The Arctic Hare Chronicles

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Swanlake, I'm so flattered that you think she's so adorable :biggrin2: Even though I know I can't take credit for her cuteness! She's such a funny girl, last night I cut the bottoms off of some paper cups to use for something else and gave her the tops to play with. Rory and Skyler like them, they're basically light paper rings that they can chew and toss. Anyway, before I went to bed, I checked on her to make sure she was set for the night, and right as I walked into the kitchen I saw her stick her head into one of the rings and it got stuck! It wasn't around her neck, just stuck on her noggin. It was pretty funny. I pulled it off then took the rings out of her cage so she doesn't do it again when mommy isn't there to rescue her. Rory has a tendency to stick his head in things too.
I have lots more pictures to share! The three bunnos had a little photo shoot outside in the snow a week or so ago, and I did Phoebe Mae's autumn pictures. I'll try to post them all tomorrow. I spent about 3 hours tonight working on Skyler's Halloween costume (he's going to be a pirate), hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow morning. Then I have to make Phoebe Mae's, she's going to be a witch!

Phoebs is doing so well. I'd say she's completely settled in now, and has been for a while. She doesn't cower anymore when she sees us, or try to back away. She's the baby queen of the house. Skyler, Tallulah and her all settled in really fast, I wonder if it's because they were young when I got them and hadn't experienced trauma? Rory took a few months until he really felt comfortable here, and I remember it took a couple months until Cinnabun felt safe, even though we got him as a baby. My mom thought maybe Cinny couldn't hop because he walked everywhere the first several weeks!

Well, time to go to bed, just wanted to give a bunny update.
More pictures? YAY!!!! :biggrin2:

I'm so glad to hear Phoebe is settling in well. You always seem to land the cuddliest sweetest bunnies!:D Phoebe as a witch? NEVER! :p

I know what you mean about the bunny walk as well. Mouse did that pretty much constantly for the first month we had her. We'd forgotten all about it until the other night when she went in the kitchen for the first time, and she walked all around it!

How's my Rorybean and Skyler? :D
Can I have your bunnies?
Jade, you don't need *my* bunnies, you have enough already!

Jen, Rory and Skyler are doing well. Rory is going through a massive molt, the top of his head is rather short on fur at the moment because the new stuff is growing in! I've been Furminating him every day and I have enough fur to make 10 new Rorys. So, Alicia, I take that back... You can have a Rory replica, but not the original :biggrin2: He's such a good boy and sits on my lap while I brush him. Then I use the lint roller on him to get the excess little hairs that are clinging on! Remember how he was mad at me for a few months after we brought Skyler home? I'm so glad he's over that. He's back to his regular self, seeking me out for pets and everything. I wouldn't trust him with Phoebe Mae at all, but at least he doesn't hate her as much as he hates Skyler. He hasn't taken any of his anger out on me either, I was a little worried how he'd react to her since last time he bit me. I have a scar on my hand from that :(

Skybo is doing well too! He's shedding some, but not as bad as a couple weeks ago. Both boys get a papaya tablet every night. I think Skyler is a bit overweight, so I've been slowly cutting back on his pellets a little. I can see an improvement already. He was looking rather like a little sumo wrestler for a while!

All my bunnies have different ways of loving. Rory is sort of a private bun who likes to keep to himself- if he doesn't feel like getting attention, he'll run away. But every day he seeks me out for pets and kisses at least a couple times, sometimes many times. I also think he trusts me more than any of the others. He'll lie on his back in my arms for a long time and get cuddles. Sometimes he approaches Paul for pets if I'm not there, but he's usually ignored.

Skyler is a bundle of sweetness. It seems like over time, he's dislike being picked up more and more- he'll squirm as soon as I pick him up usually. But at the same time, he NEVER has run away from me when I approach him to pick him up. And even though he doesn't like being carried or held, he's super cuddly and will hop on my lap or lie down next to me for a very long time, grinding his teeth, while I pet him. He also is my little shadow and follows me everywhere, I have to be so careful not to kick him or step on him! He too will go over to Paul occasionally for pets, but 19 times out of 20, he'll come to me.

Phoebe Mae is a sassy, sweet baby. While she's out of her cage, she spends a lot of time binkying and running and exploring, but she also spends a lot of time on the couch with us. She likes to get pets and cuddles and kisses, and likes to sit on laps and also dig! She'll lie down for head pets, but it usually only lasts a couple minutes until she thinks of something more fun to do. She likes Paul a lot and probably spends almost as much time with him as me. I pet her more, feed her, clean her cage, give her more attention, etc, but I think it's sweet that she likes him too. Paul says she's his favorite. Phoebe Mae doesn't mind being held or picked up, but if she's on the floor playing, it can be harder to get her because she runs away when you touch her sometimes! Too busy having fun :biggrin2:

All in all, I would say I have 3 happy bunnies! Rory wishes he were an only bunny, but I think he's still happy.
Time for my once monthly blog update! The bunnies are all doing well.

Poor Skyler had another run in with Rory and in the 2 seconds that there was only a NIC barrier between them, Rory managed to chomp him on the face- right opposite from his scar from the last time they met! This bite isn't as bad but is actually more noticeable, it will be interesting to see if it scars too. I'm sure it hurt, but Skyler is enjoying approximately twice the amount of bunny treats plus extra hugs and kisses because I feel so guilty over him being bitten! Then a few days before that, I decided to introduce Skyler and Phoebe Mae. Their meeting was very short and took place on the bed upstairs where they never go. It involved sniffing, then him trying to hump her, then her going AWWW HECK NO! and fighting back. I was ready to separate them so they only fought for a couple seconds, but there were clumps of black fur all over the bed and poor Skybes was thrown to the floor by the tiny 14 week old Phoebe Mae! On the one hand I feel sorry for Skyler and hope they can still bond after she's been spayed, and on the other I'm a little proud of Phoebe for not letting anyone push her around :biggrin2: Skyler needed lots of kisses after that fiasco and has a small scab on his chin from where she bit him- she apparently went for the jugular :shock:

Rory is a happy boy. He's been extra lovey with me lately, it's so cute! There's something about my Rory that just makes me melt. Nothing has really changed in his life in the past month. I gave him some cooked acorn squash tonight to see if he'd like it, he completely shunned it. So far, the ONLY foods he hasn't gone wild over are in the squash family- pumpkin, zucchini and acorn! He refuses to try any of them. I did however find out that he looooves mandarin oranges and can practically fit a whole section in his mouth at once. The other night a bit of juice from his orange section dribbled on the couch and he kept going to lick that spot periodically over the next hour!

Phoebe Mae is my little princess. She's growing so well! She's becoming such a beautiful, long legged bunny. She looks so graceful. Her fur is interesting... it's not rexy, but it's silkier than Holland Lop fur. She's very nice to pet and will stop and lie down on the floor if I go over to her when she's running around. She's very athletic, smart, curious and loving and fits in so well here! Paul suggested we change her name to Billie since she climbs all over EVERYTHING like a billy goat. She's getting better about digging and biting at our clothes. As I type this, she's lying next to me being petted. She's also starting to get a tiny dewlap, it is ADORABLE! Hard to capture in pictures, but it's there. I decided to remove the barrier from around Rory's cage a few days ago to see how he and Phoebe Mae would act- I didn't have the barrier up when Tallulah was here and Rory eventually got over trying to eat her through the cage bars. If you'll recall, Tallulah loved him even though he hated her, and would spend a lot of time sitting outside his cage. Eventually he got used to her and stopped getting mad at her, he'd usually ignore her and would sometimes groom himself at the same time as her or flop down near her. Here's a picture of Tallulah and Rory:


So I hoped Phoebe Mae and Rory would be like Tallulah and Rory were, but it didn't work out. At first Phoebe was very curious about Rory and kept running up to sniff him through the bars, but when he acted aggressively towards her (growling and lunging), she got mad and started to growl and lunge at HIM with her little tail so high in the air I could see her phantom doot marking! Needless to say, the barrier was quickly put back up.

November 14th was Tallulah's 1st birthday. We celebrated even though she's gone. I bought a chocolate eclair and a tiny fruit tart from the bakery for Paul and I, and the bunnies got a baby banana. We all thoroughly enjoyed our treats. I miss Tallulah like crazy, Phoebe Mae is the only thing that's lessened the pain for me. She's my sassy little angel girl.

Here's Skyler enjoying the birthday banana, you can see the first scar Rory gave him... he now has another one on the other side of his face :cry2




In other pet news, we got a new cockatiel! Poor Arthur was quite distraught over Luca's death in October (they were together for 6 years), but I was having quite a hard time finding another cockatiel. A couple days after Halloween we were at Petco and saw they had a new cockatiel in the cockatiel cage (we'd tried to meet the other tiels but they were not remotely tame), a tiny, cute little Lutino with black stuff on it's face. They told us she was injured and at the vet's for a couple weeks recovering, and was on sale for 50% off. I asked to hold it and much to my surprise, this bird would actually sit on my finger and let me scratch it's head without biting! We took Baby Bird home, immediately introduced her to Arthur and it was love at first sight. We never even set up the cage we bought for Baby Bird because Arthur made it clear he wanted her with HIM. They're so happy together, it's adorable. Baby Bird quickly learned how to step up and I clipped her wings and toe nails, and got a blood sample to send off for a DNA sex test. She still isn't really sure what to make of Paul and I, but it can be slow going with cockatiels and she's so sweet and darling. We're trying to think up a name for her, we had named her Harley because we thought she was a boy but the DNA test results I got the other day say otherwise!

Also, I got a new camera- the Canon Digital Rebel XSi :pinkbouce: Paul got it for me for Christmas, but our friend accidentally spilled the beans so he gave it to me early! I ordered a book about how to use it and a nice camera bag, hopefully in a couple weeks I'll be taking gorgeous pictures of the bunnies and birdies to share :dancingorig:

On to the pictures! I have a lot since I haven't posted any in a long time.

Bunnies outside back at the beginning of October:









Phoebe celebrating autumn:







The only way I could get her to stay still for pictures was by petting her (the other bunnies are easily plied with food), so she looks rather flat and sleepy:


Paul loving on Phoebe Mae:


Phoebe Mae tonight... these were all taken with the new camera, they don't look as amazing as some people's pictures because they were taken on auto and I know nothing about the camera yet! You can see her dewlap-let :biggrin2:



Again, I had to pet her to get her to stay still for the pictures so she looks flat and sleepy.



Cockatiels! The ones on the couch were taken with the old camera, the others were taken with the new camera.

New Baby Bird:





Fu Manchu birdy:


in her bird diaper:


You can see that Arthur has groomed most of the black stuff off her face! It was dried on medicine that got dirty.



Birdies no like the flash.


I think that's everything! Stay tuned for my next update, which will hopefully be before Christmas :bunny18

Flashy, I'm glad you like them!!

Baby Bird now has a name! I decided on Zipporah. It's Hebrew and means "bird". There was a character named Zipporah in one of my favorite children's books, I've loved the name for years! Back before I got Arthur and Michaela (the hen I got at the same time, she sadly died years ago), I wanted to name my bird Zipporah if it was a girl, but it didn't fit Michaela. Then I wanted to name my new girl bunny Zipporah and call her Zoie Mae, but I met Phoebe Mae and again, didn't fit! Zipporah fits this little bird to a T though, so hooray! It's pronounced zip-POR-a, we're probably going to call her Zip, Zippy, Zizi or Ziva a lot- only time will tell what silly nicknames she ends up with that's vaguely based on her name! Rory, Skyler, Phoebe Mae, Tallulah and Arthur are also known as Wowo, Kyky, Bebe, Mae Mae and Furfy so we'll see.
I bought some yarn to make bunny scarves and hats for their Christmas pictures. I made Rory's scarf this evening, it's red and white stripes with green fringe. Skyler's will be green and white stripes with red fringe, and Phoebe Mae's will be red and green stripes with white fringe! I'm going to try to crochet tiny hats for the boys but plan to put bows on Phoebe's ears.

I've noticed something about Rory that's kind of weird. Sometimes when he's lying in the meatloaf position falling asleep (or maybe he's asleep already), his body twitches and his head nods around. Sometimes he moves so much that I worry and go over and wake him up! Is this normal?
I made Rory's hat and scarf a few days ago, yesterday I finally found the green yarn I need to make Skyler's and Phoebe's. Here's Rory relaxing on my lap and modeling his new duds:



I love my hare bear!

Everybun is doing well. Skyler's bite from Rory is healing great, I'm hoping the hair will grow back in too! Phoebe Mae is growing wonderfully, I just looked at her baby pictures and she looks so tiny :biggrin2: She's still small- it's hard to tell in the pictures because I think she has a mature face and body, but she's still smaller than Skyler. I wonder how big she'll get! Her dewlap has grown even more in the past couple days, it's so cute. We call them her boobies :embarrassed: She had a close call tonight though! We have a NIC barrier in the doorway at the top of the stairs to keep the buns out of our bedroom, and Phoebe managed to break one of the panels off. Paul went upstairs to fix it and she was sitting at the bottom of the stairs. Two of the panels came off while he was trying to attach them and they flew down the stairs, barely missing Phoebs. They would have really hurt her, they were going fast and had the connectors attached. She managed to bolt out of the way and thumped until I picked her up and cuddled her. Paul feels bad even though it was an accident, Phoebe Mae is his favorite and he knows how upset I'd be if something happened to her. So glad she's okay! She even went back to sitting on the stairs a minute later while he finished fixing the barrier :D

I wouldn't trade any of my bunnies, but I really wish they didn't all hate each other :( I've never got to see my bunnies cuddle. Hopefully with time and patience, at least two of them will bond!

I checked out Petfinder tonight and really noticed a pair of bunnies for the first time. They're at a rabbit rescue in Anchorage and have actually been there ever since I checked Petfinder for the first time, back in March of 2007 :shock2: Here is their listing:

Jar Jar is a gorgeous English Lop-Rex mix (his name is way too undignified for such a handsome gentleman!) and Pearl is a Nethie. I love them both! Paul and I were awwing over them. I so wish we lived somewhere bigger.... For some reason 5 bunnies seems like a LOT more than 3, but it would be so nice to have an already bonded pair since I seem to have a poisonous effect on bunny love! Since the poor babies have been there so long already, maybe if they're meant to be ours, they'll still be available when we move to a bigger apartment, possibly this May.

Too cute.:shock:
ALL! Though Pearl is a doll.
Isn't she adorable, Ali? I saw their listing at the perfect time, that day I'd been ogling Delusional's English Lop Alfie, as well as the new Velveteen Lop Zuri and I've ALWAYS wanted another Nethie since my first bunny was a Netherland Dwarf. I almost wish I hadn't seen their listing because now I'm thinking about them!

I don't have any pictures to add right now (though I may tonight!), I wanted to point out my avatar though! Michaela added Phoebe Mae to it :) Thanks, Michaela!
Phoebe Mae has been Little Miss Chompers the past few days! She's as cuddly and loving as ever, but nips a lot... When I'm carrying her, when she's sitting on a lap, sometimes just when she runs by. She only bites our clothes and it doesn't really hurt (most of the time she just gets the fabric), and she's never left a mark. She doesn't seem to be mad when she does it, I think she actually nips because she wants attention! Mind you, she gets plenty of attention, but she wants more pets. I've been putting her on the floor and ignoring her when she bites. Hopefully she'll stop soon.

I figured out why her feet are green. For a couple weeks, I was wondering why her feet were getting progressively more yellow/green... Her litter box isn't overflowing or anything. Rory's feet are always pure white. Skyler's foot fur is mostly black so I can't really tell, but Phoebs' have become practically fluorescent lately. I can't believe it took so long to make the connection, but Phoebe Mae has an old phone book in her cage that she loves to chew and fling pages from... it happens to be the yellow pages! She sits on the pages a lot. Mystery solved.

Rory is a funny bunny. Sometimes he practically begs to be held and cuddled, other times he hops down to the bottom floor of his cage when he sees me coming because he knows I can't reach him. Usually every morning and every night, he feels cuddly and stands up on his back feet with his ears part way up, looking hopelessly cute and doe eyed, begging to be held.

Skyler is my butterball turkey of a bunny. He isn't fat (he was a little a few weeks ago, but he's trimmed down and I think is now just right), he just has a roly poly little body. He's so sweet. Whenever he sees me coming, he runs back and forth in front of the cage door. I'm not sure if he's just happy to see me or is hoping I'm bringing food (I hope it's the first!), but it sure is cute!
LOL Shiloh, I love that Phoebe fooled you all with the green feet for so long!!! :laughsmiley: I bet she was saying 'muuuum! I keep telling you why my feet are green, you wont listen to me!'

Poor Skyler being a 'butterballl turkey'..... I don't think you're chubby Skybes! You can come live with me!! :biggrin2: :p

I love the way you write about your bunnies too- I never do that in my blog. I wish I did sometimes because I think I'd remember more about their personalities then....

But.... We NEED more pictures! :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:

Jen, I promise to get some pictures tonight! I've been lazy with the pictures taking. Phoebe Mae is growing so much that I should really take lots of her! If I were using a regular film camera, it would probably seem like I've taken a ton of pictures, but since we can take pretty much as many as we want with digital cameras, it doesn't seem like a lot of photos. Also, thanks for reading and commenting on my blog, it's good to know people are looking at it :hug:

I did try to get a video of Rory this afternoon. I was eating a candy cane and he hopped over... I offered the candy cane to him and he was licking away at it, very cute. I had Christmas music playing and he was sitting in front of the stockings, it was so festive! But when I grabbed the camera, he decided he didn't want anymore :grumpy: I'll try to get a video of him tomorrow. I promise I don't stuff the bunnies full of junk food, I figured a couple licks (not bites) of a candy cane wouldn't hurt him.

The bunnies all got cilantro tonight. Rory got a gigantic wad of it, Skyler got about 10 stems and Phoebe Mae got 2 (it was her first time tasting it). Skyler managed to fit all 10 in his mouth at once (it was pretty funny), Phoebe Mae chinned hers, then daintily nibbled away and took longer than both Rory and Skyler to eat hers, and Rory scarfed his down in about 30 seconds. I turned around and he was sitting on the paper plate washing his paws, then proceeded to eat/shred the plate.
This blog is also kind of the cockatiel blog! The tielies are doing well, they love each other and it's so cute. Their new birdy flight suits came in the mail (the original ones I ordered were too small, I have tiny birds!). It's fairly easy to get them into the flight suits and the birds don't poop on everything with their flight suits on. I'll have to post a picture of them in their suits, I took some the other night but it takes Photobucket about 10 minutes (seriously) to upload one photo from my new camera because the images are so large. They're pretty cute in their little suits, and when it warms up (in about 6 MONTHS, not kidding!), I can safely take them outside to enjoy the sun because their flight suits come with little leashes.

We changed Zipporah's name. Paul couldn't remember it and I was afraid she was going to be Baby Bird forever. Her new name is Poppet! I think it's adorable, if I'd thought of it the first time I was trying to name her, I would have chosen it. She's so cute, sweet and little and has rosy cheeks just like a little dolly. All my other pets have people names so it's kinda nice to have something different. I originally thought of Trinket back when we first got her, but didn't like the nickname "Trinki" (which she would undoubtedly be called by me). Poppy is really cute though.

Buns are all doing well. Rory's barrier wasn't up properly the other night and poor little Phoebsie got bitten on the face! You could barely see a tiny bit of blood right after it happened and you can't even see it anymore, so it wasn't serious. She sure was mad at him though! Poor baby.
I call my best friend Poppet and she calls me Phoebsie hehe.
How do the birds take to wearing the flight suits? I'm thinking about getting another tiel as it's just not the same with out one:) And want he/she to be able to fly and be natural without pooping everywhere lol.
But poor Phoebesies nose, send her kisses from Phoebe Snr haha.

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