strange bubble on neck after sedation

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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London, UK
It all went really well! Bless benji can't walk in a straight line though, even after a few hours, and is falling asleep on me as we speak. But he's licked me and had some food and water and also peed (yay).

I'm assuming Benji has had some pain med injections after his molar spur trim etc. especially as his tongue is a bit sore with a cut on it apparently :(. I have some extra to give him every day for 5 days.

But when i stroke his back he has this odd bubbly thing that almost crackles- it'#s on his neck where an injection would be.

Is this normal?

He apparently didn't eat much of the critical care they gave him and really wasn't impressed, so maybe they injected something else? I don't know.

I did manage to get him to eat now though by fooling him by mushing pellets with banana hehehe.

What is this odd squishy crackly lump? If I don't get any replies (I hope I do!! :( ) then I am just going to have to go back to the vets tomorrow :(, which I don't really want to have to do because it will stress Benji out even more. So pleaaasee can I have some advice?

Thanks for any help

Can you call and ask if they gave him subQ fluids? That is what it sounds like to me, but I would have thought they would have told you about it.
Yeah, sounds like subq buildup. Hasn't happened to my bunny, but it happened to me once where my hand swelled up because I moved around too much while i was sleeping and i had a subq line attached to my hand. it serious?

They are closed now but might ring them tomorrow. He didn't eat much of the critical care they tried so maybe they did that?

Thanks so much for replying

If it is subQ fluids it will go away on its own as the body absorbs the liquids. I would call tomorrow to confirm they did give fluids so you don't have to worry at all then. If they didn't then something weird is going on.
Hi Jen!

Yeah, it sounds like a subQ site.

It happened to a couple of my bunnies, too.
Within the next couple of days it had been absorbed with no ill effects.

I would call the vet before you take him back.
It sounds like SubQ fluid to me as well. Everytime Belle went to the vet to get her molar spurs taken care of, she'd come home with a bubble on her neck. She'd even get it when I started giving her SubQ fluids at home.
I'd ring and inquire about the crackling (crepitus) to be sure it's not a sign of something more serious. Could be just air, but can also be a sign of infection.
Thanks a lot guys.

At least I have some idea what it might be now. I don't want to wake him up now because he is totally out of it at the moment but last time I touched his back it didn't seem as bad. And then I said 'listen' to my sister, stroked his back and nothing happened lol.

I will look in the morning, and if it's still crackly then I'll definately follow your guys advice and ring the vets, and possibly go back there if I need to (don't want to though :/ ).

He's pooing, weed once, and eaten about 1/3 of a banana with pellets mushed into it. He won't eat the pellets on their own but I don't want him to eat too much banana.

Can I soak the pellets in a little juice, or will that be too much?

jcottonl02 wrote:
Can I soak the pellets in a little juice, or will that be too much?


Making a slurry or mushof pellets and juice (or just plain water) might be a good idea for a bun with a sore mouth.

I've often had to syringe a pellet slurry when my buns have stopped eating for one reason or another.
They're system is accustom to the pellets so it doesn't upset their tums by introducing something new or different. And the juice or water helps a bit with hydration.


Thanks loads everyone- you are fantastic and were all bang on the money.

I rang the vets this morning and she said it was just a build up of subq fluids and if it stays like that or he seems a bit odd then bring him back straight away. But he is absolutely fine.

I actually managed to find canned pumpkin because i've been looking for it for years- I was shocked because nowhere sells it here. It's 100% pumpkin, and so I mushed some pellets with a liitttttllleeeeeee teaspoon of that and gave it to Benji, who didn't look impressed. But then I hand fed it to him and he gobbled half the bowl. I didn't want to keep giving him banana because I don't want to upset his stomach, but he really is not keen on the mushed pellets themselves,

He's totally back to his normal self 100%, but the bubbly thing is still there, although not as bad as yesterday I don't think. Now it takes me a while to find it. I'll keep an eye on it.

:D Jen