Texting & Driving. Please don't do it!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Northamptonshire, , United Kingdom

I won't post the video here because its not very nice. It actually made me cry!
But please watch it!!


A shocking video has been made for pupils in an attempt to stop car crashes caused by the driver texting while driving.
The short film, starring young actors from south Wales, shows a teenage girl killing four people after she uses her mobile phone to send a text.
Gwent Police said it hoped the graphic video would be shown in schools around Wales and hopefully the rest of the UK.
Research has shown texting while driving slows reaction time by 35%.
The film by Peter Watkins-Hughes has also been posted on video sharing website You Tube.
It shows in slow motion a crash caused after a girl, called Cassie, briefly loses concentration of the road while looking at her mobile.
It also includes footage of all the emergency services attending the crash scene, including the air ambulance and firefighters.
I hope that after watching this film motorists will think twice before picking up their mobile phone when behind the wheel
Ch Insp John Pavett Gwent Police said it "facilitated" the crash between two cars in a bid to prevent future accidents caused by all people, but particularly young and new drivers.
Lyn Samuel, Gwent Police's school liaison coordinator, said the film was a "very impactive road safety educational tool to help reduce the number of collisions involving young drivers across Wales".
Ch Insp John Pavett from Gwent Police Roads Policing Unit said texting and driving was happening on roads all over the country, despite the fact it is illegal.
He said: "I hope that after watching this film motorists will think twice before picking up their mobile phone when behind the wheel and realise that a quick reply to a text message or answering a phone call is never worth putting theirs and other people's lives at risk."
Recent RAC Foundation research showed reaction times slowed by 35% when 17 to 24-year-olds drove while reading and writing text messages.
And its research last year showed that texting while driving impairs motorists more than being under the influence of drink or drugs.
It said nearly 50% of drivers aged between 18 and 24 texted while driving.
As well as reaction times being slower, it said texters often drifted out of lanes, had poorer steering control and the overall driving performance was poor.
Drivers face a £60 fine and three penalty points on their licence for using hand-held mobile phones.


Holy :censored2:

I can't believe what I just saw. It's like something you see in a thriller or action film!!!!

However I would be happy to allow my kids to watch this, if it helps them think before they start texting and driving.

I hope that after watching this film motorists will think twice before picking up their mobile phone when behind the wheel .......I totally agree
suppose :S i wud of prefured not to watch it thought lol x
other than the movie probably getting the point around to many, it was really really well done. very realizstic
Very powerful video. It reminds me of the drinking and driving videos they made us watch in driver's ed in high school. If it saves one life, it was worth it.
I can't watch that video. I have a very old computer, and I don't like looking at bad things.

The whole cell phone/texting insanity just really has left me cold. I don't mind admitting I'm an old person who grew up before computers and cell phones. I graduated from the University of Louisville, Kentucky, back when people talked face to face, rather than electronic screen to screen. I know I sound like an old fart, which I basically am, but I definitely won't be texting or answering a cell phone while driving, lol.
I think it really says something about people that we need a warning about texting and driving.

Maybe next they should make a video about reading a book while driving, and then after that, the negative effects of trying to breathe underwater.

Seriously, how stupid could you be to try to text and drive? It makes me so mad. :grumpy:

Also, that video was horrifying. A little over the top, but if that's what it takes to keep people from being idiots, then so be it.

We watched a video similar to this at school but it was for drinking and driving.

It really annoys me when my friends text and drive. I always tell them not to do it. :grumpy: To me, there's nothing that important that I need to text and drive. I think texting and driving is more dangerous then talking on the cell and driving!
I personally needed this reminder.

I always think "Well it's just a quick text" and really, it only takes a few seconds for something to happen.

Thanks for posting this!!
While it did get the point across, I do believe it was a bit dramatic. I know that many people die in car accidents from drunk drivers, etc....but the way the crash in the video happened, I doubt the teens would have died from that ;) The paramedics also said that the baby wasn't responding - but yet it didn't look injured at all? I think the point would of come across just the same had they made it that the teens were just unconcsious ;)

I'm not trying to bash the video or anything (because it does make the point clear) but they should have thought about the reality of an accident a little better ;) I've heard of worse injuries/accidents (from the news and also the paramedic forum that I'm apart of)where the victims lived.

Just my $.2 worth.

^ mhmm I guess but I think the reason they killed everyone but the girl who was driving was to make the girl feel even more guilty. To make the impact seem more fierce maybe?
To know that, that girl personally killed 4 people with 1 phone.
ok, so today I was walking with my kids along a busy road, and this car comes up along side us and braked quickly, so like you do, I looked to see who was in the car, and can you believe it, it was a young lady on her phone, just sitting there chatting away. (She braked hard cos the lights had changed to red, and she didn't notice straight away) So I did a hand movement, representing a phone, and told her to put her phone down. Do you know what she did?
She stuck her middle finger up and drove off still on the phone.
This proves why we need films like this!
Kel4mum wrote:
ok, so today I was walking with my kids along a busy road, and this car comes up along side us and braked quickly, so like you do, I looked to see who was in the car, and can you believe it, it was a young lady on her phone, just sitting there chatting away. (She braked hard cos the lights had changed to red, and she didn't notice straight away) So I did a hand movement, representing a phone, and told her to put her phone down. Do you know what she did?
She stuck her middle finger up and drove off still on the phone.
This proves why we need films like this!
:shock: thats actually shocking!
Becca wrote:
Kel4mum wrote:
ok, so today I was walking with my kids along a busy road, and this car comes up along side us and braked quickly, so like you do, I looked to see who was in the car, and can you believe it, it was a young lady on her phone, just sitting there chatting away. (She braked hard cos the lights had changed to red, and she didn't notice straight away) So I did a hand movement, representing a phone, and told her to put her phone down. Do you know what she did?
She stuck her middle finger up and drove off still on the phone.
This proves why we need films like this!
:shock: thats actually shocking!
Hah, you're lucky that's all she did. My Dad was followed into a gas station and almost stabbed over something like that.

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