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Here's a picture to show a bit of progress.


I think he's on his way to regulating his food with the antibiotics. Still haven't been able to find somewhere with critical care or a probiotic... Sigh.
Sorry, missed this (notifications aren't coming in), but AngieLuv has it covered. :)

Critical Care is usually at the vet's office and some pet stores, might as well get the probiotics there too. The vet should have Bene-bac (as should some pet stores) or Florentero.

I'd check with Pet_Bunny (Stan) or MaherWoman (Rosie), both are great Edmonton contacts.

Rosie has an association and a website here:

I'd personally recommend canned pumpkin, it's a great wet fiber. And yes, as long as he's eating and pooping, he's not in stasis.

Oh, and I wouldn't be totally convinced it isn't the molar overgrowth bothering him. Pipp will stop eating at the slightest point. But she's a diva.

sas :clover:
I too think this is a good medication because few bacteria are resistant to it, and think that a probiotic is needed. Like Rue said, human probiotics can be substituted when you can't find ones made for animals. Just make sure they are not dairy-based, as rabbits cannot digest the sugars (lactose and others) in cow milk well. You can take just about any human probiotic and give that. If you can find a chewable table he'll take and eat on his own, great. If not, you can get capsules and cut them open and sprinkle on wet veggies, although 2 of my guys won't eat veggies that have probiotics sprinkled on them. Another way is to take a tablet and crust it up, or cut open a capsule, and suspend that powder in water or pedialyte and force him to take it via oral syringe. The dosing for probiotics is not exact--I like to say 0.5-1g for a medium sized bunny daily, as needed. I never weigh it out though. I know several other Canadian members have had a hard time getting veterinary probiotics before so it may just be best to go to the human pharmacy.
Sounds like I'll have to go that route then. Thanks everyone! Now my main concern is that he seems to hate me. Sigh, maybe I'll have to rebond after the medication is gone.

Side note, I received a card in the mail from the vet office. Technically it was addressed to Toby... made me giggle.
Thanks Stan! It's not 'critical' yet :)P) I was just trying to be proactive and be prepared. I'll take a look around; I read somewhere that Sherwood Park has critical care so I'll take a look there tonight.

That pharmacy is actually really close to where I live... how convenient!
Agreed, Stan's the best :)

They were out of Benebac when I went today, so I'll have to just get some children's probiotic. BUT I did find out that G & E has absolutely fantastic prices. I got a 10lb bag of Oxbow pellets for $13 while a small bag from Petsmart is almost $10 or something like that.

Toby's doing so much better, I think he's adjusted to the meds. Once again (like always) I was overthinking it and getting worried over nothing. At least I know if anything ever does go seriously wrong with him I'll likely notice right away.

Thanks again everyone, I think we're in the clear here. Now just hoping that the antibiotics do their job.

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