Tender Juicy Floppy Leg's brush with death

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It is illegal to have your dog off leash, a lot of people around here do it and it doesn't bother me. Just this one dog they leave outside unattended. When my dog is out off leash, myself or my husband is with her. This dog is a menace to all the neighbors, he comes and sits on my front porch looking through my screen door at the cats. :mad:For the most part he is a good dog, but he's been known to chase cats and thats what scares me about the bunny. He might think its a cat and come running.

Enough venting.

How was everyones 4th of July?
My fourth of July was great! :D I know it's a little after the fact, but oh well.

Floppy is sooo adorable. I can't imagine feeding him to a snake. He's definitely a mini rex mix, if not a pure mini rex. Very, very cute. It's good that his leg doesn't get in the way. Is the bone fused? (As in... is it stiff and never changes position at the joint) or is it loose and, as you call him, "floppy"? If it's loose it could cause an injury later on if he's playing roughly or running around. What size harness did you get him?
His leg functions normally, all the joints move and he can use it. When he folds his leg up instead of it being underneith him it looks like his foot is upside down. The harness I got him for now is aSmall and it is set as small as it will go.I don't think his leg will cause him any problems in the future.

Here's how it looks when he is laying down relaxing...


Its like his leg isthe wrong way. I've been trying to get a pic of him outside when he lays with all of his feet under him so you can see it upside down but he usually gets up when I come outside in anticipation of treats or petting...andI'm not that quick with the camera. Oh and if your wondering why he's in a bathtub, we bring him in when itsreally hot out and if I'm leaving the house he gets to hang out in myback bathroom. I don't want to leave him alone with the cats whenno one is home. Just in case. ;)
It's good that the leg isn't a problem. AW, that picture with him laying down is completely adorable! You have a very special little man there :) My friend had a bunny with a leg that had been broken in the past and healed funny, but he had to have it amputated. He was the cutest little bun though, hopping around with 3 legs like he didn't know the difference :D
"My tender juicy floppy leg is aching... ooooh.... ahhh!" So Cute! I've never seen that commercial, because I don't live in Califronia at the moment. I was born in Riverside, though! Great commercial, and the Zebra's colors even match Floppy's :D
Yeah we saw that commercial for the first time the day after we adopted him. It seemed fitting because he was very cautious of being in a new place after all he had been through and he would sit there with his leg out sideways and attract all kinds of attention. Everyone would come up to him and say "aaawwwww.." and bend down to pet him and he would do a 180 and hop away 90 miles an hour. At that time we didn't know if his leg was broken or what so to see him move that fast was a shock. So to see the Zebra teasing the lions like that was a perfect fit. Its almost like he was teasing us with his crooked leg!
Awww! The zebra teases the lion, the bunny teases the human! :laugh:Tooooo funny. Well, it's great that he can move that fast even with his injured leg. Has he calmed down and gotten used to you now? How long have you had him? I still can't get over how adorable he is. More pictures please ;)
Oh yeah he's my baby now! We've had him since mid-May. He knows my feet and whenever he is out and there are a lot of people he will come strait to me and hide between my feet. :DHe's my snuggle bunny.

How many buns do you have Jess?

Pics I can do! I have sooo many cute pics. I'll post some more this weekend.

He sounds like a complete doll! It's too bad you can't have him in the house though. Actually, my latest bunny died about a year ago (a nine year old mini lop) and I'm currently in the process of getting one from a breeder. I really wanted to adopt, but all of the rescues are too far away from my city, unfortunately. :( Pictures, pictures! :D
Aww. I just came across your blog. Floppy is too cute!

What a brave little man he is, being in there with that nasty snake. I really think my boys would die of fright if they saw that thing. He is really special, and so are you for taking him in and giving him such a great home.

Cant wait to see some more pics!

I live in SoCal so we get these commercials all the time and I laugh at all of them, the one on recently is the one where the zebra is taunting the lions through glass and then a bird tries to land on his ear and freaks him out, diffently makes me want to go there but not in this heat!

It looks like TJFL has got a lot of attutide, he must make you laugh a lot. He sound like he will live the rest of his long life as the spoiled master of your home!

This could be a shot in the dark, but I -thought- I read somewhere that you built a NIC condo for Floppy! If so, hooray! Does this mean he doesn't have to stay outside? If not... I must be losing my mind :?

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