Tail of a Fuzzy Bunny

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if it makes you feel better fallow and mimzy are moulting like crazy too...mimzy lets my vacuum her so that helps a bit. lol...and fallow...is a lost cause. i furminate and then an hour later its like i didnt even brush him!!!

and im sorry for your loss, but glad Gus did ok without you there spoiling his cute lil butt!!!

and carob...isnt that chocolate type based? i know its in a lot of dog treats and tastes like chocolate (dont ask!!) but idk if itd be good for them.
Well,I think the moulting may finally be coming to an end. I've been dutifully brushing and plucking and lint rollering and vacumming and doing everything I can to make this never ending moult more bearable! Gus does seem to be going through two moults at once. But the second one seems to be more of a light shedding than a full on moult, so it's not quite as bad as I'd imagined it was going to be when I realized he'd started losing hair on the top of his head while he was still leaving clumps of hair from his butt everywhere! :shock:

Anyway, some new pics I took this week:


Dis drumset makes a good pillow... :biggrin2:


Hubby and Gus having a snuggle on the couch. Who says real men don't love bunnies?;)

I think it's fairlysafe to say he'sfinally been converted! You should have seen him the other night on the floor giving Gus ear rubs. :bunnyheart

So adorable!

I hear you..my boyfriend goes up every weekend to see his mother and family, and sometimes if its a little longer I ask to bring the rabbits. They have 2 dogs who hate everything (Children, TV commercials, ect) so they have to pen up the family room for the buns. I didn't think it was a problem until I overheard them saying how it was a little troublesome.

Uh sorry. But this is your son's rabbits too, so if you want to see us for prolonged times, they have to come. I am not going to neglect my rabbits to see you.
AWWW!!!! Have you seen the Real Men Love Bunnies photo thread? This pic belongs there for sure!
Gus is just absolutely adorable....love the pictures!
Thanks, Cheryl!

Wow, it's been a few since I last updated!

So, what's new?

Gus did in fact start a second moult. So I decided to try the method used by breeders to "blow his coat." I started supplementing his timothy pellets with a Tbsp of alfalfa pellets. Well, one week after he started moulting, his moult slowed to a crawl! He's still moulting abit, but it's nowhere near what it was. So I'm really confused. This was supposed to cause his moult to speed up, not slow down! :shock:

Anyway, since he's only moulting a few hairs a day, instead of a handful, it's a bit easier to bear. But I'd really rather he was just done with this moulting process! :p

He's also gained some weight, I'm guessing from the extra alfalfa pellets. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I think I'll have to get some pics of him to see if others think he's getting too chubby or if he was actually underweight before. I know when I switched him from the alfalfa pellets to the timothy pellets, he lost about 1/2 lb in the first month, but I always kinda thought he looked a bit skinny. Now he looks healthier too me, but I'm not sure if he's getting TOO healthy, if you know what I mean. ;)

Anyway, today was beautiful, so we thought we'd take Gus for a walk. We put him in his harness and headed outside. Our goal was to take him to the park at the school next to our townhouse complex. But he wasn't having any of it! He kept trying to go back to the house! It took almost 15 minutes just to get halfway across the school field and, oncewerealizedhe justWAS NOTgoing to go to the park and turned back,less than a minute torun back home! He made a beeline straight to the front door!

We'll try again another day.

Silly rabbit! :p

Oh, I forgot to mention:

I started "clicker training" Gus last week too. So far, after only a couple sessions, he's learned to "touch" a plastic lid on command, "hop up" onto a small step stool on command, hop "down" off the step stool, and to follow the plastic lid over a 8" cardboard tube. I'm planning to build him a proper set of jumps soon. In fact, I'd like to create an entire obstacle course for him! I'm sure he'll just love it! :)

So I built Gus his very first agility jump. Here's a tutorial of how I put it together:



Sonotube $7
Dowels $3 each
Film canisters FREE!
Nails $1.50 (for a box, but I only used 8)

Total: $11.50


Note: If you don't have a saw, you can use a serrated bread knife to cut the Sonotube and have the dowels cut at the hardware store (most will do it for free).



1 SONOTUBE. (This is only half, as I had the store cut mine so I could fit it into my car!)


4 WOODEN DOWELS. I bought 2 48" 5/8" dowels and cut themin half. But you can use narrower or widerdowels or cut them longer. Whatever floats your boat. ;)


8 NAILS. The nails are just regular 1" nails.



First, cut two 24" lengths from the Sonotube. (I recommend 24", though mineare only 13". ;))

Like so:


Next, using your tape measure (again, if you don't have a tape measure, a ruler will work), mark 3" increments (2" seemed too narrow and 4" too wide) along the length of the Sonotube.


Then, cut the film canisters in half with the scissors.


You could try driving nails through the canisters into the Sonotube, but I found this technique easier (and less painful to mythumbs!). First, drive nails through the centres of the bottoms of the canisters (sorry this is a bit blurry).


Then, using a nail, create starter holes at each of the marks on the Sonotube. And then push the nails in the canisters into the Sonotube to attach them.


Put up your rails and voila! You're ready for some rabbit agility!


Now I just gotta get some pics of Gus jumpingit! :bunnydance:


I read it! The video is unavailable, though, due to privacy settings.
I read your blog: Gus is on my bun-nap list, hehe.:biggrin2:

That jump you made is amazing!

Hi. I read your blog. Gus is on my bunny napping list as well! :biggrin2:

You're inspiring me to try clicker training with my rabbits. I just have to make the time for it and then get the book. Has Gus learned any new tricks this week?
Thanks, Cindy! I think I'm gonna have to get a lock for Gus's cage with all the bunnappers out there! ;)

Aside from the jumping, he hasn't learned anything new. Just been working on the tricks he's already learned, including hopping on the stool, touching the lid and hopping through the hula hoop.

I have to say, training him has really helped with some of his not-so-great behaviours, including the growling andcarpet chewing.So I'm really glad I tried it!

I recommend it to everyone! :)

There's a website that Laura/Elrohwen posted. I think it's: http://www.clickerbunny.comI didn't get the book. Not saying you shouldn't. But I just read the articles and watched the videos. The videos were the most valuable to me, as sometimes the descriptions in the articles didn't really answer allmy questions.

Hope that helps!


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