siamese sables

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okay his father is a smoked pearl

the smoked pearls parents are Broken Frosted pearl(buck)

black doe

the broken Frosted pearls parents are Broken tortise shell buck and Fawn doe

the black does parents are black buck

black doe

Harleys mother is a Broken Agouti, her parents areblack buck, and orange doe

the blacks bucks parents are broken tort buck and a black doe

the orange does parents are orange buck and broken chinchilla doe

I hope thats not to confusing!!

would someone be able to explain in detailhis color, I dont care of it doesnt make sense to me, I will just copyand paste it to her , maybe it will help her in futurecolors!!

Thanks a bunch guys!!

The "ruby glow" is normal for shaded rabbits.

The breeder certainly does have a kaliedoscope of varieties -- there'sprobably close to 30 different color possibilities that Harley'sparents could produce. It's recommeded that agouti andshadeds not be bred together because of the chance of unrecognizedcolors such as sable chin andsmoke pearl chin. Bluepoints are also not accepted (dilute sable points) -- but dilutesiamese sables are accepted (smoke pearl).

Seals are very, very dark and it can be difficult to discern them from black.

holy!! so shes in universityand shes breeding rabbits as part of her training , Im not sure exactlywhy, but do you think breeding these 2 different types of colors couldbe part of the training? I guess she would be the one toexplain that,,LOL

Pam , do you mind if I copy your post and send it to her, Im interested to see what she says!
I don't mind, she can also feel free to email me personally at [email protected]

It would be interesting to learn about her field of study and to haveher post her findings. Hard to guess exactly what she isusing the rabbits for, as there are so many options. Maybecolor genetics? My daughter did a presentation on the MaxFactor gene, using data from her breedings. The rabbits maybe for AI (artificial insemination) studies or perhaps for studyinginherited traits.

Pam is right about those colors i have beenraising that color{Siamese sable}for many years and the babycoats change dramatically, many people dont recognise it.The shade canvary from dark to light.bluebird
Pam, I emailed her and gave her your email addy:)

Thanks so much for explaining all of that guys!!

Now can someone tell me exactly what color he is,,LOL, I mean what colors make up the siamese sable
There are a number of genes that produce thevarious colors of rabbits. Your siamese sable is "made up" ofthe following genes (1 from each parent in each series):

The recessive self "aa" in the A series. The smoke pearldaddy is also "aa", the other "a" was inherited from the "Aa" dam (whogot her "a" from her black "aa" sire).

Your rabbit is not a chocolate, although could carry chocolaterecessively "b"-- so for certain a dominant "B" in the Bseries. We would use a dash _ to show that the other B isunknown: B_

In the c series, you rabbit probably inherited "cchl" shaded from thesmoke pearl (or a lower C series gene). We do not know the Cseries gene inherited from the dam, except that it is not"C". Could be cchd (chin) -- the homozygous combination ofcchd and cchl can produce a very dark siamese sable (aka selfchin). Or your rabbit could be homozygous cchl cchl, whichresults in a darker shaded simaese sable. Combinations ofcchl and ch (himi) or c (rew) result in the more desired medium shadedsiamese sable that also have a more distinct glow to the eye.

On to the "D" dilute series! Your rabbit had to haveinherited the recessive dilute (blue) gene from the smoke pearlsire. Your rabbit is not a dilute, so inherited dominant Dfrom mom. Harvey's genotype in the D series is Dd.

Now for E. Siamese Sable is dominant "E". It'spossible your rabbit also carries the non extension gene "e" since bothparents carry "e". We don't know for certain, so we have towrite the genotype as E_.

Put all that together and you havea genotype ofaa B_ cchl_ DdE_ (not positive about the c series though, becauseit's possible your rabbit is a self chin, which looks like a darksiamese sable -- in that case, it would be cchd in combination withcchl, ch or c.

I listed the primary coat color genes, but there are a number of other genes that control color pattern.

See? Simple as ABC! LOL

holy,,lol, thats alot to take in!!

I found a good rabbit color genetics site so Im going to lookeverything up and see if I can figure it out, alot of people tell methat genetics are really simple once you get the hang of it!!

pamnock wrote:
There are a number of genes that produce the various colorsof rabbits. Your siamese sable is "made up" of the followinggenes (1 from each parent in each series):

The recessive self "aa" in the A series. The smoke pearldaddy is also "aa", the other "a" was inherited from the "Aa" dam (whogot her "a" from her black "aa" sire).

Your rabbit is not a chocolate, although could carry chocolaterecessively "b"-- so for certain a dominant "B" in the Bseries. We would use a dash _ to show that the other B isunknown: B_

In the c series, you rabbit probably inherited "cchl" shaded from thesmoke pearl (or a lower C series gene). We do not know the Cseries gene inherited from the dam, except that it is not"C". Could be cchd (chin) -- the homozygous combination ofcchd and cchl can produce a very dark siamese sable (aka selfchin). Or your rabbit could be homozygous cchl cchl, whichresults in a darker shaded simaese sable. Combinations ofcchl and ch (himi) or c (rew) result in the more desired medium shadedsiamese sable that also have a more distinct glow to the eye.

On to the "D" dilute series! Your rabbit had to haveinherited the recessive dilute (blue) gene from the smoke pearlsire. Your rabbit is not a dilute, so inherited dominant Dfrom mom. Harvey's genotype in the D series is Dd.

Now for E. Siamese Sable is dominant "E". It'spossible your rabbit also carries the non extension gene "e" since bothparents carry "e". We don't know for certain, so we have towrite the genotype as E_.

Put all that together and you havea genotype ofaa B_ cchl_ DdE_ (not positive about the c series though, becauseit's possible your rabbit is a self chin, which looks like a darksiamese sable -- in that case, it would be cchd in combination withcchl, ch or c.

I listed the primary coat color genes, but there are a number of other genes that control color pattern.

See? Simple as ABC! LOL

Yep,that's justwhat I was gonnasay!


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