Tallulah's continued tummy troubles

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Well, Mae-Mae (what I call her an embarrassingly large amount of the time) still has poopy butt. I was hoping it would pass. She's eating the same exact things she's been eating for months, down to the amounts and brands. She's getting the Benebac once a day still. Her cecum feels normal, thank goodness, and she's acting normal too. What should I do now? :(

Perhaps it's the food that's causing her digestive upset? For the first month I had her, she was getting Kaytee Timothy Complete pellets, then I sloooowly switched her to Zupreem Nature's Promise Timothy pellets. She's been getting the Zupreem pellets in some amount for a good 3 1/2 months now, so I don't think the tummy troubles are because of new food. I would like to get Oxbow, but we don't have it up here. I would certainly consider shipping it if all you bunny experts think it might make a difference, but keep in mind that if I switch her to it, it will cause more digestive upset and if it ends up not fixing her troubles, I'll have to switch her back to the food she's on now since I don't want to pay exorbitant shipping rates for a food that isn't helping her.
Shiloh, Buttercup use to get poopy butt years ago. Our vet did suggest the Oxbow pellets which we did switch to. He also told uo to decrease the amout of pellets we were giving him, which we did to 1/4 cup a day. This clearded up the problem.

I realky hope she gets better really soon. She's just to darn cute and young to have all these problems.

How many pellets does she get per day? 1/4 cup or more? Maybe if that needs to be reduced just a tad it might stop altogether. Hmm. Just a thought. Just push more hay maybe.
Tallulah eats a lot of hay each day, she always has free access to it and she's almost always eating it! She gets about 3 tablespoons of pellets and 1/2 teaspoon of oats every day. Half the pellets in the morning, and half the pellets plus the oats at night. I don't think too many pellets is the problem and I'm afraid her growth will slow down if I cut down on them. She actually didn't start growing well until I started feeding the oats!
I really hope things work out soon. I love that lil Tallulah! We need way more pics btw... Hint hint hint. Lol. Seriously though, I am keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
I have good news! Tallulah hasn't had poopy butt in a few days! I decided to cancel her spay for tomorrow though because I'd like her to go longer issue free before getting her spayed. I'm worried something will go wrong and she won't wake up from the surgery or something. She's so little and delicate, even if she doesn't think so! Tonight she kept jumping over a 2 NIC panel high barrier to get to the food behind it... And MsBinky, I will have more pictures coming soon! I've been so busy with preparing for my EMT finals that I haven't uploaded the pictures I have. I got pictures of Tallulah and Mylo meeting through the cage bars, so cute! They seem to like each other :biggrin2:
Wooohooo great news! I can't wait to see! Best of luckwith your finals, not that you need it though ;)I totally understand cancelling the spay, I would have as well.