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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
, Louisiana, USA

OK, that's my bun. Not much time, I'm late for work...

But i wanted to start this so that I could go shopping after I get off work.
(Tip your servers!!!!!! They may have bunnies to feed!)

So, someone help me out here.

Not getting a cage just yet, because my friend may give me his.

I need to know things like beddings, foods (some people have given me some good hints for this one, but...yeah), etc.

I use recycled paper bedding for my rats with great success, but not sure if it's suitable for a bunny.

Also, what chew toys are appropriate and inappropriate. He keeps chewing on my necklace, so I put a mineral block in his pen but I don't think he's touched it (not sure, it's a handmedown, lol)

So yeah, shopping list would be awesome

thank yall so much!!!
The recycled paper bedding you are talking about-is that Yesterday's News or something similar? Because that is just fine for rabbits too. If he is on a good quality pellet feed he won't need a mineral or salt block, the feed has all that in it. Have you gotten him hay yet? You can get hay at a pet store, but I find it much more cost efficient to buy bales from a local farmer.

Some things that are good to keep on hand in case of problems are: canned pumpkin, not the pie filling but the plain pumpkin. Also Pedialyte, it can be flavored or not. Neosporin, without the pain relief. I know there are toher things, but that's all that's coming to mind at the moment, LOL.
-Cat nail clippers and styptic powder

-Flea comb or Furminator (for shedding)

-Litter pan (I prefer the corner ones)

-Ceramic crocks for food and water that he can't tip over

-Hay rack

-Wooden chew toys
I think its kinda been covered, but I'll to it anyway!

Litter tray, he's quite small so you might need something low for him, I have corner ones which are nice and low.

Hay, timothy hay, and alfalfa hay cubes for 'treats' - with a hay rack

Chew wise, most wooden rabbit toys at the pet shop are OK, just nothing material incase he chews it.

Other good toys are boxes and thing to hide in/climb on. Toilet roll tubes or small cardboard boxes.

Food wise, your in the US so I don't know what the main brands are, but something pelleted rather than colourful stuff. I think you have Excel in the US?

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Krickette wrote:
Also, what chew toys are appropriate and inappropriate. He keeps chewing on my necklace, so I put a mineral block in his pen but I don't think he's touched it (not sure, it's a handmedown, lol)

My bunnies never like stuff that I buy at the store intended for chewing. There are two things that I've found so far that my bunnies like as chew toys
  • Pine cones - I go for a walk and find a tree to twist them off of. Then bake them in the oven for 10 - 15 min at 200 degrees (I hope I'm remembering the tempterature correctly, there was a prior post on the forum discussing baking pine cones to kill germs)
  • Ok, this next one was found by accident. I was at the toy store looking for Jenga, but they only had some cheap imitation Jenga called "Jumbling Tower." The Jumbling Tower used untreated, unsanded wood so it was really hard to play the game because the blocks were so rough! Anyhow, because the wood was untreated, and the game was so bad, I gave one of my bunnies a block to chew on and he LOVES them. The real Jenga has treated wood that smells like glue so I wouldn't give those to a bunny.
Just wanted to add to my previous post, that any untreated wood makes a good chew. I got some at the local hardware store, but it wasn't shaped to my bunny's liking because they were long thin pieces that went snug against the carpet, so I guess they were too low to the ground for his liking. He'd chew them if I held them in front of his face but as soon as I dropped them he'd get frustrated and lose interest. So something in block form may be better.

But yeah, don't go out and buy Jumbling Tower...that thing is too expensive to use as a chew toy and I'm not sure if the product is still being made as untreated wood. I just use it cause I happened to waste my money on it in the first place and am trying to get good use out of it now :p
copyed and pasted from my post in your intro thread-

cage:NIC cages are great, you can make it a big or tall as you want and they're cheaper than a huge store bought cage. here's the tutorial from the library.

litter box:i use a ferret corner box with clips, that way bunny can't knock it around the cage.

litter:i use yesterday's news. it has great odor conrol, it is a bit pricey. the cheapest place to get it that i've found is the hug 20 pound bag at Petco. it's in the cat litter section.

Food: i use Nutriphase rabbit food. it's the cheapest and has the best quility of what we have around here. a five pound bag is $4 and lasts around 3-4 weeks.

Hay:I've used they Kaytee hays(alflafa and then timothy)and haven't had any problems.

toys:Jamie's fave toy is a strip(4in by 3 feet)of extra fleece. and a old fleece blanket. he jut loves fleece. all buns are differant, but fleece is cheaper than a lot of*pet)store bought toys. he also has a suffed banana anda carrot rattle from the pt store. he loves paper bags, too. and card boad boxes.

every body else has covered most of the rest of it;)

good luck. oh, and where is the teeny bun staying if you haven't got a cage yet?
My bunnies like some store toys but theu also like plauing in brown paper bags, chewing pine cones and the inside card board from a roll of paper towels.
I may have missed it, but my bunnies also like baskets (untreated/painted willow). These are usually easy to find and cheap. There is a thread somewhere on toys for your rabbit and many come from the dollar store. Willow wreaths and balls are good too. My rabbits are both different in what they like but they both love baby key rings. They throw them around (usually in the middle of the night-they are right next to my bed:p).

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