The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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It was a while ago that you posted your plants but the one you have from a cutting is a Golden Pothos. They are commonly confused with Philodendrons. The care is similar in both cases anyway.

Christmas cacti are one of my absolute favorites but I left my collection of six or 7 back in NY when I moved to CA. I only have one now.

Barnaby is so cute! That last picture of him it looks like he's just a little fluffy head with no body or like a Tribble with eyes.
Oh thanks!! I'm glad I know what that plant is now! :) For awhile I thought I was going to loose it, because it's only had like 3 leaves for awhile and hasn't been growing at all. But this week a new baby leaf appeared, so I'm happy. I'll have to look it up now and make sure I'm taking care of it properly.

I looooove Christmas cacti! I actually had a few too that I left with my Mom when I moved from MA to NJ. I was so happy when Chris got me a new one. I want to get a few more though, different colored ones. I saw some at the grocery store yesterday actually that where marked way down because no one bought them for Christmas. I was tempted to get one or two, but they weren't flowering so I didn't know what colors they would be. I didn't get any yesterday, but I might pick one up next time I go if they're still there.

Barnaby is sooo fluffy. He was always crazy furry, but even more so now than he use to be. He's so soft too, I only wish he enjoyed being pet more than he does.

Oh so to go back to plants, I did get a bunch of seed packets yesterday of plants I want to try to grow indoors under the plant lights. I got some parsley that I'm going to try to grow for the bunnies, and snap dragons (another one of my favorites) and a few others.

Today is cleaning day (since it's trash day)! I have to clean the bunny room really bad...and will probably go for the rest of the apartment too. Chris won't be home until like 11pm tonight, because he's going to some college talk at NYU about making video games after work. So I have the house to myself for the whole day.
I have seriously the weirdest luck.

Today was kind of a bleh day. Chris still isn't home from his class and it's almost 10pm, so I was alone all day.

I took the dog out around 2 so he could go to the bathroom. We where walking on the sidewalk minding our own business, when all of a sudden a cat runs out from someone's back yard and starts attacking Kit. I've never seen a cat do that for no reason like that, it was crazy! Poor Kit got scratched on the nose and was bleeding. I brought him right home and cleaned him up and then I start getting paranoid thinking, what if the satanic cat had rabies or something?

I know Kit can't get rabies since he's up to date on all his shots, but, and this will probably show you the extent of my paranoia...I start thinking, what if the cat had rabies, licked it's nails, got rabies on it's claws, then scratched Kit and got it on Kit's face, then I touched Kit's face when I was cleaning his cut, and could have possibly (but I don't remember) rubbed my eyes or I'm going to get rabies and die.

If I randomly stop posting updates in my blog in a month or so, you'll all know what happened to me! :p

Oh and then I was cleaning the bunny room, and I totally dropped a litter box full of crap and pee litter ALL over the floor. :X Then I got like 5 hay splinters cleaning it up! I'm allergic to hay so when I get the splinters, they make my skin get all red and swollen and crazy itchie. :X:X I HATE hay splinters.

It's snowing here. They're saying we're suppose to get a crazy amount of snow, up to 15 inches. I'm so ready for spring already! The only good thing about the snow, is that Chris' work told him not to come in if the snow is that would be kind of cool.
We are getting 16 + inches of snow today! It's crazy. Chris got the day off from work because of it, which is awesome. :inlove:

Here is are some pictures of my snow bunnies! I scooped a bunch of snow up in a pan and let the bunnies play in it for awhile. Ziggy was the most interested in it - he was digging and rolling in it, it was so cute. Barnaby didn't want much to do with it and Berry kept eating it.









And here are some pictures of my honorary snow bunny, Kit. Him and I are the only two in the house who actually went out to brave the storm today.





Here are my fishies since I never posted pictures of them.

This is Courage my betta fish. My Dad got him for me, from Wal*Mart. :shock: It was actually kind of a funny story. I had another betta, and my Dad was watching it for me while I spent the summer at my then boyfriends house. That was the summer that Zeus passed away. Well, turns out my fish had passed away as well. My Dad was afraid to tell me because he knew I was already really upset about Zeus. So instead of telling me, he just went to Wal*Mart and got me a new fish. The funny part is, that Courage looks nothing like my last betta fish did.


And this is Ike, the comet goldfish. I got him from my brother. My brother got him when he was really small, as a feeder fish for one of his frogs. For some reason the frog never ate him. My brother eventually got sick of taking care of him and gave him to me.


So those are my fish. I have fun maintaining fish tanks. But I think, once these two fish go, that I won't get any more until after we move. Someday I think it would be awesome to set up a salt water tank. When I use to work for my college biology department, part of my job was maintaining all the fish tanks. The salt water tanks where always my favorite.

Tonight I have to go to the mall and try to find Chris a Valentines day/anniversary present. He's going to meet me at the mall when he gets out of work and then we're going out to dinner :) We decided to go tonight instead of Sunday night, since it will be packed on Sunday.
I love fish tanks :)
Coments can become amazingly huge!
I have done saltwater, and it is soo much work and so expensive. I prefer the no hassle of fresh, especially now that fish tanks are not my #1 priority.

James and I are celebrating Saturday too. Hope you have a good Valentines!
LOL at your dad getting a Betta that doesn't look like the one you had before! I guess he just thought they all looked the same! I take care of some saltwater tanks as part of my job, for crustaceans, and I concur that they are a pain in the butt and expensive. I wouldn't keep them if I didn't have to!
Thanks for the comments!

Oh but I use to work taking care of marine tanks too. I guess it was different since I didn't actually have to pay to maintain them, I got paid to do it, but I thought it was fun. I like a challenge! I wouldn't start a tank of my own though unless I had a lot of extra time and cash to invest into it.

I know comets can get huge. I'm hoping by the time Ike gets too big for a tank, we'll have our own house so I can make a goldfish pond outside in the yard. If not, I'm not sure what I'll do. I considered trying to rehome him, but I don't know. I think I take care of him just as good if not better than anyone else around here would. We live in the city, so most people here live in apartments and wouldn't have space for a huge tank for him. If worse comes to worse, my sister already has a goldfish pond set up. I could give him to her, but she lives pretty far away from me (around 5 - 6 hours away).

I thought it was funny too that my Dad replaced my fish with one that looked nothing like the original. I guess your right, to him they probably all look the same!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Chris is such a sweetheart. Today is our anniversary too. For Valentine's Day and our anniversary, he got me a Vermont Teddy bear, perfume, and chocolates. :inlove:

Last night I stayed up really late baking a crumb cake for Chris. I think it turned out pretty well, considering it was my first time making one. I was in a baking mood, so I also made home made cookies for the bunnies and peanut butter dog treats for Kitsu. So everyone got special treats today!

I have to do a lot of cleaning today - the bunny room and lizard tank and the kitchen is a mess. Later, around dinner time, I'm making cheese & chocolate fondue. That should be good! I'm finally getting my chocolate fix today!
Chris' Dad gave us that headboard, but it doesn't match the theme of the bedroom. I was actually kind of disappointed when he brought it over. I know, disappointed to get a free headboard...strange right? Well Chris and I made a deal that he can decorate the living room how ever he wants, and I get the bedroom. So I really wanted to pick out all the furniture myself.

But I figured it's stupid to go out and spend money on something we already have. So instead of buying a new one, I am going to paint/decorate the one we already have! I'm going to paint it white and am thinking of painting a cherry blossom tree on it, or maybe just a few blossoms.

This morning I didn't feel like doing much, so I snuggled up on the couch with my dog and we watched "Hachiko: A Dog's Story". It's based on the true story of Hachiko, a dog in Japan who waited for his deceased master at the train station every day for 10 years after his owner passed away. It's a sad story, but an amazing one at the same time.

I was never much of a dog person in my childhood. Then Chris and I decided we wanted a dog, because I wanted a pet who would be more affectionate than the bunnies are, and one I could take outside with me for walks and such. Now that I actually own a dog, I desovered how much I love them! I don't think I'll ever be without one now.

It's snowing here again today, but not as bad as last week. The snow started last night around 10 and is still going, but we're only suppose to get a few inches this time.
I was severly attacked by a dog when I was younger. I still have noticable scars on my face, but now I love dogs! It really is funny.

Just stopped by to read :)
Just to add - I never had anything against dogs, I love all animals, but I never really realized how great they can be until I got one of my own.

One of my friends from collage came across the blog of one of my old roommates from college (who I didn't get along with). My friend linked me to her blog because in one of her posts, she wrote about all her major life events, and mentioned me. First of all I think it's rather funny that she mentioned me at all, because I would never have mentioned her if someone asked me to list my major life events. But she described me as "having a creepy little girl voice" and "having an unhealthy obsession with animals".

I've never had anyone call me (or something about me) creepy before, lol. I do have a very soft feminine voice but it's never bothered me, and my fiance thinks it's cute :biggrin2:

And about the animal thing...I guess people aren't allowed to have a passion without it being an "unhealthy obsession". Oh, and the fact that this girl was obsessed with guys even though she had never had a serious relationship, and pretty much based her whole self worth on what men thought of her wasn't unhealthy at allll right?

I could say so many negative things about that girl, but I'm just going to leave it how it is. That was in the past and I really couldn't care less about her.

In a strange way, I kind of felt complimented with what she wrote about me. If the only bad things people have to say about me are that I have a weird voice and really like animals, than I feel like I'm doing pretty well for myself. And the fact that she is still writing about me when I haven't said a word to her for over 4 years is amusing to me.

So anyways, enough of that. I've been sick for the past couple of days, yet again. It's some kind of stomach bug or something I think. I wasn't feeling up to cleaning and doing stuff like that for a few days, so the kitchen really got pretty bad (Chris almost never cleans). Today I was thinking, ya know it's probably not healthy to be eating and preparing food in a messy kitchen. I really hate cleaning the kitchen! On any normal day, I can assure you that my animals cages/rooms are cleaner than our kitchen is. I mean of course there is no poo or anything in the kitchen haha, but we leave a lot of dirty dishes out and stuff. So I dunno, I started feeling kind of guilty that I've been taking better care of the animals than I have been of myself and Chris. So all day I've been going on a huge guilt induced cleaning spree. I really need to get some kind of a system down, especially for the kitchen, so our apartment doesn't get so messy.

I've been thinking some of getting a normal blog :p I write way to much nonbunny related things on here! The bunnies are doing wonderful. Berry and her recovery have been such an inspiration. This morning she was flopped out sleeping in the cage. I'm always nervous that I'm going to walk in the room and find her dead, or having problems from another stroke or something. But lately, the only thing I've been finding is a very happy bunny!
I'm not sure if Courage the betta is going to live much longer. I mean I don't think he's going to drop dead in the next few days, but I don't really expect him to live out this year. He still eats and flares up at things and such, but he's really started to slow down lately.

Hopefully his will be the only pet death I'll have to deal with in the near future. All my other pets are pretty young and I'm hoping they all have long lifespans ahead of them!
I take way better care of my animals and their diet and food than mine/my husband's!

My husband has back problems so he can't stand at the sink and do dishes without it causing a lot of pain. So the pots and pans pile up all week. My mother would have a fit if she knew how we live!

Meanwhile I clean out Fluffy's box every day and pick up the stray poops, feed all our animals good quality food, take the dog on nice long walks. The kitchen is a mess and I never want to cook for the two people in the house though!
Those are the current ages of all my pets! Had to use the cat ticker for the frogs, and elephants for the fish, because they didn't have ones with frogs or fish on them. I don't know if the tickers will update because of the way I had to upload them, but we'll see!

On March 1st Berry will be 3 and then on April 1st Ziggy will be 3!

Silvermoon, you must have posted at the same time I posted the tickers! Or else I didn't notice your post. Yeah, I take better care of my pets than I do of myself and my fiance too I think. I absolutely HATE doing dishes! I'll let them just pile up until they overflow the sink and cover the counter, and we don't have a single plate or silverware left to eat with, before I'll clean them sometimes. And yet I'm insane about making sure I keep the rabbits room/cage spotless. My pets eat better than us too! I spent so long researching and planning out their healthy diets, and then I just throw together whatever we have for my fiance and I.

I've been trying to keep the place cleaner though! And Chris has gotten back into working out a lot, so we've been talking about trying to improve our diet. We'll see how long the changes last though!!
I cleaned the kitchen again last night! Ha I'm proud of myself. But then this morning I go in there after Chris ate breakfast, and theres crumbs all over the place and he spilled something and ...ugh. He just leaves it there for me to clean and it's so annoying. I think this is like, the only thing that he does that really annoys me! I spend 2 hours cleaning last night and then he messes it up in like 15 minutes and doesn't make any effort to clean up his own mess :p

I have to do laundry today too, which sucks because that means going to the laundromat. It wouldn't be so bad, but I am not very strong, and have to carry huge bags of dirty laundry down our horribly narrow 3 flights of stairs and then down the street to the laundromat.

I am starting to give my Mom a lot more credit for keeping the house so clean all the time when we where growing up. I'm having a hard time keeping our apartment clean and living here is just me, my fiance, and our pets.

Nothing new with the pets, everyone is doing well. I'm excited for Berry's birthday. A few weeks ago I wasn't even sure if she'd live to see it.
Fiances are SO messy! Since my BF and I split up - my place stays SO clean now ;)..

He also stated that since he moved into his new place - he really felt bad about all the cleaning I had to when we lived together..

I had to "giggle" a little when I read your post; know how you feel..

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