The Best Bunny Breeds Ever...

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fancybutterfly wrote:
2) Why is it about this/these breed(s) that you prefer? THEIR CUTE LITTLE FLAT FACES! CALM DEMEANER, FUNNY AS ALL GET OUT! :bunny19
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
2) Why is it about this/these breed(s) that you prefer? I love the ears, and there squishy faces, i dont know show me ten bunnies and two of them be lops and i am in love with them two,lol.
umm, i'm lookin' at Jamie and.....he doesn't look like he has a squished face to i the only one not seein' it?:?
LadyBug wrote:
fancybutterfly wrote:
2) Why is it about this/these breed(s) that you prefer? THEIR CUTE LITTLE FLAT FACES! CALM DEMEANER, FUNNY AS ALL GET OUT! :bunny19
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
2) Why is it about this/these breed(s) that you prefer? I love the ears, and there squishy faces, i dont know show me ten bunnies and two of them be lops and i am in love with them two,lol.
umm, i'm lookin' at Jamie and.....he doesn't look like he has a squished face to i the only one not seein' it?:?

MOMMY! i does not have a squishy face! have you hu'mans never sween one of does freaky french kitties? they have squishy faces, not me! i'm beautiful! humph!

Jamie(guess what?!?! i'm a whole year old now:bunnydance:)
1) Which bunny breed(s) is/are your favorite?

This is hard because all of my bunnies have been a different breed! I am very drawn to Holland Lops though, they're so cute and fluffy and their rears flap around when they run. I also love Dutchies (Skyler is so smart, personable and adorable!), Netherland Dwarfs (cute and hyper, fun to watch), and of course mixed breed buns have the best of everything, a la Rory.

2) Why is it about this/these breed(s) that you prefer?

Oops. I think I already answered that above.

3) Which breed(s) is/are your dream breed and why?

Someday, I really want to have a Flemish Giant and a Velveteen Lop. Also a Mini Rex. Flemmies because their personality sounds awesome and the bigger the bun, the more there is to love! Velveteen Lop because I love lops and rex fur. Mini rex because of their wonderful fur and their personalities sound hysterical.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
3) Which breed(s) is/are your dream breed and why?

Someday, I really want to have a...Mini rex because of their wonderful fur and their personalities sound hysterical.
They certainly can be hysterical; also very feisty, bold and opinionated.

Jenk wrote:
NZminilops wrote:
3) Which breed(s) is/are your dream breed and why?
A netherland dwarf with satin fur that was the size of a flemish giant would be pretty awesome :p.
:ponder: I can totally see it. :biggrin2:

if you somehow come up with a bunny like that, give me a call!! that would be awesome!

1: i love lops. fred is my baby. i don't think you can say no to a lop. i really want an E lop

2: lops seem to be chillax and cuddly. i have fostered quite a few different types of buns. i love nethies, but the ones i have had experience with just don't like people that much, and like to be on their own.

3: e lop! love the ears, and their personalities sound HILARIOUS. i blame bassetluv and her stories of Yofi for this e lop need!:biggrin2:
I knew I liked you two for a reason! LOL!

seniorcats wrote:
slavetoabunny wrote:


LadyBug wrote:
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
2) Why is it about this/these breed(s) that you prefer? I love the ears, and there squishy faces, i dont know show me ten bunnies and two of them be lops and i am in love with them two,lol.
umm, i'm lookin' at Jamie and.....he doesn't look like he has a squished face to i the only one not seein' it?:?

Some lops, i guess different breeds, have those short faces, with the fat lil noses like Sooty does.
Favorite Breed: Mini Lop! (or Holland Lop)

Why: Big, floppy ears! I love the way they hang down and frame their faces!

Dream Breed: Flemish Giants!!!! Because they are big. I love big animals.
1) Which bunny breed(s) is/are your favorite?


2) Why is it about this/these breed(s) that you prefer?

Gixxer is the most hilarious rabbit! He's very opinionated and picky and will LET YOU KNOW if you have offended him. Big change from when I first got him from the shelter and he was terrifed of everything but Alaska, now he thinks he king of the house....which....he kinda is ;) I've already told Chris that I will always want a MR in our house. Can't live without on now!!

3) Which breed(s) is/are your dream breed and why?

I'd like to have a standard Rex. Since I LOVE rex fur and want a bigger bunny someday that would have to be my pick. I saw a girl in Petsmart months back with hers and he was so content to be in his mama's arms, kind of made me jealous.
RexyRex wrote:
3) Which breed(s) is/are your dream breed and why?

I'd like to have a standard Rex. Since I LOVE rex fur and want a bigger bunny someday that would have to be my pick. I saw a girl in Petsmart months back with hers and he was so content to be in his mama's arms, kind of made me jealous.
Gainesville Rabbit Rescue just pulled the most gorgeous black standard rex you have ever seen from the shelter. Talk about sweet! I took her to an adoption event at Petco last weekend and she sat contentedly in my lap for the longest time. Jelly Bean is available for adoption (hint, hint).

Rexare definately the best!!!!!!!!!!

She's BLACK!!!! Oh, you're breaking my heart. I love black bunnies, especially when they are rex, they look like velvet.

If I didn't have 3 with explicit instructions from the Mr. that, under no circumstances, can I have ANY more..... I would be trying to figure out a way to get Jelly Bean from FL to NC.
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a big standard rex!

Gixxer sounds like Bo. He's kinda the boss around here cause things have to be HIS way or he's very upset by it.

Lexi will offer him something she knows he'll not like because he'll smell it, shake his head like "OMG THAT'S SO DISCUSTING!" and thump...... flick her off and pout.
RexyRex wrote:
I saw a girl in Petsmart months back with hers and he was so content to be in his mama's arms, kind of made me jealous.
I didn't even realize that PetsMart allows anything but dogs in the store. (Since there are so many dogs there at times, I'd be leery to bring a rabbit, anyway. But a standard Rex might [literally] kick dog butt, if need be. ;))

Bo B Bunny wrote:
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a big standard rex!
Does anyone happen to know of the standard Rex has less health issues (due to inbreeding) than the Mini Rex? Just curious.
Gixxer sounds like Bo. He's kinda the boss around here cause things have to be HIS way or he's very upset by it.
That's my Emma, too. She thumps three times as much as Zoe, although Zoe does tend to foot-flick more.

LOL! My Gixxer is a HUGE thumper. He's thumps when I have to *gasp* pick him up from his cage so he can play. I'm like "Hey! I'm letting you out to have a good time!" He also thumps when he's playing catch with Chris. He'll let Chris get close to him, almost close enough to pick up then THUMP! he's runs off and binkies then stops to let Chris get close again...etc etc. Gotta love that Mini-Rex attitude!
RexyRex wrote:
(Gixxer)also thumps when he's playing catch with Chris. He'll let Chris get close to him, almost close enough to pick up then THUMP! he's runs off and binkies then stops to let Chris get close again...etc etc. Gotta love that Mini-Rex attitude!
They can be such teases! :biggrin2:

Emma rarely eats hay from my hand. Instead, she'll yank the strand and fling it! And if I'm picking up excess hay off the floor by hand, she'll sneak up behind me and start yanking/flinging as many strands as she can (which, of course, just slows down the cleaning process).
I don't know about health issues but I would imagine their feet have the sore hock thing too since the fur is the issue there.

Bo uses BOTH feet to thump and he'll grunt/growl when he does it. So funny!

Clover uses her bad leg to thump - she's so threatening.... :big wink:

Tony - my biggest - is probably the most gentle, easy going bunny in the house.

Still, I like my opinionated, little brat, Bo.
1) Which bunny breed(s) is/are your favorite?

Top of the list by far for me is the English lop. (But I also love many other breeds, including mini-Rex, Flemmies, Hollands, Polish, and mutts(!))

2) Why is it about this/these breed(s) that you prefer?

The English lop...oh gosh, what is not to love? They are curious, constantly on the go, getting into trouble, they love attention, are (generally) very easy-going and truly are more like a devoted puppy than a rabbit. Having an English lop as a housepet is like having a shadow that follows you everywhere. They are spoiled, demanding, and express their emotions so loudly that you cannot not notice when they are upset or want something. And who needs television when the one has one of these beautiful creatures? An English lop really is nonstop entertainment.

3) Which breed(s) is/are your dream breed and why?

The English lop, of course...because of all that was stated in answer 2, and because for me, they are also the most beautiful of all the rabbits. I've always loved all lops, but the English is simply outstanding in looks....and with such magnetic personalities as well, they are definitely my choice of top breed.
I didn't even realize that PetsMart allows anything but dogs in the store.

When I first had Raph I took him to PetSmart to get a harness for him. He rode around in the shopping cart and had a grand time! He didn't mind the dogs in the store at all - though I did have to stand guard and make sure he didn't stand up and try to sniff any dogs who realized he was in the cart - and he seemed to love being given a grand tour of the store in his own 'taxi'. :p Everyone there fell in love with him...and believe it or not, a couple of people didn't even know he was a rabbit; they asked me what kind of puppy he was. LOL
i sometimes bring my bunnys to our local pet supplies plus and people gush over them.

when we first got our buns we brought them into petsmart cause we had just goten them that day and needed a cage (this was well before i knew about nic cages)

when you bring a bun to a pet store, they are INSTANT celebs!

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