Temped..soooo tempted-pic

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No one is pushing you one way or the other.

We are raising the same questions that we ask ourselves when we wonder about bringing some new rabbit into the home.

It is up to you to figure it out what works best for you and your buns.
RexLovables wrote:
You guys are pushing and pushing me not to get her, well Its up to me. I can handle it, even though most of you might not be able to. Thanks for your two cents. But i think im going to get her.

No one is pushing you not to get her just to consider everything. We know that she would get a lot of love from you, that is not a concern. We just want you to think of everything. I know people can handle more if they couldn't I myself wouldn't have the numbers I do.

You husband is military?
Yup we just moved onto base not long ago. I LOVE being in the military!!

I know i can handle it, so now thats out of the way can someone say something good about the situation.
What branch of the military?

She is cute.
it is up to you and people arnt tellin you not to just think about itbefore jumpin into it and think about your plans for your curent 4.
your going to try and bond them, right? its not just about money either. what if you cant bond any of them toegthger...can you have time for all of them.
and while all of us im sure see a bun and wish o just one more cant hurt...

in the end its up to you but people here are giing thier input and opinions from what theyve learnt and seen through the years. dont get upset when you ask for opinions and dont agree with the answers.
JadeIcing wrote:
What branch of the military?

She is cute.
Airforce. His job is secretive...He wont tell me about it and it frustrates me..he isnt aloud. Dont you think that is stupid? Thanks:)
Hey there... she's beautiful!!! Only you know if you and your hubby can handle another pet... but I did have a couple thoughts, given your situation...

1) Do you and hubby plan to have children in the next 5-10 years?Would achild (or two) and many rabbitsbecome too much for you do you think?

2) Since hubby is in the military... will you guys be required to move in the next 5-10 years? Would that be an issue with many rabbits?

Like I said only you and hubby know if this is the right thing for you. I too am married, no kids, and between my two dogs, one cat and one bunny I already feel time-restrained now and then.

Best of luck... she really is cute!
fuzz16 wrote:
it is up to you and people arnt tellin you not to just think about itbefore jumpin into it and think about your plans for your curent 4.
your going to try and bond them, right? its not just about money either. what if you cant bond any of them toegthger...can you have time for all of them.
and while all of us im sure see a bun and wish o just one more cant hurt...

in the end its up to you but people here are giing thier input and opinions from what theyve learnt and seen through the years. dont get upset when you ask for opinions and dont agree with the answers.
I dont even know if im gunna bond them. And yes, again time isnt a issue for them. I have TONS of time to spend playing,loving,cleaning, ect with them.

I just didnt expect you guys to be so negative. OK
MagnoliaDee wrote:
Hey there... she's beautiful!!! Only you know if you and your hubby can handle another pet... but I did have a couple thoughts, given your situation...

1) Do you and hubby plan to have children in the next 5-10 years?Would achild (or two) and many rabbitsbecome too much for you do you think?

2) Since hubby is in the military... will you guys be required to move in the next 5-10 years? Would that be an issue with many rabbits?

Like I said only you and hubby know if this is the right thing for you. I too am married, no kids, and between my two dogs, one cat and one bunny I already feel time-restrained now and then.

Best of luck... she really is cute!
1-I thought about having a baby but i just dont really want kids..I am young still. I dont want one in the next 5 years i know that.

2-We have the choice about moving. We get to pick form like 10 places ever few years and we can choose to stay at the same place or move and if i move it will NEVER be out of the US. AND YES the bunnies WILL come with EVERY SINGLE MOVE! If we move of course. I like it here :)

RexLovables wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
What branch of the military?

She is cute.
Airforce. His job is secretive...He wont tell me about it and it frustrates me..he isnt aloud. Dont you think that is stupid? Thanks:)
One branch I don't have family in.
Airforce is the only branch of the military I don't have family in. Navy, Marines, Army and even reserves but no airforce.
Not trying to be rude but....Quit using RO as an excuse or reason for you getting a bun or not. You either are ready for another bunny or not. You asked opinions on here and that is what you got. They are others opinions, you and only you can make the ultimate decision. I feel like you asked opinions becasue there are MANY on here who have had rabbits for a long time and you value their input so do not get upset iof they don;t give you the answer you are looking for..they are only being honest.

So, IMHO, do what you want to do which should be what is best for you, your current buns and any other bun you consider adding to your home.

Good luck in whatever you decide.
Fynnagin wrote:
Not trying to be rude but....Quit using RO as an excuse or reason for you getting a bun or not. You either are ready for another bunny or not. You asked opinions on here and that is what you got. They are others opinions, you and only you can make the ultimate decision. I feel like you asked opinions becasue there are MANY on here who have had rabbits for a long time and you value their input so do not get upset iof they don;t give you the answer you are looking for..they are only being honest.

So, IMHO, do what you want to do which should be what is best for you, your current buns and any other bun you consider adding to your home.

Good luck in whatever you decide.
I am NOT using is an excuse. k
I just expected a lot better comments than the ones i got.
and regardless what people tell me, i AM going to do what i want.
You are taking things the wrong way and getting way to upset about it. Just because we think you are moving to fast does not mean we are like "OH GAWD ANOTHER NON-CARING HORDER". Personally, I sometimes get 3-5 rabbits in one go - but I breed. I currently have three inside. I love them, Dillan is such a joy and annoying brat all at once. 3 rabbits is easy to clean and such but with my new boy sick it is so stressful.

It is not all about money and time, I remember how you where when you lost the other bunnies. What if they start getting sick again? You bring home this new bunny and she happens to carry something and everyone gets sick? Could you handle the -stress-?

I think I have had a total of 6 rabbits in the house here earlier this year - it was horrible. Most where rescues and hated being in the house. Refused to use the litter boxes, hated each other, I had to give medicine to a few of them and one had just been spayed. It is just not fun when you have so many not "perfect house rabbits" inside.

She is very cute, but cute does not always make for a good house rabbit. She said she is 2 years? She should be spayed ASAP.

If you want her then get her but you can not get every rabbit you think is cute, or you will end up in a mess.
I know i know.
And i am not getting her JUST because she is cute. There are other reason you have no clue about. I am not going to explain everything out for you.

im done right now.

I am not getting upset anymore.
Thanks everyone for your comments but it is up to me wether or not i get her.
I can handle it.

Ill let you know my decision this week.

as of right now. I don't want to comment on this thread anymore.
RexLovables wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
What branch of the military?

She is cute.
Airforce. His job is secretive...He wont tell me about it and it frustrates me..he isnt aloud. Dont you think that is stupid? Thanks:)
My hubbs is Air Force. :)

Have you made the call yet? We all know you're gunna cave. :p
Yurusumaji wrote:
RexLovables wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
What branch of the military?

She is cute.
Airforce. His job is secretive...He wont tell me about it and it frustrates me..he isnt aloud. Dont you think that is stupid? Thanks:)
My hubbs is Air Force. :)

Have you made the call yet? We all know you're gunna cave. :p
I said i was done with the thread but, what call?
If you are sure you can handle it, then great.

One other point to think about though is if you get to your bunny limit right away, you aren't leaving any room for the excitement of a new pet in the future. Right now you have a bunch of new pets to dote on and love and admire, but maybe next year you'd love a new pet but you won't be able to get one because if you get one more it would be too many. Plus, what if you decide you want one of a different breed to add to your family but, again, there is no room?

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