacks!

All three of the fish are doing fine. They just had their bowls cleaned yesterday. I might actually go to Wallmart and buy some plastic flowers for their bowls. They make GREAT decorations.

Gnat is doing well. I feel bad that I haven't been able to spend much time with him as he requires to be held and can't run around like the rabbits. I'd hold him when the rabbits are out, but he doesn't like them.

And for Marty, he's fallen ill again and isn't so active anymore. He needs a lot of TLC to help him get back to his old self. Poor little guy.

Well, I think I got all the animals, lmao. If I forgot any, I'll have to update again XD
I just love your little family!!

Hopefully Marty rallies again and starts to feel better soon!
Great Blog!Awesome little furry family!

I'll make the title in your profile a clickable link for you. :)

Can you put your location in your profile? It's good for us to know what area you're in.

Glad you found us!

sas :bunnydance:

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