Strange litter behavior... he uses them, but not in the cage!

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Jan 3, 2011
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Newtonville, Massachusetts, , USA
Hi all!
Totally new to bunny-love, so I am grateful for all the help.

My new rabbit (Mini-lop/Jersey Wooly mix), male, 5 months old, neutered, came home on Sunday. He has been adjusting wonderfully, a great addition to my home!

My one question is about litter-box training... he has one pan inside the cage ( a large cage) and another in a separate corner of the kitchen. When I come home at night (about 4:30 pm) I let him roam about the kitchen b/c we have baby gates set-up. The last 2 nights I have noticed that he waits until I get home, gets let out, and chooses to use the 2nd litter box (outside the cage).

I don't want him stressed out all day needing to go to the bathroom. I only find very limited numbers of "pellets" (right word?) inside the cage. Inside the litter tubs are a thin layer of absorbent paper shreds (made at home) and a thin layer of Timothy hay on top. Seems to work great in one box, and not the other...

IDEAS? Many thanks in advance!
I have the same thing, one large litter in his cage and another in the corner of his run. EACH time I let him out, he'll run to this second box and use it or just sit in it. Mine however, does use the one in his cage - he's not holding it in. Maybe he doesn't recognize the one in his cage as a litter box. Is it different than the one outside? Maybe put some soiled litter in the one in the cage to entice him to use that one. Are you sure he's not using it? BTW if you're giving him beer outside his cage maybe that's why he needs to potty more…. :eek:)

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