Should I let my dog and bun meet?

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Sep 5, 2022
Reaction score
San Bernardino
Hello, my dog has been coming into my room alot and going next to Thumpers’ pen and crying, wagging his tail trying to get to him. Thumper sometimes ignores it, but then sometimes he acknowledges him too by going near the pen entrance where my dog (Canelo) is at and sniffes him through the pen openings and sometimes licks him, or lays in front of him. Im not sure if I should let them meet. I’m just scared my dog is going to do something bad to him because he does not know how to play well with others, but I’m not sure.
It seems to me after I took Canelo of my room and Thumper out of his pen, that Thumper was looking around for my dog Canelo. He was sniffing everything around my room, but I’m not too certain if that’s what he was trying to do or just being curious.
The introduction needs to be done in the correct manner, and also always closely supervised. A dog crying and wagging his tail to 'get' to your rabbit, is not a good sign or something that should ever be allowed, as this can lead to disaster and your rabbit being harmed(or killed). A dog needs to be completely calm and behaved, and trained to listen to you. A dog with a high prey drive, may never get to a point where it would be safe for it to interact with a rabbit.
Oh, I figured the whining and wagging was a bad sign. My mom never trained my dog properly to behave much, so it’s best they don’t meet to avoid any disasters. Thanks for the input though.