Shy, aggressive rabbits

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I know they're not going to have babies becauseTwix is fixed. Thanks for all the great advice. I'm sure it's going totake a while, Twix is more affectionate, he's slept with me once, andhe even cuddled with my fat tabby cat one night. It was sweetto see them together.I'm sure Twix and I will bondfaster than Ella, Ella has a thing for our kitten. I can deal withmonths of work. I like having a goal. Tomorrow I'm going to takepictures of them to post on here :D

Twix is a French Lop and Ella is English(not lop) I think, maybe mixes,but I looked it up and thats what I think they're closes too.
Wonderful! I'm glad she's not pregnant. :)

Pamnock will be able to tell you what your babies are as she's an ARBA Judge and knows her rabbits.

I'm sure I can speak for most, if not all of us, that we look forward to seeing these little one's who's lives you've saved.

If Ella were ever to warm up to anyone after what she's been through, it'll definitely be You.


I'd take some rightnow but it's toodark in the room. I have one really bad picture of them on my othercomputer. I'll defintaly ask her what she thinks. Ihope she'll warm up to me atleast :D
I'm glad that you are willing to keep trying withyour buns, and I can't wait to see pics! Does your lop have the reallylong ears??? I wanted to get an English lop but I ended up with aFlemish Giant and a Holland Lop instead. LOL! Good luck and keep usposted on the progress. Another idea might me to always offer her atreat whenever you stick your hand in the cage, then she might start toattribute your hand to the treat and be less agressive. Just an idea,you probably already tried it.

Fergi's mom
I havent tried the treat thing, though when i fedthem earlier, she attacked me. Obviously she has never heardthe saying " Don't bite the hand that feeds you" but Twix let me rubhis head.

Twix has semi-long ears. Not super long.They're both medium sized rabbits. :)

I do love them...if you see Twix you just can't resist him, and Ella's dedication to Twix is truely love :D

I found that getting them used to your smell and your voice is key.

When her eyes start to relax as she gets to know you, offer her a treat, but don't try to pet her. Give it a time or two.

Slow and steady wins the race.


Bub's mom, Tank, was a neglected breeder doe. Ittook 2 months for her to settle down and stop running and/or attackingme, and she was a monster--bit hard!!!!!

After shefigured out the food thing (I have them all trainedto a whistle when food comes), she started getting friendly. She endedup climbing all over me when I opened the door. I would stagger alittle under her weight (and that was just the front half!)--she was abig bunny!

She never did like being picked up--bad associations and the cage door was too small for comfort.

Her son has NOOO problems with shyness.


P.S. that's him in the avatar
thanks!!! :D

I love my boy and he's still adorable...but he's twice that size now, about 8 lbs. or so. Four months old!

Girls take longer, I'd say. I'm glad things are settling down.

I am glad they seem better. I am sure they will come around.
My bunny got so calm lately, he falls down to sleep on his side anddoes not care if I take pics of him or do stuff around. At first whenwe got him he was so tense, he would sit in a ball and don't move.
I found two pictures I took the other day, and took one of Twix today, but the lighting in the room is horrid.

btw: the cage is small because its an old cage that we put them in while we were cleaning out their big cage.



Twixis a cutie :D


ella and her massive ears :D


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