Spraying! Peeing issues! Please help!

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Feb 10, 2013
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Hi all! I'm not sure if Miss. Lyla is just peeing or spraying (is there a difference?) But for a long time she did so awesome with the litter box, but now all of a sudden I'm finding puddles of pee all around her cage!! She's indoor, so this is becoming a real problem!

Any advice to get her to stop? My husband is threatening to send her outside to live if I can't get her to stop! Please help!!
No she isn't actually! Would a regular vet do that?? And thank you!
Spraying is when the urine sprays out, usually at something. Intact males tend to spray more and might spray other rabbits, people or object.

Peeing outside the litter box can be a sign that something is up. If she is getting to the age where she is getting sexually mature, litter habits can go out the window. This can be largely due to hormones. Getting her spayed should help as they don't feel the need to mark territory as much. There could also be a medical reason such as a UTI. Getting her vet checked is a good idea to rule out anything medical.

Most vets don't treat rabbits. Rabbits and other small animals are not really covered in vet school, so vets that do want to treat them need to do further schooling to learn about them. This can mean it harder to find a good vet and they can be a bit more expensive. Call around to see if there are any rabbit vets in your area, you can even do a google search to see what comes up.
To find a rabbit savvy vet, you can try calling a local rabbit rescue (or checking their website) and see if they have a vet reference. Then you'll know it's an experienced rabbit vet.

In the meantime, let your hubby know to just bear with you (& bunny) while you work on getting her spayed. It can take a month after surgery for her to settle back down.
Thank you guys! I'll ask the breeder I got her from where she takes hers! I love her little bunny butt to pieces, but stepping in rabbit pee first thing in the morning is not fun lol

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