Sparky hurt his paw

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
About a week ago Sparky and I were playing with a ball. I threw it and he went to run after it, but he was running so fast he couldn't stop. I don't think it helps that we have hardwood floors. He was about to run into the ball ( About an inch high) and I guess he paniked and jumped, It looked almost like a bunny binky how he moved. He landed his back paw on the ball which slid and he fell. I've never ever heard anything yell that loud, I've never heard even a person yell that loud with pain.

He was making the glasses shake. My brother had to get the sleeve of a sweatshirt of mine and put it around his neck ( It wasn't tight, it was just to keep sparky from jumping so he wouldn't do anything worse to it )So he wouldn't bit me for trying to hold him and take his bark collar off which he had because he decided he would bark and growl for no reason . Sparky eventually calmed down, and he layed on his side whimpering and his leg was shaking.

As soon as my brother went to his chair again Sparky got up and ran after him. We din't think it hurt him that much because we know for a fact he exagerates. ( I point my finger and wave it near him and he screams and ducks like I hit him, then I get in trouble :?) Since then, he's been limping a bit and crying when you touch it.

We're not able to take Sparky to the vet unil later on this month, because of all the money we spent on the baby shower and halloween. He's okay to hold up until then but I can see when we got for walks, and when he trys to get on the couch and run and play like a normal puppy it hurts him. He's eating and drinking fine.

Is there something I can do for him, or give him to help his little foot ?
To be honest hun he needs a vet. We can't really say what's wrong or anything online. It could be broken, could be a sprain, at the very least he needs pain meds because that won't be comfortable for the poor guy.
If you suspect its broken it will DEFINITELY need a vet. But if you really really really really can't, I'd just keep it wrapped tight. He probably needs pain meds though. It could seriously hurt him in the future. I'm no expert, and he needs an expert.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
In the meantime you can give him human Aspirin to help with the pain. Not tylenol or Ibuprofin but BUFFERED ASPIRIN. You can usually find it at the 99 cent store if money is tight.

I always follow the 10mg per pound rule with my dog. She is 60lbs so I give her 2 adult 325mg tablets when needed. They also come in 81mg tablets if it's a smaller dog. You can also cut them to get the correct ammount.1 dose every 12 hours.

If he does not improve over the next couple of days I would get him to the vet ASAP.
Porr guy!

It could be anything from a torn ACL to a knee problem. I don't remember, is Sparky a Pom or a Chihuahua? AM I nut and he's neither? I'm thinking of a little 3 legged guy someone has.

Anyhow, if it's a torn ACL, he'll need surgery. If it's a knee problem - it depends. Could be a genetic problem that "came forth" due to his accident. Something like Luxating Patella, depending on the grade, surgery isnt always necessary. Possible hairline fracture even... in that event or in case of it, I'd consider wrapping the leg.

You'll be looking at office visit fees, an exam and probably X-rays.

Hopefully it's nothing serious and he'll get over the injury but when you can it really is best to have it checked out.

Good luck!!
If it's been a week and he's still limping, you probably need to see a vet when you can.

If at all possible, try to keep him from exerting himself too much. No more games of fetch and limit walk time. My friend's dog had a muscle tear that needed rest and the dog would just go and go on it and she finally ended up putting her in her crate even when they were home with her to keep her from getting too excited. Just a couple of days of real rest can sometimes help if its a muscle.
He needs a vet that can't wait until next month, it is not fair to him. If you hurt your leg, you would be off to the doctor.

Most vets will let you have them bill you later. I've done this with Benson when he needed the vet and the vet forgot to bill it to the rescue instead. I have received the bill a month after that appointment.
he needs a vet now! it's one thing to wait a day and see if he's ok but to wait a week or more when you know he needs wouldn't wait to go to the doctor..why should he?

most vets will work with you in emergencies, just because he walks on it doesn't mean it's not broken

BABY aspirin is ok for dogs.....but only with a vet's ok....(you can also give them pepto bismol for upset tummies)
Might have been a muscle injury or sprain if he's not limping anymore. I'd still limit activity for a few more days.

When you do take him to the vet, see if the vet will give you a pain killer or tell you the correct amount of baby aspirin to give him for the future just in case. I have some on hand for my dog in case we have a weekend issue come up. (I have a dog with an old shoulder injury that occasionally flares up when she overdoes it playing. My vet is ok giving me a few to have on hand as long as we don't have to use it for more than two days at a time.)

We have sort of put together a first aid kit for our dog that we take with us on trips but it's good to have around home too. Here's a link to a site that explains what to have on hand. We don't have all this stuff, but at least some of the basics. It includes doggie aspirin.
Oh and, you say no Tylenol ?

I had Tylenol EZ in my purse, and sparky got to them, and started licking them (about 3) until they had no more red, ( It was mostly on the carpet :?) and he ate 1. I had just gone out to bring the Garbage. I called the vet and he said not to worry, just make sure it was only 1 .. So i had to think of all the times I took Tylenol, how many and how many remained. Only 1 had been missing ( It was a small portable pack of 10 ) You think i could give him a half if he starts up again ?
NO Tylenol. It may have been ok that he only got into a small ammount but it is not recommended at all. It can cause damage to red blood cells, as well as liver damage. Dogs are very sensitive to acetaminophen.

If he starts limping again, and getting him to the vet is not an option, give him Buffered Aspirin. I've given it to my dogs for years andnever had a problem. It can be baby or regular adult aspirin, just follow the dosage. 10mg per lb.(give with food)If you can't calculate exactally then remember less is better. You don't want to give him too much.
never give any meds with getting the vet's ok first! every animal is defferent..and if the dosage is off you can kill them! even BABY aspirin if there's enough of tylenol shouldn't too do much...but in a small doesn't take much...keep an eye on him.

get him to drink a bit of milk that will help coat his tummy from the tylenol
furryface wrote:
never give any meds with getting the vet's ok first! every animal is defferent..and if the dosage is off you can kill them! even BABY aspirin if there's enough of tylenol shouldn't too do much...but in a small doesn't take much...keep an eye on him.

get him to drink a bit of milk that will help coat his tummy from the tylenol

He's not allowed to drink milk. The doc said because of his mouth problem ( Remember? ) He had open sores and some are still a bit open, like a scar. They said if he drinks milk or dairy straight like that. he has a higher chance of worms until those close up

I went to the Pharmacy because I couldnt get ahold of the Vet and he said Baby Asprin, 80MG every 12/24 hours ( Depends how bad he needs it ) He gave us some orange flavoured to make him more attracted to it. I kept saying 'Are you sure' and he was very sure, he had just had a pug that needed it too and supposidly hes better.
He stopped limping for the past..3 days but started again this morning. He's going to the vet tomorrow, they've also opend a new part to the clinic for grooming so he shall get his fur cut. I hope he don't break their machines too lol.