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sunnysideup wrote:
Yep, you got it. The original cage was a small Wabbitat, and I wantedto incorporate it since I had just gotten it. Plus, he was used to hisfood and potty being in there so I thought it would be nice to keep allof the original and just 'add on' to it. I attached the panels to theWabbitat with the zip ties and went from there. He does love it, he isin it all the time.
Merry Christmas!
I really like your design. It givesthem a play area but still keeps them from getting intomischief. Where did you buy the zip ties? I have 2buns andI am gone from home 10 hours of theday.I have been feeling bad about them being intheir small cages all day. Your design has given me the ideafor them to have some extra room for moving around. Thanksfor sharing your ideas with us.:D Beckie
2bunmom wrote:
I really like your design. It gives them a play area butstill keeps them from getting into mischief. Where did you buythe zip ties? I have 2 buns andI am gone from home 10 hoursof the day.I have been feeling bad about them being intheir small cages all day. Your design has given me the idea forthem to have some extra room for moving around. Thanks forsharing your ideas with us.:D Beckie
Thank you, Beckie! I got the zip ties at Walmart in the hardwaresection -- they are called Cable Ties and there are various sizes. Iused the small ones, but I only have the one bun and he is fairlysmall. I'll tell ya, though, just in case you think you want to do it-- don't make a floor. We did because we thought it would make the cagesturdier, which it did, but we ended up dismantling it because cleaningit was nearly impossible with all of those little grates.
It was the Cage Only thread that got me interested in making a biggercage...seeing the ones others had made out of the panels and how coolthey were. I hope I get to see the one you come up with.

Almost forgot: at night when we put him 'to bed' he has another pottythat goes in that front corner to the left of the door. If we don't hetends to potty in that corner. During the day it is in a corner of hismommy's room that he likes to mark, but he doesn't potty in that cornerof the cage. Weird, I know, but I thought you needed to know they mightneed an extra potty for the bigger cage.

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