The Arctic Hare Chronicles

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Phoebe, here is the web site that I bought the flight suits from:

A cockatiel I had a few years ago, Little Bird (we put off giving him a real name we'd actually call him by for too long so he was just named Little Bird, that's why I wanted to be sure Poppet got a real name!), had a flight suit too. His was rainbow colored. He wore it every day! It really depends on the personality of your cockatiel for whether or not he'll put up with wearing it. It was REALLY easy to put on Little Bird, pretty easy to put on Poppet, and a little tougher to put on Arthur because he doesn't like having his body touched, but it's not hard. The key is to put it on as quickly as possible! I can get it on in them in less than 10 seconds. They don't mind wearing the flight suits, especially after they get used to the idea.

That's funny that your nickname is Phoebsie and you call your friend Poppet! I didn't know your name was Phoebe until you started posting on the forum again. I obviously think it's a lovely name :) I also call her Phoebsilein, bet no one calls you that! Her sweet little face is doing fine. Skybo is still healing from when Rory bit him last (he was bitten back in April and it scarred, then bitten again a couple weeks ago). I'm afraid this will scar too. My poor little scar faced boy! We need to muzzle Rory or something :D
They're soo cheap! :shock:.Here, if you manage to find them they're $54.00 :shock: Does poop get stuck in their butt feathers? All your birds sound lovely:) Ohlly used to love pets so I bet he would of worn one just fine hehe.

I get called Phoebenstein and Feces by my 2yr old cousin cause she cant say Phoebe haha. you should employ some of the people who make halters for their breyer horses and get a muzzle :p

Edited to make it make sense haha.
PepnFluff, your cousin calls you Feces? How unfortunate! That actually is a fairly accurate name for Phoebe Mae, she is a little poop machine!

Anyway, here are some pictures from tonight and the past couple days. I'm too tired to write much in the way of descriptions, hopefully everyone knows which pet is which!



You can see her phantom turd AND her heart shaped mark by her nose:



He's such a cute round shape!


Love the ear shadow:





Hehe, they have matching facial expressions:



Modeling their flight suits (I chose the fancy printed fabric, hers is Kaleidoscope and his is Seafoam):





Rory's been oddly camera shy lately, but I got a picture of him a few minutes ago that I love! He's a little blurry or out of focus, but I love it anyway.


Prepare for the cute that is Rory wanting to be petted! He does this every night, stands on his back legs with his ears back, paws on the side of the cage, asking to be petted. Many nights we'll just walk by his cage and he'll be like that. I also took video which I'll post tomorrow. He usually does this at about 2 am, when I'm trying to go to bed. Usually end up staying awake even later so I can pet him :biggrin2:




These pictures and the video were taken with a little camera I bought today. My lovely Canon doesn't take video, and I really want to be able to film the bunnies. The new camera is also very tiny (a little smaller than a deck of cards) so I can take it more places than the big camera. The photos it takes aren't that awesome, but I only paid $100 for it (it usually sells for $159). Photos in bright light look fine. Here's the camera, mine is green!
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What cuties! I was wondering what the flight suits are for. Is it to contain poops or just to look cool?
I'm glad to know you two are enjoying my blog! I was wondering if anyone was reading :) Tonyshuman, yes, the diapers are to contain the birdy poop when they're out of their cage.

My Phoebsie is so sweet! I love her so much, I feel so lucky to have her. She's such a cuddly girl. She just spent the last 10 minutes licking my arm while I petted her :inlove: The world would be a better place if everyone had a Phoebe Mae.
Look at how cute this bunny is!

He's at the shelter in Kenai, which is several hours away from Fairbanks. If he were at the Fairbanks shelter, I'd think he's Rory's brother! He's so adorable. I hope he gets a good home.

I'm missing my bunzos and birdlets and Paul a lot right now. I'm in Washington and have been since Christmas Eve. Paul is taking care of the pets. Well he's down in Eagle River visiting his family but he's headed back home tomorrow, he's only gone for a couple days. I don't get back until January 6th! I keep thinking about how soft Rory is and how chubby his cheeks are, and how Phoebe Mae's tail sticks out to the side a lot. Skyler's stubby little ears and cuddly ways. Skybo turns one tomorrow, December 30th! I'm sad I won't get to be with him on his big day. Paul gets home tomorrow night, hopefully he'll take some birthday pictures for me and give Skybes a special treat. I'll have a little party for him when I get home :biggrin2:
All of your bunnies are adorable!

And so are your birds. I just have a slight fear of birds. But still they are very pretty lol
So, how are all of these buns doing lately? They are all sooo adorable! I also have to say that today I read your old blog and this one and I am also a rattie lover, and a goosemooser!
So sorry about Tallulah although it is a bit late.
Such gorgeous buns, and they all look as though they are sooo spoiled and loved by mommy and daddy!
Sorry I haven't updated my blog in months! I've been busy with school and work and all. I don't think many people read my blog anyway and I guess I forget that I'm keeping it for myself, too!

Anyway, all is good in bunnyville, thank goodness. Poor Rory went through a bout of stasis that took a full MONTH for him to recover from. He even got a skin infection during that time from the sub q fluids they gave him at the vet so he had to be on antibiotics for two weeks. He's all better now though, I'm so relieved and it's great to see him back to himself. He's kind of mad at me because I was brushing him every day and making him take medicine, Pedialyte and pineapple juice, but he has been venturing over to let me pet him occasionally. I'm sure he'll get over being mad soon enough.

Skyler is my sweet little dumpling. Not much has changed in his life. He went through a molt at the same time as Rory, and I'm glad I was feeding him lots of salads and brushing him too because he pooped a string of TWENTY ONE turds ALLLLL stuck together with hair. It was spectacular! Aside from that, he's his usual food loving, attention loving, cuddle loving self. He's so adorable, I think one of the cutest bunnies I've ever seen. Not that I'm biased! I've been slowly cutting back his pellets to help him lose some weight for the past 6 weeks, I think he's looking a little slimmer now.

Phoebe Mae is allll grown up now! I weighed her a couple weeks ago and was astounded to see she weighs the same as both Rory and Skyler- 4 1/2 pounds. She is 9 1/2 months old and hasn't been spayed yet, we plan on doing that in June once I conquer my fear of her dying during or after the surgery. She's a really sweet girl though and has 0 hormonal/behavioral issues even though she isn't spayed yet. She also has the cutest dewlap ever and is quite loving and energetic. She is Paul's favorite, hands down. She seems very smart.

Today has had many bunny developments. First, I bought another Superyard XT play yard for the bunnies to play in! We had one set up in the backyard last summer, and it's decent sized, but I just felt like they needed more place to run and play. Tonight I bought a second one, and now their play yard is seriously bigger than our living room. Phoebe Mae got to try it out before too many mosquitoes came out and she did the hugest binkies I have EVER seen. I think the new and improved play yard will get lots of use.

Also, today Paul bought a shop vac to help vacuum up the hay around their cage. I think he just wanted an excuse to buy a gadget since we've gotten by without it before :biggrin2: For Mother's Day just over a week ago he bought me a little handheld vacuum to clean up the bunny doots after they play in the living room, so we are very rich when it comes to vauums! The vacuum will also be good for sucking up stray feathers from our cockatiels.

Okay, the most exciting bunny development for last... We may be acquiring another rabbit! Tonight one of Paul's friend's friends e-mailed us to ask if we want their bunny since they know we are bunny loving folk and have three of our own. The bunny they're rehoming doesn't get along with their girl bunny. He's only 3 1/2 pounds and is missing part of one ear, he's SOOOO cute and here's his Craigslist ad:

He looks just like a bunny listed on Petfinder from our local animal shelter a week or so ago, and it turns out it is him! I was admiring him on Petfinder all last week. The funny thing is I was half jokingly trying to get Paul to go down to the shelter to meet him, and Paul said he would name him Marcus. This was a week or so ago so it's rather fateful that the bunny may be ours after all!

So we're probably going to go meet him tomorrow evening. Rather exciting, huh?
Hi Shiloh, it's nice to read your blog again.

I'm glad to hear all your Bunnies are doing well. Need updated photos.

Congratulations on the new Bunny. He's very cute. Are you going to try to bond him with one of your other bunnies?

Do you have a picture of Superyard XT play yard? I'd love to see what it looks like, I'd like to get something for our bunnies to run outside in.

Susan, here's a link to the play yard on Amazon:

I think I paid around $55 for each of mine. I didn't get a picture of the double play yard today because the lighting was kind of bad, but I will for sure tomorrow! I have photos of all three bunnies outside when I just had the one play yard, I need to get them off my camera. Tomorrow I'll probably post some more photos.

I'm pretty excited about the potential new bunny. I've been happy and content with my three, but who can resist a little 1 eared bunny in need of a loving home? Also if we do get him, Phoebe Mae will have THREE studly man buns to pick from after she's spayed. Between the 4 rabbits, 2 of them are bound to get along, right? Bunny #4's owners said their girl bunny was attacking him, and not the other way around, so that seems encouraging.

Thanks for reading my blog, Susan!
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Thanks Shiloh for the link. That looks like a really good run for them especially if you have 2, that would be a good size.

So are you going tonight to see him? Will you be bringing him home tonight. PICTURES Please.

Susan :)
I'm so glad Rory's all better now. Lots of news, and Skyler is definitely a champion pooer! The new bunny is adorable and I can't wait to see more pics!

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