So Angry

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Update! My sis just got the ok by her doc to go out a little bit at a time. She can't be in the cold or extreme heat for too long. She also has to avoid places like malls until her immune system goes up. But she's excited to leave the house for a little while!

EDIT: I forgot to add, she can see now as well. Her eye was swollen shut before. However, they removed glass from her eye! Yes, IN her eye! They said there may be some more in there, but it's going to have to work it's way out. She's SO very lucky she's not blind!
Thanks for asking Starina! She's doing great!Her cheekbone actually matches her good one now! Her skin is still red,but it's getting better everyday.

She has another checkup on Monday w/ the Dermatologist and the Optomistrist (to see if there is any more glass in her eye).

And now of course, it's my turn for the hospital! Joy of joys! I'vebeen having some *cough* reproductive issues that have been plaguing mefor5 years now and all the docs have said is "well it couldbe this," and not actually finding out. I'm sick of the guessing games,and now that I'm married and want kids in the future, I would like toknow what's going on with my body. So my new doc is going to dolaparoscopy and a hysteroscopy on Monday (I won't go into the details,but it's going to suck). It's a one day/outpatient surgery but it'sgoing to be painful and I'll definitely be out of work for a few days,if not a week. My husband is going to take off work all the days I needhelp, but my sis also afford to come on by and take care of me. Howsweet of her.

I'm very nervous and frightened of (1) going under generalanethesia...although it would be better than a local for that kind ofprocedure (2) the pain afterwards, although I'll probably be onVicadin, so if I'm loopy on here for a while next week,you'll know why!;)
When I found out that I was going to have to getsurgery I was scared of going under anesthesia and not waking up. Ihave been completely knocked out 3 times now. This last time they putme under a local and I was kinda awake for the screw removal. It wasmuch better, since I tend to vomit from the general anesthsia. Just becareful and bring a barf bag for the car ride home, just incase.:vomit: Noone told me that sometimes you can get sick from it, soI am telling you.

Good Luck, for you and your sister.

Well I'm back. Can't be up for a long timethough. So I had my surgery on Monday. It went well. The recovery istaking longer than anticipated, but hey, I can almost sit uprighttoday! Woohoo!I had alaparoscopy and ahysteroscopyin the same day.Funtimes.;)I have 2 small incisions : 1 at my bellybutton (right under) and one a little lower on my abs. The weren'tstitched by skin glued and has a skin glue patch over both. Let's justsay , even though the incisions weren't big, it is EXTREMEMELY painful!I am still on Motrin for cramping but was on both Motrin and Vicodinfor most of the week. But things are starting to heal better now. I canwalk more now and take a shower by myself, so that's really good.

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