So, it has been a week and a half.......

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Nov 28, 2011
Reaction score
Dartmouth, , Canada
So well,

Its been a week and a half since I picked up the rabbits. Its been a fairly long week and a half, that is for sure. I discussed some of it in the thread ;

Needless to say, with their health issues, its been an added stress-or to it all, however they are both worth every penny and all the fear of losing them to illness. They both are eating, drinking water, running around and passing stool, so that is some big things that are passed off.

I definitely have learned a lot of hard lessons over the past week and a half about caring about rabbits, namely they are smart little buggers who are great for intrusion detection. They have made it through my rabbit proofing in three locations, sometimes by picking up and moving the obstacles. One (Ava) even managed to hide -under- a bookshelf. How she did that, I have no clue, especially since you have to go behind the bookshelf. So, its always been a bit of a challenge in improving my bunny proofing, however it is an ongoing project.

This all has been an ongoing project.

My concern at this point is, am I a good bunny owner? It really worries me if I am a good owner or not, or if I'm totally lost and on the wrong track. If I am, is it a recoverable state to be in? I said to myself, when I was first thinking of getting a rabbit, I want to do this right, I want to do this flawlessly, I have one shot at this. I feel like I am slowly blowing it.

Right now first allow me to describe their living arrangements, after keeping them in a pet store cage for the first three days, I built them a neat idea cube based cage in my rarely used living room. Right now it is 4 cubes wide, by 4 cubes long by 2 cubes high. I'm going to expand that by 1 cube wide, and 2 cubes high (for a second level to be installed). In there they have a 'digging box', two litter boxes, a log toy, some baby toys, a water crock and water bottle (the crocks to be replaced by hanging dishes), pellets and hay in their litter boxes which uses newspaper and shredded paper for bedding, a feed ball and one of those igloos.

In the end state, I plan on putting on a second level with a third litter box, one of those rolled log tunnels, as well as some more toys and hiding places. However that is going to be done over the next few weeks. They spend from 6am-11pm in there.

The rest of the time they have free run of my office, which has two litter boxes, water crocks, hay and pellets, as well as toys and room to run around in. I keep them out of the cage when I'm at home, so weekends they have a lot more running time.

Is this too small? They are 13 week old mini-rex, both of them does (Sexed by the breeder and vets), as well as litter mates. The spays will be coming when they are 5 months - 6 months so I know that will be a priority. I'm worried they don't have enough room in their cage, as the litter boxes / igloo and digging box take up a lot of space.

They have from 11pm-6am normally (the time I'm home) out of their cage. The big problem is, I didn't build a door on the 'condo' so I have to carry them from one end of the apartment to the other. I plan on framing up my condo, as well as putting a door on. However, where they don't have free run of the apartment, I'm thinking that it is a moot point.

I can post pictures of the condo if you want. Right now I swap litter boxes every two to three days, add in a fresh batch of hay twice a day to each box, feed them pellets twice a day (11pm and 6am), as well as change / add water once a day, plus more if they drain out water. (Normally at 6am and 12am for the cage, then 11pm plus refills in my office). Twice a week I sweep out my office and the cage, and once a week I do a detail clean on them both. (On alternating days to allow for some 'cont unity' of scents and environment.

Their diet is as follows; Unlimited hay, provided fresh at least twice a day, as well as refills of their boxes, Pellets provided twice a day when their locations are switched, water, as well as parsley and cilantro provided from 11pm-6am. We hand feed them the parsley through the night, and I feed extra when I'm training them.

I'm wondering if I should look at just keeping them in my office permanently? As it would not be much to finish bunny proofing the area out for them?

My next, and largest question is, is twelve weeks too old to socialize them? I know that if rabbits are handled young, they are more likely to be affectionate, easier to handle and more apt to be held and carried. From what I understand, these guys were barely handled from the time they were born. Right now, I normally have to carry them to and from my office and the cage. I do want to train them to be held and make them more comfortable with being carried, as well as make them more comfortable with being near me and more snuggly. I know that it is a tall order to fill, however I am comfortable with taking the time and detail of doing it.

Right now, I normally bribe them with treats to get them close to be picked up, bribe them with more treats, nose rubs and firm holding (all 4 paws on something while moving) while I'm carrying them and nose rubs / treats when I put them down. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what else I should do? They do seem to be stressed out by this, I know that is to be expected.....However, should I try to carry them around more, or hold them more during the 'day'?

As for making them snugly. I do spend a good bit of time on the ground with them, normally 5-10 mins an hour at least with them laying down, I also have taken naps on the ground with them. Will this help progress? They will sometimes lay next to me, and flop out next to me. They do tend to flop a lot when they are sleeping (My office has many desks, bookshelves, stands, and things, as well as is a bit lower light than most places, so I think it feels more 'safe' for them as it is a S Shaped path around everything to get from one side to another.)

I try to offer free nose rubs as many times as I can with them, as well as try to communicate with them as if I was a rabbit. (Resting my head over theirs while they snuggle, grit teeth calmly, try to make purring sounds and not make any sudden movements), as well as offer them treats and stay as quiet as possible. I also only feed them their parsley, cilantro and their once a day piece of apple (a small cube of it) from my hand, or as odd as it sounds from between my teeth.

They will come and climb on top of me, as well as nudge me sometimes, not to mention Nimue does like to groom me, and will spend a lot of time grooming me, both my hands and my face. Ava will do the same, however on much less of a frequent basis. (Nimue will ignore nose rubs and pets to groom me.....) I'm wondering if this is something that will continue until they are adults? They also tend to greet me, and will flop out under the desk chairs in the office that normally are in use. (My office is the defacto living room in the apartment). Is there any special significance to this? I know they can be skittish at times (Ava anyways, Nimue is pretty fearless and outgoing, just doesn't like petting, rather she likes grooming you, also she will come to the door when I come into the room). So I'm wondering if there is any way to improve a bond between the three of us.

My biggest worry about it all, is will I be able to bond closely with them? I know they will come if there is treats, and will beg, a lot. I just am hoping to ensure to have a good bond, and make sure that they are friendly and loving, and will come out of their shell to me. I know, again, my expectations are high, however I am worried about it all, and want to work at it and not make mistakes at it.

So - Questions on this one are;
1 - Would it be a good option to actually sleep in my office with them? Would this improve the bond any?
2 - Is more treats and hand feeding a good option? That way they will associate me with good things?
3 - How should I go about carrying them and getting them used to being carried? Is doing it every day worthwhile?
4 - How should I continue to bond with them? I've read the language of lagomorphs back to front, and am wondering what other behaviors I should exhibit in front of them?

My next question comes with enrichment? How do I know if they are getting suitable enrichment? When I have them in my office, they normally operate on this schedule.

11:30-12:30 - A lot of running, binkying, flopping, playing, exploring, 'running the bunny 500'.
12:30-2:00 - Flopping and rest, normally one at a time.
02:00-03:00 - Exploring and adventuring.
03:00 - 04:00 - More rest, abet more subtle at this point, they tend to also munch, and eat at this time.
04:00-05:00 - They tend to wake up at this point.
05:00 - 06:00 - Normally in this period falls bedtime.

Right now, the office has the following items in it for them;

1 - Two litter boxes, filled with newsprint and shredded paper for a base, followed by hay for bedding. Pellets are added in one end for them.
2 - A pile of stir sticks for stacking and knocking down.
3 - A water crock.
4 - A stuffed animal.
5 - Several cat balls (plastic with bells, no catnip)
6 - Two cardboard boxes for resting.
7 - Several facecloths
8 - Large bottle caps.

Also, when available I plan
I'm planning on adding this week;
1 - A baby key ring. As well as more baby toys down the road
2 - A seagrass mat.
3 - A phone book inside of a cardboard cutout for digging.
4 - Another litter box on the other side of the room.
5 - Possibly a seagrass cave (I may hold off on that)
6 - Wicker balls
7 - Wicker basket (Any idea on what I should put into this one?
8 - Wood chews.

I also, once they are fully litter trained, am hoping to put in a cat bed or two for them to rest on, as well as within the cage doing the same thing.

In the cage I currently have;

1 - Two litter boxes, filled with newsprint and shredded paper for a base, followed by hay for bedding. Pellets are added in one end for them.
2 - A pile of stir sticks for stacking and knocking down.
3 - A water crock.
4 - Several cat balls (plastic with bells, no catnip)
5 - A cardboard box for digging with a phone book.
6 - Some baby toys.
7 - Large bottle caps.
8 - One of those chew tunnels.
9 - An igloo for hiding.

In the cage I currently plan to add;
1 - Another litter box on the future second floor.
2 - Possibly a seagrass cave on the future second floor.
3 - A sea grass mat or two
4 - A stuffed rabbit
5 - Wicker balls
6 - Wicker basket (Any idea on what I should put into this one?
7 - Wood chews.
8 - A salt lick

Do you all think right now that they have enough enrichment for in my office, and do you think that the above will be sufficient? Also, do you think I am forgetting anything off of the list? I also plan on buying them one of those 'bunny IQ Toys' for use.

I also am planning on running a radio, or music play list when I'm not home, in order to get them used to noise. In my office there always is music or other sound going as well.

More to follow on this topic as I need to finish up work and go home....

You sound like a pretty awesome bunny owner to me! It's never too early to start socializing. Q-tip got handled from the moment I got her at 4 weeks. A good way to get them used to people is introduce them to anyone who comes over. Q-tip gets to meet all of the company that comes over, (which to her means more people to pet her and give her treats). You sound like you're bonding with them quite well. We like to bond over food...put a few oats in your hand and let them eat, or play find-the-treat with them. I like to stick a pepita or something in a toilet paper tube and let Q-tip go search for it. When she finds it (or gives up), she'll come to me for another one.

Good luck on the's a constant battle. Even when you get the place cord-free, they still find stuff to eat. Currently, it's the side of the desk. Also a favorite is the knob on the dresser drawers. Just figure out what's worth proofing.
Sounds good :) With a balanced diet of hay, pellets and salads rabbits don't need a salt lick though :D
Wow that was a read and a half! lol you are a vary caring owner dont be hard on yourself. there are many times when I ask myself if I am looking after Rocky as well as I could.

With spaying, are they both female? sorry if you said this there was a lot of reading so i may have forgotten some minor details. Only reason I ask is that they are able to breed at 4 months sometimes earlier if they want to.

If you have to replace their water so often, do you use a bowl or bottle? bottles are a lot easier to use and dont require refilling as often if that helps.

with bonding, if they are flopping down next to you for a nap they are very happy and relaxed with you which is great :)

I am pretty sure you have EVERYTHING a bunny could ever want or need. Just rotate things every so often so they dont get bored, but with all the stuff they have i am pretty sure they wont.

With bonding, just spend as much time as you can with them. Slowly build trust by patting and playing and such.

One thing I did with Rocky was pick him up very low to the ground and just 'redirect' him ever so often so he got used to me putting my hands under him then slowly he let me pick him up. He still doesnt really like it all that much but he tolerates it in short bursts so sometimes it just depends on the bunny.

Sounds like you have everything and you are a great bunny owner :)
Can I come be your bunny? :)

Sounds like you are doing a great job to me. I have a 6 month mini rex and he is just so full of energy! I imagine your babies are similar. I would continue to pick them up every day and don't get distressed over the squirming. I think it is just "I'm so full of energy it's hard to sit still when you hold me" sort of thing. If they are flopping and grooming, they love you.

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