Temped..soooo tempted-pic

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2009
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
So, since I am doing so GREAT with my new bunnies i have now and since i am totally addicted i think i might be getting another.
I found her yesterday. She is a mini rex and harlequin in color. She is around 2 years old and she just weaned a litter of babies. From what the owners said, she is VERY sweet! She comes with a cage and supplies as well and lives like 20 minutes from me.
I am very excited! I really want her!!!

What do you guys think?

Her are a few pics form the owner.





Her name would be, Lieoh, by the way!! :biggrin2:

She is gorgeus!
I would really think it through though, do you feel like you can afford to keep 5 bunnies? If they were to get sick, could you afford the bills? Have you the time for them all? Do you feel like you could cope?

I'm tempted to get different bunnies all the time, but we can't have them all and it is very easy to get overwhelmed if we continue to ''just get one more'' all the time.

Really it's up to you and your situation :)
irishbunny wrote:
She is gorgeus!
I would really think it through though, do you feel like you can afford to keep 5 bunnies? If they were to get sick, could you afford the bills? Have you the time for them all? Do you feel like you could cope?

I'm tempted to get different bunnies all the time, but we can't have them all and it is very easy to get overwhelmed if we continue to ''just get one more'' all the time.

Really it's up to you and your situation :)
I do not mind cleaning cages, its fun for me,gives me something to do. I also came into more money with my job and my hubby just got a second job so we have lots of money to spare with no kids and nothing to really pay for. I don't feel overwhelmed at all. I have been thinking about it since last night. I will be able to afford everything as well. I do have time also, since i work about 4 days a week and stay home when i am not at work. I feel it will be fine :biggrin2:
This many rabbits = a heck of a lot of work.

I'm going to be very direct here: You seem fairly new to rabbits, and they are apparently still very fun and novel to you.

That's great!

However, each rabbit is a 7-10 year committment. Meaning, you are committing to invest time, money and resources into each rabbit for the next 7-10 years, without fail.
Same as a cat.
Think of it as getting 4-5 young cats within 2 months :shock:.

Honestly ask yourself, "what are the odds that I will still be this excited about rabbits and their care two years from now??"

Being a fairly young adult, you may wish to travel the world/have kids soon {purpose/accidental} etc... How will 4-5 bunnies fit into that?

Should living arrangements change drastically, can you find a place (that is affordable) that will take this many rabbits?

I am just getting the sense right now that you are getting yourself into a lot of responsibility, very, very quickly (less than 2 months!).

Bunnies are not like Pokemon where you "gotta catch them all" ;)
They are a major committment, not dolls to play with, then toss away.
There is time to wait, and appreciate each rabbit's personality.

Regardless of your choice, I would strongly suggest that you begin saving money now for emergency vet funds ($2000-3000), and start putting cash aside for all the spays and neuters.

Without spays and neuters, 4-5 rabbits will get unmanageable, pretty fast.

I would say, wait no less than 8 months before adding another rabbit to your crew. If you can make it through bunny puberty x3, speutering everyone, and your nerves are still intact, then get another bun ;)
I have had rabbits in the past, my mom had them growing up and i have been around hers my whole life, i helped care for hers growing up and i know what all they need. My grandparents had rabbits a while back which I took care of.
I know they need a LOT of time and care and im up for it, i dont plan to just get rid of them. But if you guys think i shouldn't get her them fine.
RexLovables wrote:
mardigraskisses wrote:
!!! I love her!

Get her and supply us with lots and lots and lots and lots of pictures! :inlove:
Your the only one who thinks i should get her..:(
Your opinion is the only one that matters. You know whether or not you'll be able to take all this on. Don't take the other opinions personally; they're just looking out for you. ;)

But she's really gorgeous and I mean... What's one more?:p
We have enough money, that isnt a issue.
I also have 3-4 days a week that i sit at home with nothing to do but play with the rabbits.
and Third, i have NO kids and tons of extra room in though house.
I Love my rabbits dearly and I would really like to have Her. She is so cute and her personality sounds AMAZING!
I know i can take care of them, no problem and id love to have another. My hubby said its ok to ad another furry member tot he family, he loves them as much as i do.

Everyone else though...
seams like they dont want me to get her, no one thinks i can do it.

I dont know what to od..I dont want anyone on her ot get mad at me or whatever:(
RexLovables wrote:
I dont know what to od..I dont want anyone on her ot get mad at me or whatever:(
You seem more than able to take this on then. A lot of people on the forum have seen people get really excited and then burnt out, so that's why some people seem leery of it. As long as you are taking care of everything no one will be mad. And besides, this is the internet. What does it matter what some strangers think?
I have had rabbits for 4 years.... 1 of my bunnies in 4 years has cost me more than $5,000.00. Most of that was in 1 year.

I would slow down because honestly it can very quickly become a chore not a joy.I have a constant partner in my husband in all aspects of their care. From meds, to grooming, to cage cleaning, to feeding, and even litter pans.

Can you maintain the same level of care for that many bunnies if one is critically ill? What if3 are sick and need a LOT of care what happens to the others? Trust me even with two of us it is a LOT of work.

Read these threads so you can see some of what my husband and I deal with on adaily basis. Bunnies are a joy but there are some really hard times too.

Every time I have a decent amount in it someone needs something.
No one is mad.

We know your situation right now is good to go.

We are asking if you are prepared to consider 4 rabbits (financially/timewise/long-term sickness) in your own major life changes (and those of your bunnies) in the next 5-10 years.

We are asking that you don't cave into spontaneous temptation...

Slow down, think it through completely to make it work best for you and your existing rabbits.
I understand were your coming from. Money isnt a issue with us. I have no kids, nothing to pay for. My hubby is in the military and we have no house payment no nothing so i have all this extra cash and nothing to spend it on. We just recently starting getting more money and we really have all this extra now to spend on whatever we want. I dont see it being a problem to have another bunny. Hubby takes care of the bunnies along with me, he helps do everything as well.
I dont have to have a full time job, as there is no need. we make enough to were i dont need it. I work 3-4 days a week and the rest i have off to spend time with the bunnies.

So now that thats all out of the way, why shouldn't i get her?
NorthernAutumn wrote:
No one is mad.

We know your situation right now is good to go.

We are asking if you are prepared to consider 4 rabbits (financially/timewise/long-term sickness) in your own major life changes (and those of your bunnies) in the next 5-10 years.

We are asking that you don't cave into spontaneous temptation...

Slow down, think it through completely to make it work best for you and your existing rabbits.
NO ONE on the planet can tell the future that many years form now, not even anyone on this forum. SO it isnt logical to try and ask someone about there life situations that many years into the future.
But as of RIGHT NOW, i am ready.
I HOPE to keep them and take care of them there whole lives.
BUT like i said i can not tell the future. All i can do is live life as it goes by. I will take care of my rabbits as long as life will let me. Thats the ony thing i can do as of right now.

And i have been thinking, Why not get her? everything in my life is fine to have another.
In the end you know what you can handle. I am not saying don't add more but just to wait till they are fixed before adding more.

Have you looked into what spays and neuters are going to cost you?

One other question do you have somewhere you can use as quarantine?
JadeIcing wrote:
In the end you know what you can handle. I am not saying don't add more but just to wait till they are fixed before adding more.

Have you looked into what spays and neuters are going to cost you?

One other question do you have somewhere you can use as quarantine?
Yup i sure have. spayes i found between $150-$180 and neuters i found for $100-$150. Thats fine, all i have to do i take them all in at once and get it done. Whats the problem with that?
I have a whole house, plenty of rooms for quarantine :)
You guys are pushing and pushing me not to get her, well Its up to me. I can handle it, even though most of you might not be able to. Thanks for your two cents. But i think im going to get her.
RexLovables wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
In the end you know what you can handle. I am not saying don't add more but just to wait till they are fixed before adding more.

Have you looked into what spays and neuters are going to cost you?

One other question do you have somewhere you can use as quarantine?
Yup i sure have. spayes i found between $150-$180 and neuters i found for $100-$150. Thats fine, all i have to do i take them all in at once and get it done. Whats the problem with that?
I have a whole house, plenty of rooms for quarantine :)
I would not suggest more than two at a time! Maybe neuter and 2 spays. Some bunnies have a very hard recovery time. Some bounce back like nothing. I would space it out so you can be there for them as needed.
Sure, ill do that.

I just want someone to say something good about me getting her,
not something negative.

I am excited..well i was until no one on here thinks i can take care of another...

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