Tabitha acting sick again (I'm really worried!)

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Jul 8, 2006
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This morning I went downstairs and my parents had already let the buns out, but rather than greeting me in her normal manner Tabitha sat in the corner litterbox and refused to adknowledge me. She later came out to see my mom and so I assumed it was just her sulking over my absence yesterday (I was attending a memorial and candlelight vigil, so was gone for over half the day). She has not eaten any of her fruit today though, and when I offered a piece of banana (her FAVORITE) to tempt her out, she nibbled on it then turned her head. I am worried so I picked her up and felt her belly, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary to me.I gave a dose of baby gas drops just to try and see if it helps, but when I flipped her over is when I got a bit more nervous. My normally bratty little princess who attacks if flipped over and CANNOT be tranced, fell asleep immediately, and even while awake was completely relaxed and watching me. I gave her the drops and she didn't fight that either, so I checked her belly (still feels normal) and then looked at her butt. Tabitha, the most obsessively clean bun you've ever met, was wet and had pellets stuck all in her fur.
As soon as I put her down she retreated back to her corner and I came looking for help! I don't know whether I should be super worried, or just keep an eye on her? or what I could do to make her feel better? Does anyone have any suggestions? I still have some meds from when she had her stasis and coccidia that say to giveuntil eating and poopingnormally, should I try these? Thevet said they could be offered if she had similar problems,and while she doesn't have diarrhea, the lack of appetite and lethargic attitude are very familiar.If you have any ideas please share!


I'm not sure what's wrong with her but if it were me I'd take her to the vets just to be on the safe side. They'll be able to properly diagnose her and give her the right treatment. I hope she is ok.
Oh no, not again. :(

Was she wet with urine? And were the pellets food pellets or poop? What were the meds the vet gave you?

When did she last poop and what did it look like?

There was some concern last time that the coccidia wasn't the primary cause of her problems, it's often a secondary problem, and that's looking more like the case. Did the vet check for viruses or anything else last time?

Is there a chance that you have a bag of moldy food or something? Are they still eating from the same bag or case lot as last time?

If it was gas, the simethicone should clear it up. My bunny gets an upset (and poopy butt) from too many oats, but the wet bottom doesn't come with that.

It's probably a good idea to see another vet, I really wasn't sure if those emergency guys really did a great job withthe two bunnies before.

If she's grinding her teeth, baby aspirin will help.If she hasn't been drinking, she's probably dehydrated andcould use somePedialyte.

Let us know how she is.

sas :pray:

(Although they usually can't check for viruses unless it's something specific that they know about such as herpes.)

If the vet said it's okay to give the coccidea meds in case of a relapse, then they're probably worth a try. I would try a second vet if it's possible, because a second vet might see something that the first one missed.

How's she doing today?
Viruses can be hard to track down when they are the cause of the problem. The tests are usually done as a last resort during necropsy at the state vet's lab. There are not tests to identify all viruses, so some may not be detected. There are also many bacterial infections that may go undetected.

Rotavirus and corona virus are the two I most commonly hear of.

It sounds like Tabitha may have a genetic predispostion to some GI problems.


Thank you all for your help. Tabitha didn't make it through the night last night however.


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