Snuggle Buns!

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doodle wrote:
Aww! There's my Rexamino girl!

I love this picture. You can't tell where Muff ends and Tumble begins!


Jordiwes, is that a tongue showing on the right?! IT'S SO CUTE!! :tongue I want to take tongue/yawn pictures so, so bad but my babies won't let me.

I love visiting this thread. It always makes my day. :agree


:happybunnybuttIt's been said over and over but I have to say it again, these emoticons rock.
Thanks Jan. Yep, I was worried when Ruby started bullying her again but they are back to being best buds. I snapped that last pic by sneaking the camera round the door, they looked so cute I had to get a pic!Pernod and Perry look so cute flopped out together, bless them!:bunnyheart
doodle wrote:
Awww, ok, I'll take the babies too. :D They're beauuutiful!
:run:Not if I get them first!They're so sweet. I want, I want, I want!:tantrum:
Fey and Sprite are being snuggly again! Here's a grooming session from start to finish:


Bare-bellied Sprite flopping and grooming.


Fey comes over and says hello.



Grooming the bare belly.


And butt-obsessed Sprite returns the favor.:rollseyes: cute! how could i have missed this thread?.. all the snuggle buns are adorable! i only have one bunny right now, but we mightget another! peapoo likes snuggling with us though
here are mytwo little snugglebunnies,sisters chocolate bunny and marley when they were babies,theyare just one year old now:shock:


Oh Cheryl, they are so adorable! I love lops. This thread is too cute! :)

Here are Olivia and Owen snuggling in their litterbox and lounging together after an afternoon of binkying and zooming around.




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