The "cool" people

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
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Auckland, , New Zealand

Oh em gee..
They piss me of so bad.

At the start of the year i hunged out with the "cool" people i really didnt feel like they were real friends yah know? the girls were b****y and th guys needed to get over them selfs. so i started hanging out with the "non-cool" people... one of teh "cool" guys said to me "Prisca why did you ditch us?? come sit at the cool table"
I said. "Excuse me??"
HIM: "yeah why did you ditch us?"
ME: "because i think that the cool people should get over them selfs"
HIM: "oookaaaay chill.."
Now the girls that was non cool was sitting with me at the table and they knwo they're the "non-cool" but s*** man don't rub it in

Then after that he asked me to hang out back with them etc.. i said, maybe i don't really wanna ditch Paige (my best friend in class) but yeah.

then today I sat on the "cool" side of the class for social studies (wasn't gonna actually sit there, was just waiting to get my book) and one of the guys said "WTF Prisca why are you sitting at the cool side, you don't belong here"
i said "F*** you." I get quite pissed at people like this
He said something i didnt bother hearing though.

then today on msn the same guy that aid about the ditching table etc

"oi u made it like awkward for Brianna (the cool girl, she's nice, she's also his girl friend) and me today when the speaker said that u shudnt base your life o ur gf and stuff"
and i said. "sorry i was just joking, but it is true you two cant be seperated :)"
him: "dry"
me: "wasnt suppose to be funny"
him: "dry"
Me: "w/e it was just my 2c, next time i just wont say anything"
HIM: "good, you know you think you're too cool to hang out with us"
ME: "excuse me? I just think that u people care about you self too much to be honest."
HIM: "how the f*** am i caring about myself. u basicly said me and brianna are obsest with eachother."
ME: "well you two are so close together, why are you all angry at me? all i said was that you two care about each other a lot and then you kept on saying "dry" and then so i said w/e and then u got all agry again. chill."
HIM:"wateva have fun with "paige""
Me: "will do. see there again, you say paige as if you're too cool for her :rollseyes"
HIM: no wtf. ur obsest with her and im obsest with brianna.
ME: w/e matt you're right
HIM: yeah thanks prisca for saying that
ME: that's okay. Of course you're always right, at least youre polite
HIM: im always right?wow thanks?u being seriouse?
ME: :rollseyes
HIM: k then.
ME: w/e just stop talking to me if u dnt want to, tbh i wouldnt care less.

So to sum it up, "cool people" should get over them selfs and they p*** me of.
I probably sounded really B***hy but hey, they deserve it.

Lets see what happends tomorrow.

~ P
Ahhh to be young again!
Wait what am I talking about! I'm 4 years older than you.

Look I know these kids seem self obsessed, but they will grow up and trust me before you finish school they'll be mature. I know it doesn't seem like it but it does happen. Of course there are always a few who are still just plain buttfaces.

Your maturity is showing! *giggles* Prisca's maturity is showing prisca's maturity is showing! And mine isn't.

Leave the idiots behind and enjoy your time with the uncool people, because trust me in 10 years time they'll be the coolest of them all... and they also tend to understand bunnys.
Meh, I'm totally over the "plastics" at my school there are 1 or 2 nice ones but the rest are anal cows. They can be really nice and genuine alone but when you combine them all together that all disapears. In 10 years you'll go through the drive through and they'll be the ones flipping paddies cause they were TC to pay attention in school.
Once upon a time I was definitely NOT a popular kid! I was one of those drifter kids, I could hang out with anyone and basically be considered part of that group. Don't confuse that with popular though, haha! I could hang with them but I never WAS one of them. If that makes sense.

I even remember one of the first times I actually talked to this one girl, like outside of normal pleasantries. It took me four years (technically 2, because for 2 years I was at another HS) to even manage to be able to talk to her, she was so cool, haha. And this was with 60 kids in our entire class! Anyway, we had the same homeroom our senior (last) year in HS. We had to do this dorky thing where they paired us up on the auditorium stage (our homeroom was in the auditorium) and we had to find 10 things in common with the other person, at the same time doing silly things like crossing our eyes, hopping up and down, all that. The longer it took you to find 10 things, the longer you stood there and the more silly things you had to do. Of course it was me and this girl I barely talked to paired up. We were up there the longest, and we really had to stretch it to find the ten things. I think one of them was "We both laugh at our own jokes". We had NOTHING in common! At all! She was totally a different kind of person. We both were just like "Seriously? HER? There's nothing I have in common with HER."


That same girl is now my GF. :p Sometimes the popular kids are really just nerds dressed up nice, haha!!

In fact I think all the "popular" kids at my high school were all pretty nerdy and smart. That's weird.

Okay not sure why I told you all that, haha!
The thing about cool people is that they think they are to good for the dumb people its all in the way you dress seriously.

I played sports was a jock dont ask how I got so big just a few years after high school. But I dress like a guy more comfertable I did not care what people thought. So on the field out side of school we where best friend shoot I dated someone on my softball team. But in school noone talked to me. I hung out with the math geeks I am a math geek I took college level math in middle school. You know now. Most of those jocks never got that college scholier ship cause there grades sucked. They all work for mc donalds or something like that.

My best friend now is a science geek still is I do science with math she does it with science you should see us get the same answer. My husband just looks like I have no understanding of what yall are doing I am going to play video games.

It all goes to show. My neice is a jock but my mom made sure our grades where up we got under a 85 we had to stop going to practise and get our grades up. I graduated with a 3.8 GPA on a 4 point scale. I played sport year around. I was the top graduater in the sport program.
Aah Prisca :D
I gave up trying to be 'cool' a while back.. I know that in my group of friends I'm 'cool' to them...
We call the cool people 'The IT Crowd' basically they think there it and only talk to the nice ones (AKA US) when they need to borrow a pen...
Also don't try to impress them or anything.. just be who you are... my motto is don't care about what people you don't know or dont care about think - it isn't worth it!
So glad I'm not in HS anymore...what put it in perspective for me was coming back to my home-town, and being checked out at the local grocery store by the home-coming/prom queen who everyone thought was a goddess (to be fair, she wasn't a complete stuck-up snob like other girls in her shoes).
You may be something in school....but get out, get a job and you'll find out it's quite a different story.
Ah, the plastics, God I hate them.
We have a group of them in my year too, the worst of them all is their little queen bee. I would say me and my group of friends are in the middle, there is seven of us, we like to look nice, have nice hair and make-up, but we aren't bitches, we get average grades (all our grades are around the same actually), but we aren't totally into it so much that we do nothing but study and never take a shower ( I know...ewwww!).

I think last year and the year before people would have done anything to be in their group but now we are all around 16 and they look plain immature and stupid. One of the girls has left the plastics now, she grew up, and we were telling her what other people used to think of them and how we thought they were so immature, she was so embarassed!

I never wasted my time trying to be in their group, I was lucky I already had a friend when I started secondary school and we joined up with the other two girls in first year and the other three in second year, and I can be myself in my group.
OH not to worry.. sometimes you just have to take a humorous approach to these things. For myself, I find these kind of people who consider themselves to be some sort of hierarchy that we should all bow down to quite pathetic.

All just a warped world they've created for themselves if they wish to believe they are above others. There is no such thing as "the cool group"in my mind,just different groups of people with different interests and personalities. But if it makes them happy to pretend they are "cooler" than others, well they can enjoy their little game, as long as no one else gets hurt in the process ;).

In reality, usually the friendliest, mostgenuinely awesome people aren't in the cliquey grade two popular group. So don't get too hung up on the people who think they are too cool for school, since for the most part, they aren't worth your time. Until they've grown up considerably to give up the "cliquey game"... don't worry yourself about them!
Oh god I'm a "freak" because I hang out with the girls but seriously all the guys do in is stupid stuff like make noises in the class so we get nothing done. Prisca be yourself you will soon find out you will have more friends for it!
Prisca, don't just a whole group of people for what a few said. Had to say it. You say you hate all cool people. Well, around my school i'm conciderd popular and cool but I don't treat people like that. Just don't judge a group of people for what a few have done, it's not very fair.
If they bother you so much then why do you talk to them ? It's just going to start drama.
I don't really talk to them to be honest. I don't like to, i mean if they start a conversation that's fine by me but.. tbh... they're conversation is all about them. The world revolves around them. Like today I was talking to one of my best's and then one of them came up to us she totally took the whole thing and changed the topic to herself... so me and my friend just stood there listening to her.. then the bell rung and i said i needed to go to french and she said "eww... you want to be on time.. you're a nerd."
I was like.. "..."

I mean i don't think they're all bad tbh, a few of them are REALLY nice. Its just most of the people they hang out with.
SunnyCait wrote:
I was one of those drifter kids, I could hang out with anyone and basically be considered part of that group. Don't confuse that with popular though, haha! I could hang with them but I never WAS one of them. If that makes sense.
That's kinda like me if that makes sense... like I don't try and hang out with them but if i do i was never one of them, i've just been the bit on the side.
paul2641 wrote:
Oh god I'm a "freak" because I hang out with the girls but seriously all the guys do in is stupid stuff like make noises in the class so we get nothing done. Prisca be yourself you will soon find out you will have more friends for it!
OH EM GEE!! I love boys like you haha the ones hwo hang out with the girls!! You're not a dooche like the others!! I have one in my group he's coooool az :D He gets teased though! but non one dares to tease him when im around. *punch fist*

Saudade wrote:
Ahhh to be young again!
Wait what am I talking about! I'm 4 years older than you.

Look I know these kids seem self obsessed, but they will grow up and trust me before you finish school they'll be mature. I know it doesn't seem like it but it does happen. Of course there are always a few who are still just plain buttfaces.

Your maturity is showing! *giggles* Prisca's maturity is showing prisca's maturity is showing! And mine isn't.

Leave the idiots behind and enjoy your time with the uncool people, because trust me in 10 years time they'll be the coolest of them all... and they also tend to understand bunnys.

Yes, to be young again - my high school days are long behind me and my youngest will be done next year... oh, and I work at a high school.

The cool kids made fun of me in high school when I was a kid because I did not have money, and they thought they were better than me.

Have to laugh as I now have my little farm on the hill (far away from the town I grew up in), have a hubby and kids that love me, a great job, great friends (including my RO friends here), lots of animals, have been published, been on my own documentary on Animal Planet, am a competitive sailor and the older I get, the more I realize life is great and the opinion of those twits back in high school did not matter one iota.

If you have never heard of Rachel's Challenge (it is in all schools all over the world now), check it out. We have had the program at my high school twice and it made a lot of kids think how they treated one another.

Best of luck with the cool people...sounds like you are much more mature than they are....

Ok, this is not going to be what you want to hear, but I have to be the devils advocate, and this is just something I learned.

I think that everyone is just as self centered, some have just learned to hide it better. Most people want to be the center of attention. I don't think that makes them bad, just sad. I think a lot of time people who love to talk about themselves are just starved for attention. Maybe they are ignored at home. Or maybe they never really have anyone who *really* listens instead of just thinking about what they are going to say next and how to turn the conversation to talk about themselves. That is how it is in a shallow group. It is amazing all the things you can learn if you do just take the time to listen to someone.

People are also always looking for affirmation. The plastics may "complement" each other with "nice hair" or "nice shoes" or whatever, but the one who has the hair or the shoes is really thinking "duh you think it is nice, they look just like yours." Most people never receive a sincere complement and they are starving for it so they will take anything they can get.

I look at it this way. Everyone has a huge pantry full of food. The only thing is, you can not eat out of your own pantry and can only eat out of someone elses if they give it to you. Consequently, most people are starving. It is funny how everyone wants to hoard the food they can never eat.

I have never really been starving before, but I have fasted for a few days and I know a few things about being really hungry. The first day was ok. After that the hamster food started to look really good, lol. Starving people take what they can get, even if it is really crap or shoe leather.

Likewise, if someone is starving for love, they may take sex as a substitute. If they are starving for attention they try to manipulate conversations and try to act "cool" so they can get it. If someone is starving for a complement they may mask it by bragging about themselves. If someone want affirmation they may try to get it by tearing others down in front of their peers. (People are also afraid of those that are diferent then themselves. Making fun of them just makes them seem less scarey.)

Cliques are mearly people who mutually feed eachother crap. Especially in highschool. People know the diference between crap and a real meal. You know they are shallow, and so do they. But hey, eating crap is better than starving. Plus, they always know that they have a meal.

So yeah, that is just about it. I don't mean for you to go hang out with the platics if you don't want to. Just understand that they probably aren't as bad or shallow as you think they are. It is just highschool when everyone is starving and finds some label to put on themselves so they know what soup kitchen they can eat at. The ones that will make a diference in the world of tomorrow and have a better time today are those who learn how to cook.
^^^ Well written! I haven't heard the food metaphor used before, but it is true :)
MyLOVEABLES!! wrote:
paul2641 wrote:
Oh god I'm a "freak" because I hang out with the girls but seriously all the guys do in is stupid stuff like make noises in the class so we get nothing done. Prisca be yourself you will soon find out you will have more friends for it!
OH EM GEE!! I love boys like you haha the ones hwo hang out with the girls!! You're not a dooche like the others!! I have one in my group he's coooool az :D He gets teased though! but non one dares to tease him when im around. *punch fist*
You are just like my best friend!! Witch is kinda funny.
haha lol.
Im the small dangerous one. no one dares to mess with me and if they do... oh boy they're in for sumthing :p

im the talkative, crazy, "funnny" pfft, sporty, one lol.