The Acheron (The Ack-er-on) - 2008

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2007
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, New Brunswick, Canada
[align=center]A little bit about "The Acheron". Acheron is a male Holland Lop, and he'll be celebrating his first Gotcha Day July 28th. I drove to Bangor, Maine to get him at a rabbit show last year, and he was worth the drive! He's my main man now, since life got confusing, and his 'sisters' had to be re-homed. I'm pretty sure he's okay with being my main man, but I sure do miss his 'sisters'.

He is a house rabbit, and will always be. Until life calms down, he's my only rabbit, so he may be my only rabbit for a long time - who knows how long it'll take my life to calm down.

We spent hours looking for him. I had come to the rabbit show wanting to leave with a male. I didn't care what breed, or colour, I just wanted a male - because I could have him neutered here in N.B.. I looked at Flemish Giants, English Lops, French Lops, Mini Lops, Holland Lops, Jersey Whoolies, all sorts of breeds. Mom had decided for me that I wanted a Holland Lop (Even though I fell in love with one of the English Lops for sale!), and so I started looking at Holland Lops. I couldn't find one I liked, or one that mom approved of. She kept saying I may want to show it, so I had to find one that would be worth showing. So, we went to talk to some breeders. We came along a girl, probably 19, who had about 20 Holland Lops with her. She was a friend of one of my mom's rabbit friends, so we looked at what she had. She told me she didn't have much with her she wanted to sell, but she had a couple.

She took out a tort female, the female was shy, and was very determined on getting back to her pen. She had a nice shaped head, a nice crown, a nice coat, she was a very nice rabbit, but she was a she. She showed me some adults, but I was more intrested in a younger rabbit. Then, in the cage with another smaller rabbit, I saw a little broken orange rabbit, with a long stragly coat.I asked what that one was, a male of female, and she said "Male. Would you like me to bring him out?" I said yes. When she brought him out, she said she didn't really want to sell him, but since my mom knew her friend, she'd let me buy him. I paied $25 for him, maybe $30. I was a very happy girl. This is what I got:


The day we drove to get him, he spent the whole trip home in a crate, however, I required 'potty breaks' for him, so I could take him out and let him hop around! He, however, made himself comfy as soon as I put him in the crate.


He was covered in what his breeder called "webbing", which I call mats, but bless my mother, who used to breed/show/own Jersey Whoolies, she was good at getting his coat unmatted. However, even as matted up as he was, he was still very intrested in seeing me, and figuring outjust how I would rank in his royal court.



When wegot home, he was quick to put me to work, picking grass for him, lifting him up onto my bed, so he could play, and making me take pictures of him.


Soon he was romping around my room like he owned the place, even more so than my two does did! I couldn't have been happier!


Soon he had worked up and attitude, and was looking like he would be a very good 'Disapproving Rabbit'.


And he loves the camera!

Now, since his 'sisters' are gone, he takes up a good third of my room, and is free to binky all he wants through my little set up I've got for him!



Now, for some
"Ash Tails!"

Hi! I'm Acheron, but you can call me Ash, or Ack. Or, if you'd like to be one of my many adoring fans, you could call meThe Acheron. My slave pretty much told my whole story up above, but I'd just like to say, my Slave is just what her name implies. My Slave. She may call herself my 'owner' or 'mommy' but she is in fact, my slave. S.L.A.V.E. Slave! Sure, she 'paied' for me, and drove all of three hours for me... What she doesn't realize is that I wait an average of 12 hours every night for her to wake up, hit that little 'light switch' thingy, and make the room go bright so she can play with me! So really, that's me waiting on her, something The Acheron should never have to do, espically for my slave. Anywho, the Slave is telling me it's time for 'bed', meaning it's time for her to hit the 'light switch', make the room go dark, and for me to wait 12 hours for her to turn it back on and give me my morning snack! How terrible is that?

[align=center]~The Acheron~
Awww, I don't care how regal and pompous you think you are, little boy... I shall call you ASHIE! You are too adorable! Please make your mom share more pictures.
"If she insists on such a goofy name for me, then so be it. I shall call her Crazy." 'Ashie'

Ha, thanks guys, I'll try to get more pictures soon!
[align=center]Time for more Ash Tails! [/align]

[align=center]Okay, so this morning my Slave grumbled at me. I was shocked! She must have gained confidence over the night about how she speaks to me! I'll have to put her in her place. She grumbled at me because I had tipped my pellets all over the floor - outside of my cage. However, she musnt forget that it was she who put my food and water outside of my cage last night, meaning it's not my fault. But as she is trained, she came over, put my bowls back into my cage, and piled all my food back into my food dish. Good Slave! Now I'm lounging around my room, enjoying the nice weather, for once it's not boiling hot! Anywho, just thought I'd let all you Slaves of other rabbits know that my Slave grumbled at me... Don't try it with your rabbits, they may have a punishment picked out for you! [/align]

He's quite cute.
One question about his cage setup though, does he not jump on top of his cage and out of that pen?
I'm only asking because one of my rabbits would definitely do that in maybe 5 minutes.
missyscove wrote:
He's quite cute.
One question about his cage setup though, does he not jump on top of his cage and out of that pen?
I'm only asking because one of my rabbits would definitely do that in maybe 5 minutes.
hehe I was wondering the same, though I know my Chibi won't. :biggrin2:
He has been on top of his cage, but has made no move to jump out. When he wants out, he's very loud in saying he wants out... Eventually, I'll take his cage out, and just leave his litter box, but not just yet. It's also still quite high for him to jump... He just recently remembered he could even jump onto a box I've put in his cage, let alone jump out! :p
Here are 2 pictures for you, just to show the change in my Ack!

Acheron was NEVER a 'toy rabbit'. I'd give him all sorts of differnt toys, and leave them with him, trying to get him to play... Then, I figured out the trick. Apples! I took little bits of apples, and put them in or on his toys. If I thought he should play with a toliet paper roll, I put the apple inside the toy, he'd sniff it out, and have to move hte roll to get the apple... I also put a box in his pen. Two "doors" cut in it, so he could go in and out of it. I put the apple inside the box, and then for the heck of it, ontop on the box... I did that twice maybe, and yesterday morning, I woke up, said, "Mornin' Ash", and he replied by picking up the toilet paper roll, and chucking it just as far as he could... Then, late last night, I walked in to see this:



Seems my baby boy has decided he likes toys, I just didn't know the right way to convince him he did!
*sigh* Lifes temptations!

I was just over to a friends place who used to breed Lion Heads (She's the one I got Simi from), and I knew she had Holland Lops, so I went over to visit, just wanted to see what she had... When I got there, there sat a little tort rabbit, one year up, and one down, with its little paws up on the side of it's cage, looking at me... The woman wasn't there, so I didn't find out what gender it was, but shhhheesh! I almost came home with a Holland Lop! I just don't think I'm ready for another rabbit... *shakes head* Dad would have let me get it too, but I don't think so... I just don't think I'm ready for another rabbit, not after having to give Simi and Sisi up during the school year...

*sigh* I will say though, if I could figure out a way to get the cash to neuter Acheron... Then the $40 for the rabbit, I would getit, supposingit was a female...

*walks offmumbling: "I wonder if I could convince mom to lend me the money..."*
Took 'Ashie' out today to take pictures of him, and was getting my bed ready, and came out to get the camera, and this is what I saw!

'Mommy no take pictures of pretty Bella...'


'Pwease? Just a fews?'


'Fine, I get off your bedz.'

Okay, now some Ash pictures.

First, he came over to me (I was sitting on the bed with him, for some Shay-Ash-bonding-time) for some yummy treats - apple!


And of course, some head rubs!




Then he had to clean the 'slave' germs off (I love this picture)!

After, he showed me some cute bunny bum.


He started wondering around my bed, visiting me...

Letting his ears blow in the wind of the fan (That's actually what he's doing in this picture).

And when he seemed too bored, I pulled out Big Al, who was my Christmas present when I was like 10, or 9... Ash really took a liking to him! I may have to change him to a her and call her Big Alice.
This is Big Al/ice.

This is how big she is compared to Ash!

And this is my lover boy grooming her, at first I thought he was biting her hair off, I knew that rabbits groomed, but I had never saw him do it before, so I had to look really close to see that his widdle tounge was licking her.





And that's all, I hope you enjoyed them!
Oh my goshhh, he's gorgeous. But I'm partial to orange/red coloring. And I love his name! I'm all about unique, "Un-pet-like" names. I think he loves that teddy.
Okay, Ash had a new pen made for him today... The 'little' spot he's in my room (the place that used to be a closet, and we took out the wall) now has a little 30 inch high wall parting it from the rest of my room - he now has full run of that side. I've also take out the top of his cage, and just left the box of it!
That's it! You need to bundle that adorable boy into a box (a big box, so his teddy bear will fit too) and send him to meeee! He looks so cuuuuuddly!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
That's it! You need to bundle that adorable boy into a box (a big box, so his teddy bear will fit too) and send him to meeee! He looks so cuuuuuddly!

But then who would live in the new bunny spot in my room? You'd have to send one of yours to me! :p

:duelI'll fight you for him! :p

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